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White House Place Learning Garden

The Beverly-Vermont Community Land Trust has entered into a Joint Use Agreement with LAUSD that will result in creating a Learning Garden similar to the Venice Learning Garden.

4/2/11. On January 20, 2011, the BVCLT signed a joint use agreement with LAUSD for five years with the possibility of two successive five year terms.

5/9/12. The infrastructure items that had to be installed by LAUSD are complete, so we expect garden activities to begin soon. LAUSD rebuilt the retaining wall along the south end of the property on Bimini, and installed utilities. BVCLT will be providing additional infrastructure, e.g., an accessible pathway. See the LAEV blog for a peak at the draft site plan:

We are selecting plants to purchase with the funds provided by the Rampart Village Neighborhood Council. You can see pictures on the pages below.
WHPLG Plant pages
WHPLG Plant pages 2
WHPLG Plant pages 3
WHPLG Plant pages 4
WHPLG Plant pages 5
WHPLG Plant pages 6