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LAEV Agreements

Los Angeles Eco-Village Policies and Agreements as of July 2007 DRAFT

Note: LAEV policies/agreements approved by community consensus are listed below. These remain in effect and applicable to all residents unless/until the community revisits and approves modifications to them. Even though new members have not been part of approving these, they do apply to all new members. From time to time, we, as a group may re-visit and modify these policies, but new members should be aware of these policies and should adhere to them. Prior to becoming a member, candidates should familiarize themselves with these policies, and perhaps discuss them with their liaison and/or other community members.
Note that there are also processes that were written by our founder Lois, but have not yet been approved by the community. There are also precedents of things that we generally do – kind of an unwritten culture - that have not been formally approved.

Mission And Vision

LA Eco-Village Values – 7 core values that underlie all that we do.
Vision Building Blocks – Vision statements reflecting what intend to do here.

Meetings and Consensus

Decision-Making Agreements – establishes quorum, advance notice, and recording process.
Agenda Planning Process – outlines how we plan for and facilitate community meetings
Curbing Disruptive Behavior – allows temporary removal of disruptive folks from meetings


Pet Policy (with Feeding Cats and Stray Cats) – establishes limitations on cats and dogs

Housing and housekeeping

Resident Guidelines – requirements for Residents’ Group
Move Request Policy – outlines how we decide on who gets what room
Short Stay Policy – process for approving visits for 2 weeks to a few months
Moving Out – says you have to clear your stuff out when you move out
Rent Increase – agreement about a specific rent increase in 2004
Harvesting Policy – establishes that folks who grow veggies havest them
Job Contracting Process – gives qualified residents first opportunity for rehab work.

Membership and Participation

Participation Matrix – lists opportunities for volunteering for LAEV
Supah Suppah Club – establishes revolving dinner hosting
Work Parties Every Month – establishes last Saturday each month work parties
Participation and Exit Policy Draft – Draft – establishes participation requirement
Member Accountability Policy – establishes exit policy for not complying with agreements
Conflict Prevention And Resolution – establishes how we resolve conflicts
Bienvenidos Committee – establishes committee to welcome new members
Membership Process - framework for membership process - not in effect yet
Community Greenlight – process to transition between an “interested” person and a “candidate”.

Prospective Owners Group (POG)

Transition of Ownership MOU - terms of transitioning the building from CRSP to residents
Prospective Owners Agreement – terms agreed to by prospective owners