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2021-04-05 Meeting

USTU Board Meeting 2021-04-05

Facilitation Team: Yuki (fac), Jess R (tech), Nils (notes)
Interpretation: Veronica
Present: Austin, Tunde, Yuki, Nils, Natali, Veronica (Interpretation), Jess R, Philip, Jess B, Raquel, Sam, Lara, Carol, Josh, Rae, Becca, Alana, Julio 2.0, Lois, Joe & Maeve, El Jimmy, Questa, Aurisha, Brooke, Beandrea, KYLA

Board Quorum: Aurisha, Carol, Jimmy, Joe, Josh, Lara, Philip, Yuki [All 8 current board present]


0) Opening - (15 min)
0a) Welcome, language justice, meeting agreements
0b) Agenda review
1) Introductions - go around [Breakout Rooms]
2) Affirm decision on Austin’s provisional membership - Lara (5 min)
3) Management report - Jess B (15 min) - to 8:05
4) Overview of owner, board and officer responsibilities - Yuki (5 min) to 8:10
5) Update on fair housing compliance work - Lara (5 min) to 8:15
6) Owner members consideration for Board membership timeline - Natali (15 min) to 8:30
7) New Cat Companion for #114 - Sam (10 min) to 8:40
8) Closing - (10 min)
8a) Next 4s - Community (5 min) to 8:45
Facilitation: Next wk 4/12: Irma, Hartley, Joe
Committee Meetings?
Work Party?
8b) Evaluation - Community (5 min) to 8:50
9) Closed Session - Board-only: Confirm restructuring of employee pay - Jess B (10 min)
10) Time Permitting: Presentation re the LADWP grant to LAEVI/CRSP - Lois/Raquel (10 min)


  • Austin Provisional Membership Approved
  • Sam to Adopt Cackle Approved


2.) **Austin’s provisional membership-formal decision** - Lara
Lara saying we have not often had this situation, and never on zoom.
Item was expected to make a decision at the last meeting, but Agenda wasn’t sent out within the proper window (24 hours) so we need to formalize the decision now.
Yuki suggesting breakout room with members, non-members separate room hangout.
we will be right back.
CONSENSUS: Austin’s provisional membership approved
Comment: a lot of love for Austin.

3.) **Management Report** - Jess B
Real chill, brief update.
Garage’s wiring is fixed. Made as it should have been to start.
More motion sensor lights are up--if anyone has an opinion on them, they can be adjusted.
Jess B will start putting shade cloth as screens-for those who emailed previously. Or if you still want one let Jess B know. Should reduce heat in the apartment.
Last vacancy being filled in about a week - Gautam moving into 219
Have time for questions/comments:
Q: not seeing sensor lights going on?
Jess B: on lowest sensitivity, we can turn up
Q: Have we heard from Claire?
A: haven’t heard more, have let them know legally it’s only required 30 days notice but it would be nice to have more heads up
Austin: potential for shipping items if it comes to that? we have talked on zoom but not sure?
Comment: Smells from my sink, every day.
A: Noted.
Q: Can motion lights stay on for longer?
Jess b: almost certain yes, just need to be adjusted. There was concern about initial invasiveness, so have them on lowest sensitivity currently. good feedback, thanks. They can be adjusted.

4.) **April Meeting on Board is overview of Roles & Responsibilities**:
Yuki (as secretary) presenting:
Taking us a while to make the full transition to owner-membership. Might be a lifelong transition.
Co-op owns the building, we own shares. more info on limited equity housing co-ops, if you have questions can answer.
The owner member roles and responsibilities are for the legal and financial well-being of co-op. Long term welfare of co-op. May serve on board. Responsibilities for making decisions on behalf of co-op. Also have ownership and financial rights & responsibilities.
have to live here for 12 months, but actually means 18 mos altogether because
have to be accepted by board
have to be willing to sign proprietary lease
current resident
extra criteria: https://urbansoil.net/wiki.cgi?Process_to_Become_an_Owner_Member_of_USTU
Approval Process:
Acceptance as an Owner Member will be made by Consensus of the Board in accordance with the requirements for Major Decisions. A person must be a Renter Member for at least 12 months prior to becoming an Owner Member. (USTU bylaws section 4.2) I think the 12 months as a “Renter Member” refers to being a full renter member (not provisional), so that would mean having lived here for at least 18 months per our process.
Board Election Process:
Was decided per CA Civil Code Section 1363.03, secret ballot. This will come up again in a later item tonight.
Becca: We have paid in full, of the first installment. And can we update Alana’s name.
Rae: idk how to pay?
A: write a check to USTU, give to Jess B, and then let Yuki know and she will update
Lois: Have heard in the past that we want maximum owner members as possible, but there are some good reasons from other cooperatives examples to not have 100% owner-members, will bring back at another meeting the reasons for why this is.
Jess R: Question about promissory notes, can it be clarified? is now a good time? or can speak later.
A: instead of paying in full, you can sign a promissory note that is you will pay in installments. Once you pay $500 for the first portion of promissory note, you become a full owner-member, as long as you continue paying.
Tunde: wants to know how far I am in process? as returning member, does it continue? or does the counter reset?
A: my read is that it is 12 mos of being a full member, nothing specific but you are probably there.
Carol: is there a historical reason why all owner members are not automatically board members unless they decline?
A: We made process according to CA law, though law changed year after we made bylaws– it might be if someone has the capacity to revisit.
Yuki: we are at time, but if any questions feel free to email me or any board members

5.) **Fair housing compliance** - Lara report from Ad-hoc group:
We do see ways how it would be good to improve our membership process, to be more in line with fair housing law. Ad-hoc committee believes it is in our best interest to gather information we have so far, and seek legal counsel.
To that end, Leslie has sought estimates for legal services and contacted Tyler M., Christina O., and Jesse P.; the first two responded with estimates. To get consultation on options and pros/cons of changing our process.
Lois: thanks for work, suspect import that if too many members too high an income, way remedied when there are vacancies only accept an income-qualifying resident. Think it’s easy enough to research on our own, but won’t fight on spending money.
Lara, reply: you are referring to our compliance as an affordable housing provider, this is a whole different compliance with fair-housing law. I think it’s important to review BOTH of them.
Want to make sure fair access to people with disabilities, and that we are doing the best that we can.

6.) **Owner members consideration for Board membership timeline** - Natali
Natali: My initial question, some history. I became approved as owner member as Dec 11. Met with Yuki, going over spreadsheet. Looking at bylaws, interested in timeline. The only language it talks about it is annual elections, and 50 possibilities. Wondering what process is to become a Board Member, that is not the annual election. Posing a question of next steps?
Q: Appreciate interest in responsibility. Do you have a specific request?
Natali: can I ask for an election or do I have to wait until next election? which was delayed last year, so might be delayed again.
Yuki, facilitating: Hearing that maybe Option A is an election we can set up before July or Sept. or Option B wait till Annual Elections. Option C other???
Lara: we had changed our Bylaws to be in line with Davis-Sterling law, but don’t see any reason why we can’t add a board member before the annual election, either through an election process or an appointment. Also don’t think we need to wait a year. That’s all.
Philip: Saw in Natali’s background that Bylaws state we can have up to 50 board members. But also saw that the board could make a decision on the number of how many would be on board [ie, it sounds like the board could decide to limit it to less than 50]. My question is, did the board make such a decision?
Yuki: No, we can have a range of 3-50.
Joe: Fine with whatever, appointing or getting Natali on board. Question: is there something that you want to do? being on the board is extra work without benefits? why would people want to be on board earlier than they have to be? I’m fine with it, but historic procedure is wait to an election.
Curious is there something you want to do that you cannot?
Natali: yes, would have a vote in board meetings. now, vs waiting 6 months. Wanting to update other sections of Bylaws.
Comment: you’re welcome to work on bylaws now. sorry not trying to be too light, understand if you were to spend time would want to be able to vote on them. makes sense. Not trying to be flippant just trying to understand.
Carol: since they are scheduled for july would that be soon enough?
Natali: But does July mean Sept or July? [delay from last year]
Becca: When we were first forming the bylaws, I was a provisional member. So doesn’t mean you can’t work on bylaws now.
Yuki, A to previous Q: my desire is to bring elections back to July. Doesn’t say anywhere we can’t do another thing, more a capacity thing. If there’s support, maybe we can just appoint before the next election? my concern is we spend time figuring it out and then july comes anyway. if there is a way we can just make a check and then make that decision then we could do, just need a (legal) greenlight?
Josh: Doesn’t feel right that the board can appoint, seems like owner-members should appoint. I think we should follow the same procedure as any board election, whatever time it happens.
Comment, natali: prefer earlier than July, would like to vote before July. Think there should be good practice going forward, for others interested too.
Q, Philip: Not everyone who wanted to be on the board was elected. If those other people want to be considered, would we also consider them prior to the regular election?
Questa: why can’t we hold a special election for the person who’s entering?
Yuki: noting it does take time and capacity of Yuki, though doesn’t mean we shouldn’t do it.
Lois: My understanding is that anyone can input into board decisions, but the board makes the final decision.
Yuki: we have 2 mins, it would be good to get guidance on next steps? Is there some research that someone could do that it is legal? Maybe we just do a secret ballot? Just be consistent.
Joe: would like to have orderly, but worried about having every month having to vote on someone potentially. drag on process. maybe quarterly or 3 times per year?
Carol: We accept new owner members twice a year?
A: yes on calendar, but percentage is so small we have been doing as people are interested
Carol: what about simultaneously with owner-members?
Becca: I am on another board, not US/TU, right now I am on the rest of someone’s session. Then we have another election in Sept. Curious what our terms are? Are they the same for everyone? Are they rolling? Idea needs more fleshing out. just observation.
Yuki: heard that questions around is it regular thing, question about terms, might be need for separate space to get into this? Will someone lead a conversation around this? I can be on call but cannot convene
Joe: I will convene it.
Expressing interest in meeting to explore Next Steps: Lara, Yuki, Natali, Becca

