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Harvesting Policy

Approved by consensus at Garden Committee: 7 September 2004
Approved by consensus at Community Meeting: 8 September 2004
with perennials to be addressed at a later date.


1. Goals of this policy are:
1.1 Honor and encourage efforts of gardeners.
1.2 Make our land productive.
1.3 Encourage people to eat from the gardens.
1.4 Facilitate seed saving and other sustainable harvesting practices.
1.5 Provide appropriate wildlife habitat.
1.6 Enrich the quality of life at Eco-Village including minimizing
conflicts among residents.


2. Those who plant and care for vegetables and other annuals at the
Eco-Village are the decision-makers as to whom and how the produce will be

3. Signs will be posted stating: Please ask for permission before
harvesting vegetables or other annuals. Contact the gardener or the garden

4. Gardeners are encouraged to share, though arrangements must be made
ahead of time.