Building Community Meeting 12-5-5
Present: Joe (facilitator), Randy, Homeyra, Esfandiar, Uli, Irma, Ann, Dale, Angel, Julio Sr., Somer, Aurisha, Jill, Andrea, Lara, Brad, Julio Jr., Thiago (notes), Tina, Yuki, (Cameo by Dore Burry)
Proposal presented in writing to everyone in mtg. Censor was changed to “curbing” because of strong negative connotations in censoring.
Replace “profanity” with name-calling
remove 1st reference to “asked to leave”, since it is already mentioned
Consensus on 3/4 majority needed to remove disruptive person
Policy is accepted. Policy below
Curbing Disruptive Behavior at Meetings
The goal of this proposal is to help us have constructive meetings and to avoid emotionally stressful ones, which is in line with our values.
- Build a dynamic community through diversity & cooperation.
- Create balanced opportunities for individual participation & collective stewardship.
The facilitator will have the following as a tool to be used to bring a meeting back to order.
When the facilitator observes someone’s behavior disrupting the meeting, the facilitator will direct the person to stop the behavior.
If the person persists in what they were doing, the facilitator will stop the meeting and ask the community for confirmation that the behavior is objectionable. Based on the sense of the group that the behavior warrants removal, the facilitator will ask the person to leave.
If the person has been asked to leave a meeting before, the person will not be able to attend the next meeting.
Hopefully this reflective time out will never be used, but will help keep our meetings on a civil level. We need to provide an emotionally secure meeting place to talk without getting attacked. The general rules of conduct in a meeting should be read before the start of every meeting.
Proposed by Dale
Monday, November 28, 2005