7.) **New Cat Companion for 114** - Sam:
Sam: I met a new cat. We zoomed. It was fabulous. She’s currently with a nice foster family, so it’s not an emergency. But ASPCA would like to get her adopted. Her name is Cackle, 7 years old. Bringing Cackle forth per our pet policy, she will be indoor but I am trying to rig a mechanism for her to ride my bicycle with me.
Yuki, facilitating: reminder that our pet policy is we accept indoor-only cats on a case-by-case basis.
Sam: Also, important to note I will be trying to compost her poop. intensive process, but I think it can be done. but would only put on ornamental trees, not on food.
Lois: I am excited about you having a new housemate. Do I understand, have you actually not met this cat face-to-face?
Sam: on camera
Lois: not what i meant by face to face. apprehensive.
Question: composted cat poop, if you put on non-edible plants. What about rain or surface water? something you have taken into consideration?
Yuki: can we come back to composting poop? feel that is a separate agenda item to approve, and we are at time on this item.
CONSENSUS: Sam to adopt Cackle Approved

10.) **Time-Permitting: Presentation re the LADWP grant to LAEVI/CRSP** - Lois/Raquel
[ Time did not permit. ]

8a.) **Next 4s**:
Next week meeting: Irma, Hartley, Joe
mgmt tomorrow, 7pm
annual BVCLT member meeting coming up on April 17 at 5pm
Jess R: still have time to submit quilt squares, next week will do a work party outside/zoom. have only had 1 submission from male gendered EVers, come on guys!
Global EV summit Friday, it’s free. Check in or out anytime you want! Link is on LAEVI website
Raquel & Lois: would like to invite interested EVers to inquire about paid/unpaid opportunities with LADWP grant. it has OTHER IMPLICATIONS [note-taker’s note: the previous was distinctly spoken in ALL CAPS] for our neighborhood.
Suppers: No
Work Parties: Crickets

8b.) **Eval**:
We got a lot done
Thanks for stepping in to switch
Smog makes for low energy meetings
Great job facilitators
Appreciation for trading cards
people want to know who wins the cards [note-taker’s answer: Lara & Beandrea see here]
sorry no time for the time-permitting item, appreciations to Lois for flagging it as such and flexibility


9.) Confirm restructuring of employee pay - Jess B (10 min)
The board received a report on restructuring employee pay, acknowledging that this is in the jurisdiction of the management committee to provide oversight for staffing issues.

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2021-03-22 Meeting Hidden

Austin’s Provisional Membership Decision

Consensus for Austin to be Provision Member

The community came to consensus in favor of Austin’s provisional membership tonight. However, our current policy states that we make a decision only if the agenda is sent out 24 hours in advance. Because the agenda was sent out late, it did not meet that criteria and we will be ratifying the decision at the next meeting.

We thought it might be best for this ratification to happen as the first item of the next meeting, so Austin would not miss out on any provisional membership privileges at meetings. Concerns about the policy were brought up, given that Austin was not responsible for the delay of the agenda dissemination, yet suffered the consequence of his membership decision being delayed by a week.

  • Concerns and questions surrounding the 24-hour decision snafu
    • Why can’t we official-ize Austin’s membership tonight as he has done all of the things that he needs to do ahead of a technical error in his Membership decision not being put on the agenda 24-hours in advance.
    • In the previous meeting, it was announced that the decision would be made at the next meeting (that is technically notice)
    • There have been past instances where we created this policy to treat everyone the same which lead to the policy of this 24-hour agenda policy

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2021-03-22 Meeting

USTU Community Meeting 2021-03-22

Facilitation Team: Sam & Josh (fac), KYLA (notes)
Interpretation: Veronica, Julio 3.0
Present: Yuki, Tunde, Austin, Natali, Philip, Josh, Sam, KYLA, Nils, Brooke, Enrique, Jess R, Eli, Beandrea, Veronica, Julio 3.0, Lara, Rae, Lois, Raquel, Adriana, Alana, Carol, Maeve, Carrie, Joe, Gautam, Becca, Devon, Aurisha, Ellary, Michelle

  • Go Around (5 minutes)
  • Agenda Review (5 minutes)
  • Proposal for racial justice dialogue series - Alana, on behalf of the racial justice committee (10 minutes)
  • Request for $400 to purchase Zoom Webinar Add-on for USTU Meetings Zoom account Solicitud de $400 para comprar el Webinar Add-on de Zoom para la cuenta de Zoom de reuniones de US/TU - Nils (10 minutes)
  • Report back on Retreat survey results and start the process of following up on main takeaways - Beandrea (15 minutes)
  • Instructions on “How to Vote in Upcoming RVNC Election” - Lois (10 minutes)
  • Schedule Greenlight for Raquel Valencia - Lois (10 minutes)
  • Next Fours (5 minutes)
    • Next Facilitators
      • 03/29/21 - NO MEETING
      • 04/05/21 - BOARD - Dilean, Natali, Philip
  • Committee Meetings
    • MGMT 7p 3/23
  • Work Parties
    • Unload the Azure truck Weds 4:45pm
    • 4/3/21 ePrep Emergency Water Barrels Refresh
  • Super Suppahs
    • Nay
  • Announcement: CRSP has received a $50k grant to facilitate behavioral change in our council district re: water & power usage
  • Eval (5 minutes)

Austin’s Provisional Membership Decision - Lara, Liaison (15 minutes)
Make a decision

TIME PERMITTING (time did NOT permit) ————--
Update on two parking spots - Gautam (10 minutes)
Share Information
Jess B told us we have two spots left unused. I asked for feedback over email and then sent out a survey. Will show results and discuss options.
Update on speaking order - Carrie & Alana (10 minutes)
Make a decision

 adopt the self imposed speaking order on an ongoing/permanent basis

Summary of Decisions:

Consensus to pay UP TO $400 + fees for Zoom translation services/webinar upgrade
The community came to consensus in favor of Austin’s provisional membership tonight. However, our current policy states that we make a decision only if the agenda is sent out 24 hours in advance. Because the agenda was sent out late, it did not meet that criteria and we will be ratifying the decision at the next meeting.

Proposal for racial justice dialogue series - Alana, on behalf of the racial justice committee

Introduce proposal for feedback. We will return for a decision later.

