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Member Accountability Policy

Member Accountability Policy

Proposal from the CRSG, consensed at a Community Meeting on 9/25/06

Preface: Decisions made by consensus at a community meeting are community agreements (also known as rules or policies). Community agreements are subject to review, revision, and amendment through the ‘proposal and consensus decision making process’. Joining the LAEV intentional community is a voluntary action. In doing so the new member voluntarily commits to complying with all existing and future agreements. Upholding agreements has a beneficial effect on communities. Likewise, when members do not keep agreements and the community does not respond, this inaction undermines the morale and health of the community. We expect members to keep community agreements and we want the community to support its members in doing so.

Goal: Establish steps that will help us hold each other accountable and minimize the negative effects on the community of not keeping agreements.

1. The basis for a violation of a policy must be clearly delineated in that policy. Committees, staff and other designated people responsible for a policy will have the right and responsibility to present grounds for considering a member of the community to be in violation of a policy.

2. In addition, any member who feels a pattern of policy violations by another merits review by the community can request it. If an agenda planning team agrees that bringing it to the community is the most appropriate next step, the item will be put on the agenda. If the community agrees that it wants to review the policy violation issue, the discussion will be scheduled for a future meeting.

3. The community will consider the grounds presented at the scheduled community meeting and will make a determination as to whether there was a policy violation.

4. If the community agrees a member has violated a policy by consensus (excluding the member in question), the member will be given an opportunity to explain their actions, make amends and/or to state their intention of future compliance. The community will decide whether this is handled in a community meeting or delegated to another body.

5. The community can consider amends the member wishes to make. If an agreement for changes is reached, the community will schedule a review in one to three months.

6. If the member refuses to cooperate with this process or fails to follow through with agreed upon changes, the community will revoke or suspend the rights and privileges of membership. The community will make a “Declaration of Non-Membership”.

7. The suspended member may request the restoration of membership rights after 6 months.


8. When the effect of a resident’s violations of policy are considered significantly detrimental by the community by consensus of the community then the Prospective Owner’s Group* is empowered to issue a 3-day comply or quit notice, a 30-day notice of termination of tenancy or a 60-day notice of termination of tenancy.

Adopted for a six month provisional period on 9/25/2006 and to be reviewed, revised and extended.