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Resident Guidelines

14 March 2005 7:30pm
Attending: Dale (facilitator), Joe (note-taker), Angel, Lara, Andrea, Ray, Uli, Ann Finkelstein, Camille, Khara

Consensus to approve the following responsibilities of members of the newly forming “Residents Group”:

2.1 Sign a document stating that they have read and agree to abide by Resident Group bylaws and current policies.
2.2 Live in a Los Angeles Eco-Village building for at least 6 months (and continue to live in an LAEV building at the present time).
2.3 Pay dues $25/year (non-refundable).
2.4 Prior to becoming member, attend training on consensus decision-making, to be offered monthly.
2.5 In the case of a conflict, attending conflict resolution, with mediation, if requested by one other member.
2.6 Do two of the following three items:
2.6.1 Attend at least 1 regularly scheduled Residents Group meeting per month.
2.6.2 Attend at least 1 community dinner per month.
2.6.3 Volunteer on LAEV stuff at least 4 hours per month