  • CCEJ Proposal for Services for LAEV linked in 2021 Rolling Notes Google Doc
  • Building from the climate & racial justice trainings, and from the USTU retreat, the racial justice committee would like to propose a dialogue series to strengthen our relationships and shared language and understanding of racial justice.
  • We have been in contact with the CCEJ, who has decades of experience supporting groups to do this.
  • They have proposed a 5 session monthly dialogue series over 5 months, with 3 affinity groups each with a facilitator.
  • The total cost would be $6,480. This would use up essentially the community-directed funds budget.
  • This includes the dialogue series.
  • Would it be possible to do an introductory session before committing to the full series? We can ask.
  • Do they have experience working with intentional communities? They have not specifically done housing *communities but have worked with collectives.
  • Expected desired outcomes and how can we encourage folx to attend, especially those that may not normally attend workshops (such as the last Climate & Racial Justice workshop series)? Will advertise, can’t make it mandatory
  • Intentions for Racial Justice Committee are to create a more inclusive space and to facilitate dialogues such as these. Committee was started small to create a safe space but needs to be revisited to make the meetings more inclusive.
  • Would meet once per month. They suggested more frequently but we decided on once per month.
  • Comment on is this the best use of our money. Can we have these dialogues and conversations amongst ourselves?
  • Important for us to have these conversations by organizations that are able to create these spaces and structures to allow us to be comfortable to have these conversations
  • Committee is exploring other avenues such as fundraising and sliding-scale donations by those who have means. We don’t want to deplete the community of the community-directed funds but the RJC believes this training is very important.

Request for $400 to purchase Zoom Webinar Add-on for US/TU Meetings Zoom account / Solicitud de $400 para comprar el Webinar Add-on de Zoom para la cuenta de Zoom de reuniones de US/TU

Consensus to pay UP TO $400 + fees for translation services/webinar upgrade

We all have been borrowing Yuki’s Zoom account for USTU Meetings since we switched over to online meetings in order to pass the 40min basic account meeting time limit and use of the advanced meeting features (higher participant count/advanced sharing/drawboard/polls/breakout rooms/language interpretation/etc.) Some committees also use Yuki’s account to meet outside of standard work hours, per a sign-up calendar schedule. It’s not a long term solution or really a solution at all, more a stop-gap which we let slide. So facilitators requested and USTU purchased a Zoom PRO account to replace relying on Yuki’s. Unfortunately the PRO Zoom account does not allow for language interpretation. As we now have simultaneous language interpretation on Mondays, we need that function on the new account to continue with Monday Meetings as they are now. The easiest and quickest way to get this enabled is to purchase the Webinar Add-on from Zoom. This unfortunately costs $400 +fees per year, so asking for that to be approved by the community, either from community directed funds or to split the cost between community funds and monies we have already set aside for language justice as that is the primary reason for purchase

Todos hemos estado tomando prestada la cuenta Zoom de Yuki para las reuniones de la USTU desde que cambiamos a las reuniones en línea para superar el límite de tiempo de la reunión de 40 minutos y usar todas las funciones avanzadas de la reunión (mayor número de participantes / uso compartido avanzado / tablero / encuestas / salas de reuniones / interpretación de idiomas / etc.) Algunos comités también usan la cuenta de Yuki para reunirse fuera del horario laboral estándar, según un calendario de inscripción. No es una solución a largo plazo o realmente una solución en absoluto, más bien una solución provisional que dejamos pasar. Entonces, los facilitadores solicitaron y USTU compró una cuenta Zoom PRO para reemplazar la dependencia de Yuki. Desafortunadamente, la cuenta PRO Zoom no permite la interpretación de idiomas. Como ahora tenemos interpretación simultánea en idiomas los lunes, necesitamos esa función en la nueva cuenta para continuar con las reuniones de los lunes como están ahora. La forma más fácil y rápida, y la forma en que el comité de facilitación lo recomienda, para habilitarlo es comprar el complemento de seminario web de Zoom. Desafortunadamente, esto cuesta $400 + tarifas por año, por lo que solicitar que la comunidad lo apruebe, ya sea de fondos dirigidos por la comunidad o para dividir el costo entre los fondos comunitarios y el dinero que ya hemos reservado para la justicia del idioma, ya que esa es la razón principal para compra.


  • Devon can look into Techsoup. His organization was able to buy a Zoom account with translation
  • Note toward language justice also being folx starting to learn Spanish so the community could become more inclusive. Translation services are a stop gap. Do we know how many people are needing and using the language justice translation services?
  • We budget 3,000 per year on translation. If we approved the last item and this, we may not have the funds to have translators for the Zoom translation services.
    Someone can look into if they could find a cheaper option. Their organization pays $50 extra for translation.
  • Nils did spend 2 hours on the phone with Zoom Customer Service and they were firm on the $400.
  • Concern: please look into the Tech Soup discount first (we are, but asking for the full amount so that we don’t have to come back)
  • Concern: is this to have as a back up when we eventually move to non-Zoom meetings? Yes.
  • How do we see this as an investment in the long-term future?

Report back on Retreat survey results and start the process of following up on main takeaways - Beandrea

  • Retreat committee is helping the community follow through on some of the points of agreement gathered at the retreat

Survey results:

  • 87% of respondents gave the facilitators a rating of 3 or greater
  • 67% gave a 4 or 5
  • Need more time! Tried to cover too much ground.
  • In the future, would like to slim it down
  • Some folx thought it was too much community building, some not enough
  • Divide between community building and taking action
  • Some movement on community glue
  • Surprise on how much alignment we had
  • Gratitude for the retreat committee
  • Too many breaks?

Top Priorities Highlights (Cedar and Lucien’s Notes):

  • Grieving/Healing/Storytelling/Resonance Circle on the third Monday’s came up repeatedly. There is lots of energy behind this and positivity about implementing near term. Ideas for who could lead it included CRT, Bienvenidos, or it could be community run.
  • Sociocracy training is high up on many lists. There was a lot of discussion about whether it should be adopted and how, but training to inform those decisions came up as a near-term next step, and there was expressed willingness to shift around capacity to make space for this soon.
  • Education on racial justice with support from outside sources came up multiple times.
  • Financial Literacy training came up multiple times.

Capacity Highlights:

  • Paid In-house Roles (including temporary roles) came up multiple times as a way of increasing capacity.
  • Strategic Planning for USTU using SMART Goals came up multiple times, however capacity for this was identified as very limited. This may not be realistic in the near term.

Please think about which items you may like to work on and help to create a proposal or action around!

Instructions on "How to Vote in Upcoming RVNC Election”

SLIDE PRESENTATION - RVNC VOTE!! on the 2021 Rolling Notes Doc

  • RVNC Neighborhood Council Board member will instruct community how to vote in upcoming mail-in board election, and our slate of candidates
  • Only ballot drop off box is in Silverlake
  • You must request a ballot! (see slides) elections.rvnc.org
    • Rampart Village Region 7
  • Links for paper applications as well on slides
  • Lara has printed request forms
  • Raquel has found the easiest way is to fill out the form, take a picture of it, and send it to the City Clerk
  • Did not find the online portal to be the easiest way
  • Deadline to apply is March 30th (including the mailing-in part)
  • You will need to verify that you live in Rampart Village.
  • 3 people in this meeting on the board and running for re-election
  • Please VOTE! Every vote counts.
  • Note that there is a movement to get activists elected to Neighborhood Councils.
    • (Article posted on the 2021 Rolling Notes) about progressive groups pushing to make Neighborhood Councils forces for good
  • for RVNC you have to submit ID - proving your address
    • and they won’t take an expired drivers license (ask Joe how how he knows)
  • RVNC voting, note: undocumented people are eligible and RVNC awards neighborhood grants, generally up to $5K.

