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Short Stay Policy

NOTE: The short stay policy has been superseded by the Visitor Committee and the information on this page may be out of date.

Important Considerations for a Short Stay Policy include:

We have a security interest in being able to distinguish between who is expected to be in the building and who is not.

Short stay income is added to the monthly amount allocated for apartment repairs and maintenance so as renters we collectively have an interest in getting income from short stays.
Renters have an interest in getting income from subletting their own unit.

Fairness in access to hosting house guests.
Fairness in paying the short stay unit charges, and the additional person rental charges.
Fairness in access to be considered for residency.

Use of the Community Room for short stays limits community access. Groups of people even when they don’t sleep in the Community Room impact the use of common spaces.
Anyone who stays in an apartment for more than a few days or frequently visits has a social impact on the community.

Decisions made in 2002 or earlier

Consensed at COMMUNITY MEETING on 6/26/06:

As long as other interests can be met, we permit short stays to accommodate
visitors and to provide additional income. The Community is informed about
short stays through e-mail, on the white board, short stay calendar and/or
by announcement at the Building Community Meeting. Space will be booked on
a first come first served basis. Preference will be given to accommodating
ecovillagers’ guests.

Consensed at 2010-11-29 Meeting:

In the interest of fairness a short stay is generally not a short cut or track toward membership. A short stay of longer than 2 weeks will not be granted to a greenlighted candidate. A person on an approved short stay may not enter the process or be greenlighted while in residence. An exception will be made for families.

Related: Membership Process for Families

Consensed at 2012-11-05 Meeting:
Require first and last months’ rent for extended short stays and subletters who will stay more than 2 months, with the option for members to request a waiver if they will ensure rent will be paid for their subletters.