Membership Process Framework
LAEV Membership Process Framework
Approved at LAEV meeting on 2/26/07
Present: Dave (facilitation), Lara, Ann, Aurisha, Randy, Somer, Julio, Dale, Joe, Lois, Angel, Michelle, Federico, Yuki (notes)
Goals of the LAEV membership process:
- Develop relationships between applicant and the community.
- Broaden the points of contact for applicants
- Advance the mission of LAEV, including balancing the diversity of our community.
- Have a smooth, clear and transparent process for both applicant and community.
Summary of the LAEV Membership Process
The membership process at the Los Angeles Eco-Village is divided into three stages. The passage between stages is marked by an Event. The steps within every stage can be fulfilled in any order. During the first stage the person interested in joining gets acquainted with the LA Eco-Village, its members and surroundings: the emphasis is on her/his effort. During the second stage the person is accepted as a candidate and is encouraged to attend Eco-Village events. The Eco-Village then makes an effort to provide and host opportunities for learning and participating. During the last stage the effort is on both sides. The candidate becomes a Provisional Member (which means she/he is not granted blocking power in our consensus process). Upon the community’s decision to remove the provisional status, the member is granted full membership status.
- Tour (check here for information on Tours)
- Get familiar with community & LAEV
- Websites:
- - Managed by several members of the community
- - Managed by CRSP
- Personal conversations
- Interested folks can attend a couple of meetings and potlucks, but should let us know in advance that they’re coming.
- Websites:
- Read the LAEV membership process (This page. Available by hard copy, e-mail, or on website)
- Read Rental Agreement and Addendum (available in hard copy or e-mail. RentalAgreement and Rental Agreement Addendum)
- Fill out our Questionnaire (which will include the check off list of requirements for “Interested” people)
Event: Membership Committee assigns a liaison upon the person announcing interest at a meeting.
- Fill out credit application and pay application fee
- Run credit check
- Submit a completed income verification form along with its required supporting documents
- Interested person announces their interest in candidacy at a community meeting
- Attend orientation (includes intro to consensus and respectful
communications, etc.)
Event: Upon checking all items above. Get Community Greenlight at a community meeting. Note that the total number of candidates greenlighted is limited per the Community Candidate Capacity Policy
This status should last at least 2 months, meaning the earliest the decision can happen is in 2 months upon announcement of candidacy. LAEV will aim to make a decision around the 4 month mark. However, if the candidate does not fulfill the requirements to make a decision within 6 months after becoming a candidate, the candidate loses their status and will have to restart the process.
- Get to know community and allow community to get to know candidate
- Candidates are expected to participate enough to get to know LAEVers and for LAEVers to get to know them. Opportunities for this includes attending potlucks, volunteering, and attending meetings, which is expected from candidates. Membership candidates are expected to meet participation requirements. Just meeting minimum participation requirements will likely not be sufficient to get to know the community and for the community to get to know
Event: Discussion at community meeting with candidate (present questionnaire,
comments on values, concerns, etc)
- Candidates are expected to participate enough to get to know LAEVers and for LAEVers to get to know them. Opportunities for this includes attending potlucks, volunteering, and attending meetings, which is expected from candidates. Membership candidates are expected to meet participation requirements. Just meeting minimum participation requirements will likely not be sufficient to get to know the community and for the community to get to know
- Get familiar with policies (via Agreements and Policies wiki page and conversations with current members)
Event: Pre-decision meeting (without candidate)- Did everyone get to know the candidate?
- If ready, schedule date for decision
Event: Decision at community meeting to either approve or decline membership (liaison’s job is done)
This status lasts 6 months, during which the member has all but blocking privileges.
- Arrange for housing of member
Event: 3 month dialogue (to see how things are going with participation, housing arrangements, concerns, etc)
Event at 6 months to decide one of the following options: -See Community Approval of Full Membership for more details including facilitation guidelines.- Remove provisional status – if the fit seems good.
- Extend provisional status – if the provisional member has not met expectations (participation, etc.), but has the potential to remedy the situation.
- Decline membership – if there is a clear mismatch with the community (i.e. repeated violation of agreements such as non-payment of rent, disrespectful behavior, etc). If we implemented the process correctly, this should rarely, if ever, happen.