Schedule Greenlight for Raquel Valencia


  • Raquel has been in our process since last summer in the midst of Covid.
  • She has attended USTU meetings regularly, has been employed by CRSP since November helping out at Songs, and attended our retreat.
  • She has fulfilled all the requirements for greenlighting to the best of her ability under Covid circumstances.
  • Notes:
    • Raquel shows a nice slideshow highlighting her many industrious skills and projects! Includes apt-style grey water system, a PVC-bike mobile, a tiny house on wheels, welding things, going on trash walks, climate activism, assisting at Songs, Representative of the RVNC
    • Question if there is going to be an orientation anytime soon? Not that has been scheduled
    • Raquel is willing & available for an orientation when there is one available
      • Yuki can offer online

Next Fours

  • Next Facilitators
    • 03/29/21 - NO MEETING
    • 04/05/21 - BOARD - Dilean, Natali, Philip
  • Committee Meetings
    • MGMT 7p 3/23
  • Work Parties
    • Unload the Azure truck Weds 4:45pm
    • 4/3/21 ePrep Emergency Water Barrels Refresh
  • Super Suppahs
    • Nay
  • Announcement: CRSP has received a $50k grant to facilitate behavioral change in our council district re: water & power usage


  • Appreciated the line breaks
  • I think given the time for Raquel’s announcement she did a good job using the time.
  • Someone was here who was not introduced (he did the go around and has a questionnaire on the wiki)
  • Jam-packed agenda and got a lot done - thank you to facilitation team and thank you retreat committee for following up
  • Appreciate Retreat Committee and RJ Committee for follow up, facilitation team for timing, some concern for folx not listening to facilitator direction

Closed Session Hidden Notes

2021-03-22 Meeting Hidden

Comments on this page

2021-03-08 Meeting


  • Music (7:15-7:29) (yuki assign interpreters)
  • Opening (5 min) -35
  • Language Justice/Meeting Agreements/Speaking Order (Nils)
  • Agenda Overview (Nils)
  • Introductions (7 min) - breakout rooms of 3 people (Jess tech on breakouts) -42
  • BVCLT Presentation on Fair Housing considerations for Cooperatives - Leslie & Jen G (15 min) -57
  • Move request for unit 219 - Gautam (10 min open discussion) -07
  • Brownfield Remediation Proposal presentation by Danielle Stevenson, PhD? candidate at UCR Dept. of Env. Toxicology - Lois/LAEVI (15 min) -27
  • Retreat Next Steps - Beandrea for the Retreat Committee (5 min) -32
  • Provisional Membership Interview for Austin - Lara (15 min) -42
    due to work schedule, Austin requests item scheduled as close to the end of meeting as possible so easier for him to join
  • Next 4s (4 m)
    • Facilitation (No meeting next wk., 3/22: Josh, KYLA, Sam), Cmte, Suppers, Work -46
  • Evaluation (4 m) -53
  • Closed Session
    • Move request for unit 219 Decision on Gautam’s request (10 min) -65
  • Time permitting:
    • Schedule Greenlight for Raquel Valencia - Lois (10 min requested)
    • Proposed to allow security deposits that have been paid to be converted to an owner share payment. - Lara (10 minutes) / Propuesta para permitir deposito de garantia ya pagado convertirse al pago de participación del propietario – Lara (10 min)

Community Notes

Facilitation Team: Yuki (fac), Jess R. (tech/notes), Nils (tech/notes)
Interpretation: Julio 3.0, Veronica
Present: Jen G., Nils, Jessica F.R., Yuki, Philip, Alana, Rae (listening), Brooke, Lara, Julio 3.0, Irma, Joshua, Gautam, Lara, Anais, Lois, Michelle, Aurisha, Raquel, Carol, Danielle, James, Austin, Joe, KYLA,

Summary of Meeting Decisions

  • Gautam’s move request for unit 219 approved.

BVCLT Presentation on Fair Housing considerations for Cooperatives -- Leslie & Jen G

  • Presentation:
    Leslie presenting: Relaying information learned, no means an expert, please capture questions in the notes and will relay.
    Community co-ownership initiative started to help co-ops and CLTs. Fair housing with the lens of collective housing. Going to review slides not from recording that Leslie sent, but some more specific towards co-ops. Concerns regarding compliance, so Leslie wanted to bring this presentation.
    Fair housing laws are connected to Civil Rights act. Want to avoid legal penalty, but also would like to align with the spirit of the law. Review slides at your leisure, covers a lot of important ground. Will fast-forward for sake of time. Want to cover specifically: How do we membership?
    How do we message to people? How do we be intentional and not have implicit bias in our marketing?
    How to share information about our project?
    Main concern is subjectivity. How do we make things more objective and less subjective? how do we record admissions and rejections, so if we do get a complaint there is a record of that.
    Inform the applicant in a more formal way.
    A co-op appeals process is important– how does an applicant say hey i think you made a mistake?
    Turns over mic to Jen.
    Jen: hoping to have a larger conversation. Think about process when you do membership. Know that the size of co-op, just because small not exempt from fair housing laws. If you have questions that I can’t answer, can forward.
    Links from Jen G in chat; https://coophousing.org/pdf/Fair-Housing-Laws.pdf, https://coophousing.org/pdf/Fair-Housing-Laws.pdf,
    Any questions?
  • Questions/Comments/Discussion:
    Q: agree we can do better. but understand we do have an appeals process? is our current process not in compliance?
    Q: to original co-op creators, was the mem process created with an awareness of fair housing laws?
    A, Lois: we have always had fair housing in mind since beginning, and have always tried to keep diversity in mind. We’ve never had an occasion where someone wanted to appeal.
    C: In cooperatives you do have to qualify for membership, think that some of our members may have an issue with that. Ex, sometimes the service of housing is not available because we don’t have it or that sometimes people as members
    C, Philip: the way bienvenidos approaches is make list of all who are interested in membership, meet with all of them, trying to be fair to everyone who expressed interest.
    Yuki: seems like we need to have some next steps identified, have an opinion but don’t want to step out of fac role. If folks want to meet and come up with a proposal for some adjustments? Ask if that would be adequate?
    Leslie: Joint conversation with BVCLT. Need a groupd of both USTU and BVCLT, because not just ustu, but making sure new acquisitions are in compliance. Tyler is a possible consultant. Curious who, if anyone, was consulted when developing rules in the first place.
    Asking about interest in convening and developing next steps
    At time for item.
  • Proposal/Decision/Next Steps (if applicable)
    • People interested in supporting next steps: Lara, Yuki, Jess R, Brooke (in process)

Move request for unit 219 -- Gautam

  • Presentation:
    • Gautam: Not much new information. Yuki covered pretty well in setting frame for discussion. Looking to see if there are other requests? Checking again? No competing requests or questions.
  • Questions/Comments/Discussion:
    • none
  • Proposal/Decision/Next Steps (if applicable)
    • Will continue in closed session decision.

Brownfield Remediation Proposal presentation by Danielle Stevenson, PhD candidate at UCR Dept. of Env. Toxicology -- Lois to intro Danielle who will give the presentation.

  • Presentation:
    Lois: LAEVI would like to have a method for brownfield remediation, but need scientific validation. Danielle would do research.
    Danielle Presnting: Shared passion of community-accessible soil remediation can be possible. Cheaper and more ecological that actually addresses the problem, rather than just moving. Excited to receive grant to actually test remediation options with communities that are affected, on real contaminated sites. Have been working on for many years, background in soil-polution via agriculture. Slides of diff projects. Also run a mushroom business.
    Really important in CA, as not a lot of projects about actual remediation. Conventional remediation is super expensive, not recommended except in extreme cases, and usually just a cap. Bio-remediation working with plants, phyto-, bio-, myco-.
    Real need for actual case studies demonstrating how work.
    Proposal to try different interventions in different sites at Song’s and keep doing measurements. Participant involvement, community can be involved and are welcome. Have some honorariums available for materials and water. Goal to share findings so can be applied broadly, in addition to publication.
    Timeline with covid. But would like to get started before summer, to give plants chance to get established before heat. Open to questions:
  • Questions/Comments/Discussion:
    Q: how long does this take for fungi to cleanse soil, and to what depth? Can fungi spread? How will it be controlled across sites?
    A: timeline: idea that it will be about a yearlong study. Greenhouse study in tandem, Song’s about a year. There will be separate plots. Landscape liner, wood, etc. to contain distinct plots. Ethic to be mindful of invasiveness. Depth question– working with top couple feet of soil.
    Lois, C: core samples show that contamination about a foot deep
    Danielle: yes so that’s about the depth we’re working with
    Q: combination of plants and fungus? familiar with oyster mushrooms… question about how much involvement expected?
    A: could present whole bunch of options, maybe idea of next (longer) meeting, can present more in depth about options. In terms of commitment, super open. No minimum, but anyone interested we can create space for involvement/participant.
    Q: we have children, ages 5-12. Would love to facilitate more involvement, what opportunities?
    A: will have to check in around maintaining safety. Have budget for protective gear, for anyone coming to the site. But can def do some educational stuff with kids, even helping water gardens.
    Q: glad to hear grant funding for doing study, what would be a source of income for wider studies? Having these local case studies like proposing at song, hope that will help provide leverage for more funding in future.
    Yuki: at time, moving along. Checking for interest?
  • Proposal/Decision/Next Steps (if applicable)
    • Next steps: A LOT of interest in the chat for an information sharing meeting separate from the Monday Meeting. [Notetaker will try to note names at end from chat if get chance, too many scrolling now] but including: Anais, Yuki, Becca, Raquel, KYLA & Nils, Gautam, Brooke, Michelle…

Retreat Next Steps -- Beandrea for the Retreat Committee

  • Presentation:
    Beandrea couldn’t join, Jess filling in: Retreat committee met, wants to continue moving it forward. Don’t want to drop ball, want to keep the energy. Sent out survey. WOuld really like feedback to help assess, see what worked/didn’t
  • Proposal/Decision/Next Steps (if applicable)

Provisional Membership Interview for Austin - Lara

  • Presentation:
    Lara: we had unusual mem process to this point, that Austin is both a relative, then a sub-let. We’ve actually gone through a lot of questioning in prior meetings. Have had ongoing discussions about history and how structured. Also lent book on financial management to Austin, Lara think he’s ready to be a provisional member. Turn over to Austin:
  • Questions/Comments/Discussion:
    Q about new job.
    A; Food and meal at Cedars. Assists in discharge of patients.
    Q: You’ve had opportunity to know EV for years, can you tell us one of fav things? and one thing would like to help improve?
    A: I’m a sponge, and have learnt a lot--from making, building things. love that can participate in almost anything. If was a provisional member, would love to be part of welfare committee if it’s still around. Garden committee, love planting it’s like another part of my therapy. Basketball and planting my main outlets. I make time for what I need to make time for.
    C: appreciate Austin making time to help other folks
    Q: Do you have boundaries or ways you balance out not over-extending or burning out? because the needs are endless, I know that you like to give, but thoughts on boundaries or balance?
    A: haven’t developed, just know my purpose. Never bothers me, don’t get burnt out except from work. Ecovillage makes me happy, makes me happy to help out.
    Q: Happy you in process and been a great neighbor. 1 silly 1 serious: what do we need to put up the basketball court? How do you deal with conflict?
    A: Need butterfly cleats that can slide bolts into. Always dealt with conflict by being head on. Just asking for clarification. World needs more clarification and communication to understand people’s views. Feels like even though only 24 years, that I’ve lived a long time, understand different views, backgrounds, religions.
    Q: Excited you have a book in your head that you are developing, is it to early to talk about w us?
    A: it’s about the struggles of an only child of a sick mother, a father that who could help me more in my endeavors. Transition LV to mississippi. to understand why I am the way I am. A memoire.
    Q: how do you feel about consensus decisions making? thoughts, confusions,
    A: learned to love it. was in a group that had to always make unanimous decisions. glad to have a process where most of the decisions go the right way. like consensus.
    Yuki asking any last questions.
    Q: do you have any enthusiasm for teaching kids basketball?
    A: if kids are willing to learn, I’m willing to teach. I’ve been shadow teaching for some time now.
    Q: Are there any things that you would want from the community? or how to best engage with you? ….what’s a good way to engage, other than basketball lessons?
    A: hard question, don’t know. being by myself, I guess just moral support for what I do.
  • Proposal/Decision/Next Steps (if applicable)
    • Decision to come in subsequent meeting

4 Nexts

  • Facilitators:
    • No meeting next wk.
    • 3/22: Josh, KYLA, Sam
  • Committee Meetings:
    • Wed: maybe E prep, might reschedule
    • Tues: mgmt, use the new zoom link as don’t need interpretation
    • Retreat committee
    • Racial justice committee
    • Welfare committee
  • Super supper:
    • you wish
  • Work party:
    • Songs Urban Farm work party on Saturday 10:30am -2pm.
  • Announce:
    • Wed Dwight’s 90th, Today Dorre’s Bday


  • Fun meeting and well organized
  • we were on time
  • Banjo was awesome
  • Album cover, J.Y.N. & Tonic band name suggestion
  • Appreciate presentations


  1. 10) DECISION on Move request for unit 219:
  • Move request approved.


  • Música (7: 15-7: 29) (yuki asigna intérpretes)
  • Apertura (5 min) -35
  • Justicia lingüística / Acuerdos de reunión / Orden de expresión (Nils)
  • Resumen de la agenda (Nils)
  • Presentaciones (7 min) - salas para grupos de 3 personas (Jess tech en grupos) -42
  • Presentación de BVCLT sobre consideraciones de vivienda justa para cooperativas - Leslie & Jen G (15 min) -57
  • Mover la solicitud para la unidad 219 - Gautam (discusión abierta de 10 min) -07
  • Presentación de la Propuesta de Remediación de Brownfield por Danielle Stevenson, candidata a PhD? en UCR Dept. of Env. Toxicología - Lois / LAEVI (15 min) -27
  • Retiro Próximos pasos - Beandrea para el Comité de Retiro (5 min) -32
  • Entrevista de membresía provisional para Austin - Lara (15 min) -42
    Debido al horario de trabajo, Austin solicita un artículo programado lo más cerca posible del final de la reunión para que sea más fácil unirse
  • Siguientes 4s (4 m)
    • Facilitación (No habrá reunión la próxima semana, 22/3: Josh, KYLA, Sam), Cmte, Cenas, Trabajo -46
  • Evaluación (4 m) -53
  • Sesión cerrada
    • Mover la solicitud de la unidad 219 Decisión sobre la solicitud de Gautam (10 min) -65
  • Si el tiempo lo permite:
    • Horario Greenlight Raquel Valencia - Lois (10 min solicitados)
    • Propuesto para permitir que los depósitos de seguridad que se hayan pagado se conviertan en un pago compartido del propietario. - Lara (10 minutos) / Propuesta para permitir deposito de garantia ya pagado convertirse al pago de participación del propietario - Lara (10 min)

Notas de la comunidad

Equipo de facilitación: Yuki (fac), Jess R. (técnico / notas), Nils (técnico / notas)
Interpretación: Julio 3.0, Veronica
Presentes: Jen G., Nils, Jessica FR, Yuki, Philip, Alana, Rae (escuchando), Brooke, Lara, Julio 3.0, Irma, Joshua, Gautam, Lara, Anais, Lois, Michelle, Aurisha, Raquel, Carol, Danielle , James, Austin, Joe, KYLA,

Resumen de las decisiones de la reunión

  • Se aprobó la solicitud de traslado de Gautam para la unidad 219.

Presentación de BVCLT sobre consideraciones de vivienda justa para cooperativas - Leslie y Jen G.

  • Presentación:
    Leslie presenta: Transmitiendo información aprendida, no significa un experto, por favor capture las preguntas en las notas y las transmitirá.
    La iniciativa de copropiedad comunitaria comenzó para ayudar a las cooperativas y CLT. Vivienda justa con el lente de la vivienda colectiva. Pasando a revisar las diapositivas no de la grabación que envió Leslie, sino algunas más específicas hacia las cooperativas. Preocupaciones sobre el cumplimiento, por lo que Leslie quería traer esta presentación.
    Las leyes de vivienda justa están relacionadas con la ley de derechos civiles. Quiere evitar sanciones legales, pero también le gustaría alinearse con el espíritu de la ley. Revise las diapositivas en su tiempo libre, cubre muchos temas importantes. Avanzará rápidamente por cuestión de tiempo. Quiere cubrir específicamente: ¿Cómo hacemos la membresía?
    ¿Cómo enviamos mensajes a la gente? ¿Cómo podemos ser intencionales y no tener un sesgo implícito en nuestro marketing?
    ¿Cómo compartir información sobre nuestro proyecto?
    La principal preocupación es la subjetividad. ¿Cómo hacemos las cosas más objetivas y menos subjetivas? ¿Cómo registramos las admisiones y los rechazos? Si recibimos una queja, hay un registro de ello.
    Informar al solicitante de una manera más formal.
    Un proceso de apelación cooperativo es importante: ¿cómo dice un solicitante “Oye, creo que cometiste un error?”
    Pasa el micrófono a Jen.
    Jen: esperando tener una conversación más amplia. Piense en el proceso cuando se hace miembro. Sepa que el tamaño de la cooperativa, solo porque es pequeño, no está exento de las leyes de vivienda justa. Si tiene preguntas que no puedo responder, puede reenviar.
    Enlaces de Jen G en el chat; https://coophousing.org/pdf/Fair-Housing-Laws.pdf, https://coophousing.org/pdf/Fair-Housing-Laws.pdf,
    ¿Alguna pregunta?
  • Preguntas / Comentarios / Discusión:
    P: estoy de acuerdo en que podemos hacerlo mejor. pero ¿entiende que tenemos un proceso de apelaciones? ¿Nuestro proceso actual no cumple?
    P: para los creadores de cooperativas originales, ¿el proceso de mem se creó teniendo en cuenta las leyes de vivienda justa?
    R, Lois: siempre hemos tenido en mente la vivienda justa desde el principio y siempre hemos tratado de tener en cuenta la diversidad. Nunca hemos tenido una ocasión en la que alguien quisiera apelar.
    C: En las cooperativas tienes que calificar para la membresía, piensa que algunos de nuestros miembros pueden tener un problema con eso. Ej. A veces el servicio de vivienda no está disponible porque no lo tenemos o porque a veces las personas como miembros
    C, Philip: la forma en que se acerca bienvenidos es hacer una lista de todos los que están interesados ​​en la membresía, reunirse con todos ellos, tratando de ser justos con todos los que expresaron interés.
    Yuki: parece que necesitamos identificar algunos pasos a seguir, tener una opinión, pero no queremos dejar el papel de fac. ¿Si la gente quiere reunirse y presentar una propuesta para algunos ajustes? Pregunte si eso sería adecuado.
    Leslie: Conversación conjunta con BVCLT. Necesita un grupo de USTU y BVCLT, porque no solo ustu, sino también para asegurarse de que las nuevas adquisiciones cumplan. Tyler es un posible consultor. Curioso quién, si es que alguien, fue consultado al desarrollar reglas en primer lugar.
    Preguntar sobre el interés en convocar y desarrollar los próximos pasos.
    A la hora del artículo.
  • Propuesta / Decisión / Próximos pasos (si corresponde)
    • Personas interesadas en apoyar los próximos pasos: Lara, Yuki, Jess R, Brooke (en proceso)

Mover solicitud de unidad 219 - Gautam

  • Presentación:
    • Gautam: No hay mucha información nueva. Yuki se cubrió bastante bien al establecer el marco para la discusión. ¿Está buscando para ver si hay otras solicitudes? ¿Comprobando de nuevo? Sin solicitudes o preguntas en competencia.
  • Preguntas / Comentarios / Discusión:
    • ninguno
  • Propuesta / Decisión / Próximos pasos (si corresponde)
    • Continuará en decisión de sesión cerrada.

Presentación de propuesta de remediación Brownfield por Danielle Stevenson, candidata a doctorado en UCR Dept. of Env. Toxicología - Lois presenta a Danielle, quien dará la presentación.

  • Presentación:
    Lois: A LAEVI le gustaría tener un método para la remediación de zonas industriales abandonadas, pero necesita validación científica. Danielle investigaría.
    Danielle Presnting: La pasión compartida por la remediación del suelo accesible a la comunidad puede ser posible. Más barato y más ecológico que realmente aborda el problema, en lugar de solo mudarse. Emocionado por recibir una subvención para probar las opciones de remediación con las comunidades afectadas, en sitios contaminados reales. He estado trabajando durante muchos años en los antecedentes de la contaminación del suelo a través de la agricultura. Diapositivas de proyectos diff. También dirija un negocio de hongos.
    Realmente importante en CA, ya que no hay muchos proyectos sobre remediación real. La remediación convencional es muy cara, no se recomienda excepto en casos extremos y, por lo general, solo es un límite. Biorremediación trabajando con plantas, fito-, bio-, myco-.
    Necesidad real de estudios de casos reales que demuestren cómo funcionan.
    Propuesta para probar diferentes intervenciones en diferentes sitios en Song’s y seguir haciendo mediciones. La participación de los participantes, la comunidad puede participar y son bienvenidos. Tenga disponibles algunos honorarios para materiales y agua. El objetivo es compartir los hallazgos para que se puedan aplicar de manera amplia, además de la publicación.
    Línea de tiempo con covid. Pero me gustaría empezar antes del verano, para que las plantas se establezcan antes del calor. Abierto a preguntas:
  • Preguntas / Comentarios / Discusión:
    P: ¿Cuánto tiempo tardan los hongos en limpiar el suelo y a qué profundidad? ¿Se pueden propagar los hongos? ¿Cómo se controlará en todos los sitios?
    R: cronograma: idea de que será un estudio de un año. Estudio de invernadero en conjunto, Song dura aproximadamente un año. Habrá parcelas separadas. Revestimiento de paisaje, madera, etc. para contener distintas parcelas. Ética para ser consciente de la invasión. Pregunta de profundidad: trabajar con dos pies superiores de suelo.
    Lois, C: las muestras de testigos muestran que la contaminación tiene una profundidad de un pie
    Danielle: sí, así que esa es la profundidad con la que estamos trabajando
    P: ¿combinación de plantas y hongos? familiarizado con los hongos ostra … pregunta acerca de cuánta participación se espera?
    R: podría presentar un montón de opciones, tal vez una idea de la próxima reunión (más larga), puede presentar más en profundidad sobre las opciones. En cuanto a compromiso, super abierto. No hay mínimo, pero cualquier interesado podemos crear un espacio para la implicación / participante.
    P: tenemos niños de 5 a 12 años. Me encantaría facilitar una mayor participación, ¿qué oportunidades?
    R: Tendrá que comprobar cómo mantener la seguridad. Tenga presupuesto para equipo de protección, para cualquiera que venga al sitio. Pero definitivamente puede hacer algunas cosas educativas con los niños, incluso ayudar a los jardines de agua.
    P: Me alegro de escuchar subvenciones para realizar estudios, ¿cuál sería una fuente de ingresos para estudios más amplios? Tener estos estudios de casos locales como proponer una canción, espero que ayude a proporcionar una ventaja para obtener más fondos en el futuro.
    Yuki: en el momento, avanzando. ¿Comprobando interés?
  • Propuesta / Decisión / Próximos pasos (si corresponde)
    • Próximos pasos: MUCHO interés en el chat para una reunión de intercambio de información separada de la reunión del lunes. [Notetaker intentará anotar los nombres al final del chat si tiene la oportunidad, demasiados desplazamientos ahora] pero incluyendo: Anais, Yuki, Becca, Raquel, KYLA & Nils, Gautam, Brooke, Michelle …

Próximos pasos del retiro: Beandrea para el comité de retiro

  • Presentación:
    Beandrea no pudo unirse, Jess lo completó: el comité de retiro se reunió, quiere seguir avanzando. No quiero dejar caer la pelota, quiero mantener la energía. Encuesta enviada. Realmente me gustaría recibir comentarios para ayudar a evaluar, ver qué funcionó / ​​no funcionó
  • Propuesta / Decisión / Próximos pasos (si corresponde)
    • Pasos siguientes: complete la encuesta si no lo hizo. El comité de retiro regresará con más próximos pasos después de ver los resultados.
    • https://forms.gle/2n4YLfR4ZoYKYrcM9

Entrevista de membresía provisional para Austin - Lara

  • Presentación:
    Lara: Tuvimos un proceso de memoria inusual hasta este punto, que Austin es un pariente y luego un subalterno. De hecho, hemos pasado por muchas preguntas en reuniones anteriores. Han tenido discusiones continuas sobre la historia y cómo estructurado. También le prestó un libro sobre administración financiera a Austin, Lara cree que está listo para ser miembro provisional. Entregue a Austin:
  • Preguntas / Comentarios / Discusión:
    Q sobre nuevo trabajo.
    A; Comida y comida en Cedars. Ayuda en el alta de pacientes.
    P: Ha tenido la oportunidad de conocer EV durante años, ¿puede decirnos una de sus cosas favoritas? y una cosa le gustaría ayudar a mejorar?
    R: Soy una esponja y he aprendido mucho, haciendo, construyendo cosas. amor que puede participar en casi cualquier cosa. Si fuera un miembro provisional, me encantaría ser parte del comité de bienestar si todavía está presente. Comité de jardinería, me encanta plantar, es como otra parte de mi terapia. Baloncesto y plantar mis principales salidas. Hago tiempo para lo que necesito.
    C: agradezco que Austin se tome el tiempo para ayudar a otras personas
    P: ¿Tiene límites o formas en las que equilibra no extenderse demasiado o agotarse? porque las necesidades son infinitas, sé que te gusta dar, pero ¿pensamientos sobre límites o equilibrio?
    R: no lo he desarrollado, solo conozco mi propósito. Nunca me molesta, no se agote excepto en el trabajo. Ecoaldea me hace feliz, me hace feliz ayudar.
    P: Feliz de que hayas sido un gran vecino. 1 tonto 1 serio: ¿qué necesitamos para poner la cancha de baloncesto? ¿Cómo afrontas el conflicto?
    R: Necesita tacos de mariposa que puedan deslizar los pernos. Siempre se enfrentó al conflicto enfrentándose. Solo pido una aclaración. El mundo necesita más aclaraciones y comunicación para comprender los puntos de vista de la gente. Siento que a pesar de solo 24 años, he vivido mucho tiempo, entiendo diferentes puntos de vista, antecedentes, religiones.
    P: Emocionado de que tenga un libro en la cabeza que está desarrollando, ¿es demasiado pronto para hablar de nosotros?
    R: Se trata de las luchas de un hijo único de una madre enferma, un padre que podría ayudarme más en mis esfuerzos. Transición de LV a mississippi. para entender por qué soy como soy. Una memoria.
    P: ¿Cómo se siente acerca de la toma de decisiones por consenso? pensamientos, confusiones,
    A: aprendí a amarlo. Estaba en un grupo que siempre tenía que tomar decisiones unánimes. Me alegro de tener un proceso en el que la mayoría de las decisiones van por el camino correcto. como consenso.
    Yuki haciendo las últimas preguntas.
    P: ¿Tiene algún entusiasmo por enseñar baloncesto a los niños?
    R: Si los niños están dispuestos a aprender, yo estoy dispuesto a enseñar. He estado enseñando a las sombras desde hace algún tiempo.
    P: ¿Hay algo que le gustaría de la comunidad? ¿O cuál es la mejor manera de interactuar con usted? … .¿Qué es una buena forma de participar, además de las lecciones de baloncesto?
    A: pregunta difícil, no lo sé. estando solo, supongo que solo apoyo moral para lo que hago.
  • Propuesta / Decisión / Próximos pasos (si corresponde)
    • Decisión de acudir a una reunión posterior.

4 siguientes

  • Facilitadores:
    • No hay reunión la próxima semana.
    • 22/3: Josh, KYLA, Sam
  • Reuniones de comités:
    • Mié: tal vez E prep, podría reprogramar
    • Martes: mgmt, use el nuevo enlace de zoom ya que no necesita interpretación
    • Comité de retiro
    • Comité de justicia racial
    • Comité de bienestar
  • Super cena:
    • tú deseas
  • Fiesta de trabajo:
    • Fiesta de trabajo Songs Urban Farm el sábado 10:30 am -2pm.
  • Anunciar:
    • Miércoles 90 de Dwight, hoy cumpleaños de Dorre


  • Reunión divertida y bien organizada.
  • llegamos a tiempo
  • Banjo fue increíble
  • Portada del álbum, J.Y.N. & Sugerencia de nombre de banda tónica
  • Aprecia las presentaciones


  1. 10) DECISIÓN? sobre la solicitud de traslado para la unidad 219:
  • Mover solicitud aprobada.

Comments on this page

2021-03-01 Meeting

USTU Board Meeting 2021-03-01

Facilitation team: Alana (fac), William (notes), Ellary (tech)
Interpretation: Veronica, Julio 3.1.2

Present: Lois, Yuki, Carol, Lara, Joe, Philip, Nils, Jimmy, Jess B, Raquel (guest), Aurisha, Natali, Rae, Josh, Gautam,

Intros 5 min/Introducciones 5 min
Language Justice -5 min/anuncio de justicia idiomatica-5 min
Meeting requirement to maintain 501c3 status for US/TU and BVCLT -Lara 10 minutes/Requisitos para mantener situación actual de 501c3 y BVCLT – Lara 10 min
Requesting money from the USTU board to upgrade the garage electric system. Jess B /Management 15 minutes/Solicitando dinero de USTU board para mejorar el sistema eléctrico del garaje -Jess B/15 min
Manager update 15 mins Jess B/La puesta al dia de administración Jess B 15 min
Move in Request for Unit 219 Gautam 5 mins/Solicitud de moverse al dept. 219. Guatam 5 min
Rae Owner Member interview 15 mins/Entrevista con Rae para ser miembro propietaria 15 min
Time permitting - Proposed to allow security deposits that have been paid to be converted to an owner share payment. Lara 10 minutes/ Propuesta para permitir deposito de garantia ya pagado convertirse al pago de participación del propietario Lara 10 min

Ground lease discussion

7. Rae Owner Member decision 10 mins/Decisión sobre rae y membresía de propietario 10 min
8. Eval/Next 4s- 5 minEval/anuncios- 5 min

Meeting notes:

4. Lara: Meeting requirement to maintain 501c3 status for US/TU and BVCLT -Lara 10 minutes/Requisitos para mantener situación actual de 501c3 y BVCLT

This year when collecting our annual income reporting, Lara was shocked by the shift to a large number of members who are earning at the higher end of AMI. Our ground lease with BVCLT requires us to give an annual report on how we’re complying with fair housing policy. As a community we originally only had 5% of units over 80% AMI; now we’re at 29% of households that no longer qualify. The maximum we’re supposed to have by law is 25%. This means that we need to start only forwarding membership applications that are from people whose income is low enough to qualify. The majority of these changes have come as a result of there being an increase in the number of people within the household as well as an increase in income within the household.

Q: did you say the data was less than perfect?
A: it’s to do with the brackets of the income categories which makes it hard to read exactly where they are on the spectrum. We got at least verbal clarification from everybody with regards to their income.

Q: What are the consequences of this for USTU?
A: the land trust is facing more consequences for this than USTU. This affects their seeking an audit for affordable housing loans and developments. We have an opportunity to alter what we’re doing so we don’t fall further out of compliance.

Comment: amazing that our residents are thriving during this time. Makes me think we should move more to rental equity through a sliding rental scale.

5. Jess: Requesting money from the USTU board to upgrade the garage electric system/Management 15 minutes/Solicitando dinero de USTU board para mejorar el sistema eléctrico del garaje -Jess B/15 min

Current garage electricity wiring is currently not up to code - it’s hooked up to a breaker in Jimmy’s kitchen. Electricians think best way would be to route it through the terraces. The cheapest estimate was a little under 7K from a credible company. They will cut connection to 117 and re-route it to terraces meter in Avocado Alley. There will be a breaker box in Garage 1. Estimate also includes for some more outdoor lighting by the terraces. Both electricians pointed out that we have high liability in our area.

Q: can we do it so as to anticipate adding more solar panels in the future, or even add more solar panels now?
A: don’t think this will affect our ability to add solar panels. This certainly won’t impede it.

Q: where in the budget is it coming from?
A: capital expenses if approved.


6. Jess B: Manager update 15 mins Jess B/La puesta al dia de administración Jess B 15 min

Vacancies and rent are the same as the last update. 116/117 combination is done and went well. We found some bad plumbing in the walls as usual.
Parking: there are currently 1 or sometimes 2 available communal spots. Mgmt doesn’t intend to make a plan on how to allocate it; we’d like car owners to come together and come up with a plan for it. These spots are in the Seafood City alley. Aurisha and Fabian are currently using them but we have no plan to stop them from doing so until we have a plan for how to allocate them. Aurisha is giving her spot up to the community; Fabian has over time put more and more cars in his spot, and we’re wanting to rectify that.

Comment: what about allocating car sharing services for one of those spots? Multiple members expressed support for this idea.

Background: we once had conversations to come up with a rate for charging. We can revisit that if needed.
Q: have we thought about non-vehicle use for that space? i.e. commercial enterprises like a food truck
A: understanding is that it’s an easement so it can only be treated as alley space. It therefore might not qualify for a Zipcar spot.

Comment: not a fan of any car placement in those spots if they’re becoming available (Lois). We should consider closing down the alley to cars totally.

Outcome: members will discuss offline.

Mgmt update cont:

Windows replacement discussion: we spent a lot of money when fixing the roof. Consequently, we’re at a point where big new expenses require difficult decisions about which come first. We think this is up to the community: it could be windows, it could be piping, it could be painting. The most urgent windows are the community room and the lobby, since they tested positive for lead.

Comment: I think some apartment complexes have schedules on when things in their inventory are likely to fail. If some of these are built around the same time as 117 it could be a guide for when things here may also fail.

Comment: would be good to get bids on painting and see how much money we have available for that, and then to assess other items.

7. Move in Request for Unit 219 Gautam 5 mins/Solicitud de moverse al dept. 219. Guatam 5 min

Gautam was able to look at unit 219, liked it. He thinks he fits within the income limits based on a conversation with Lara. This is his announcement. Next week we will see if there are any competing requests.

8. Rae Owner Member interview 15 mins/Entrevista con Rae para ser miembro propietaria 15 min

Rae: owner membership is exciting to me; I enjoy planning and think I will like the decisions that the board have to take on. I’m also interested in the longevity of this organization.

Q: where do you stand on the issue of purchasing the fourplex?
A: Very much in support of more property within this neighborhood.

Clarification: Rae is a single person household. Treffyn has been living there for a while due to COVID restrictions.

Q: are you interested in being a board member? Being an owner member is not automatically the same as being a board member.
A: Yes, interested. I would have to look over the requirements for how board members are elected for knowing how I’d go about this.

Q: how do you feel about our bylaws and vision/mission elements? Is there anything you’re excited about?
A: Leslie and I had a really good conversation about social capitalism at the retreat, and smart investing. I come from this mindset and am excited about that sort of thing.

Q: are you interested in working on a proprietary lease?
A: yes, I have a list of eco village projects that I want to work on, and this is included.

Q: have you ever served on a non-profit board?
A: no. I’d like lots more training before taking on anything like that responsibility.

9. Announcements/Next 4s:

Proprietary leases Friday at 4pm.
Facilitators: Yuki/Nils, looking for one more
Eval: good timekeeping, chill


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2021-02-22 Meeting

USTU Community Meeting Notes 2021-02-22:
Facilitation team: Hartley (fac), Joe (notes), Irma (tech)
Interpretation: Veronica, Julio 3.1.2

Present: Hartley, Irma, Joe, Alana, Yuki, Austin, Nils, Lara, Julio, Carol, Raquel, Gautam, Josh, Rae, Beandrea, Kyla, Philip, Aurisha, Jess R, William,

Permission to Feed Outdoor Cat – Carol, Carol and Josh Committee (10)
Announce Upcoming Conversation About Fair Housing Compliance – Yuki, BVCLT Board (15)
Songs Community Hub Brownfield Research Proposal – Lois, laevI (15)
Gautam’s Provisional Membership Decision – Philip, Liaison (15)

1 - Intros
2 - Agenda Review

3 - Permission to Feed Outdoor Cat – Carol with Josh (10)
Carol: cat found living under the building in 117. Hunts mice. Carol proposes housing and feeding it, she will take responsibility to steward feeding and vet appointments and neutering and try to provide shelter.
Lois questions if cat can poop in litter box, not in gardens. Carol: probably, as it appears to have come from a home.
Irma: concern: fewer birds and lizards
Joe: allergic, concerned about one outside cat leading to more cats outside
Hartley: question - does it have a chip?

Approved by consensus (Joe and Irma stand aside) Carol ok to feed and steward outdoor cat.

4 - Announce Upcoming Conversation About Fair Housing Compliance – Yuki
Leslie got a presentation from the Northern California Land Trust about coops and fair housing law compliance. Yuki w Leslie plan to host an initial presentation at a future meeting to be presented by Leslie and Jen Ganata, to better understand fair housing law, after which we can discuss how we want to approach this question (i.e. discuss ways that we can address any discrepancy, get expert support from someone who is values aligned, etc)

5 - Songs Community Hub Brownfield Research Proposal – Lois
Lois presentation: Songs Community Hub is a brownfield. There has been extensive testing on the site in the past several years , and it is known that soils underneath the asphalt contain both organic and inorganic toxins (hydrocarbons and derivatives and heavy metals such as lead and cadmium). Danielle has been researching on-site brownfield remediation for several years and has selected Songs as an ideal site for her continuing research to remediate such soils through fungi and plant based methods. She shares the ultimate aim of such research with LAEVI to provide public policy for neighborhood based education and brownfield remediation on-site as distinct from conventional methods of digging and hauling away. See proposal attached for your initial introduction.
Requests decision on whether Daniel should come to a meeting with a 20-minute presentation, or host a separate meeting.
People suggested a longer presentation outside a monday meeting, possibly an intro at a Monday night meeting.
Lois suggests she may do a 15-20 minute item at a Monday meeting, and a separate zoom session.

Announcements - retreat is this weekend. Some discussion of who (among non-members) is invited.

Gautam’s Provisional Membership Decision – Philip
Approved by consensus - Gautam is now a provisional member


Evaluation –
Good time management
Exciting video (introducing facilitators)

Facilitators for March 01, 2021: Alana, Ellary, and William for BOARD MEETING

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2021-02-08 Meeting

USTU Community Meeting Notes 2021-02-07:

Facilitation team: Josh (fac), KYLA (notes), Nils (tech)
Interpretation: Veronica, Julio 3.1.2

Present: Philip, Josh, Yuki, Nils, Carol, Natali, William, Lois, Lara, Rae, Gautam, Carrie, Joe, Maeve, Alana, Jessica R, Yolanda, Julio 3.1.2, Raquel, maybe not Becca, Jess B, Hartley, Beandrea, Aurisha, Austin,


  • Opening (10m)
    • Language Justice & Meeting Agreements (Nils)
    • Agenda Overview
  • Introductions - Favorite fruit; least favorite vegetable (10m)
  • Provisional member interview for Gautam (Philip) - 15 min
  • Continue with 3 USTU meetings per month (William) - 15 min DECISION
  • Approve proposed framework for finalizing and implementing the Proprietary Lease (Lara) - 15 min Board agreement on a proposed work plan
  • Intro to discussion on rental prices (Jess R, Rae, Leslie)- 15 min
  • Next 4s (5m) –
  • Facilitation - 2/15 HOLIDAY! 2/22/21 - Irma, Hartley, Joe
  • Committee meetings -
    • MGMT tomorrow 2/9
    • Retreat committee - 2/9
  • ONLINE Suppah Suppers -
    • Facilitation dinner 18:00 - 19:30
  • DISTANCED Work Parties - N/A
  • Evaluation (5m)


  • Consensus to continue to have 3 meetings per month. Will check in with the community at the end of August.


(expanded version with links to slides in 2021 Rolling Notes Google Doc)

Provisional member interview for Gautam (Philip)

  • Gautum presents a slide discussing his interests and why he is a great candidate for LAEV
  • Would like to see the process being a bit shorter or having an upper limit to the time involved. A check in on prospective candidates could be helpful to help folx from getting lost in the void
    Admits he has only eaten raw kale and never cooked with it (Jess R will help Gautam to learn to enjoy kale)
  • Beatles or Stones - Beatles
  • How you deal with conflict - not necessarily a bad thing. People have different points of view and conflict happens when points of view are not aligned. Can be bad when not dealt with properly. Tries to resolve conflict with patience. Think before you speak and try not to be controlled by emotions. Conflict is integral to research. Equals working to blend ideas or choose which way to go. Learned to deal with this in academia and has had success/experience with collaborators.
  • Will you be active in the community land trust - will need to know more but has been learning some about it. Would like to know more ways to contribute. Looking for housing now closer to LAEV which would help him contribute more.
  • Participation in Food Lobby- yes, would like to participate. Has been difficult before but has now been getting meals from Jess R and would consider participating with Food Lobby.
  • Experience with cooperatives (e.g. housing) - Yes, has lived in community style housing in dorms as well as a student coop in Austin (contributing member) during his Masters. Really liked the experience and looked for cooperative style housing when moving to LA. Learned about LAEV from Lili
  • How do you voice your needs - weekly meetings (submit agenda item)…best to resolve interpersonal issues amongst the folx with the issues

Continue with 3 USTU meetings per month (William)

  • Recognizing that it the Zoom meetings can take a toll on Facilitators and Interpreters and trialed 3x/meeting per month
  • Facilitators would like to continue with 3x/meeting/month
  • Question: have the Facilitators considered other meeting times? And will this be for an X time period?
    • Will be having Facil dinner this Friday and can discuss further then, are open to discussing these when we can meet as a team (haven’t been able to in a long time)
  • How do people feel about using the non-scheduled Monday for other fun community activities (that anyone can set up)?
    • Should be self-organized. Lots of emotional labor in facilitating.
  • Question about items piling up and could we make the meetings longer?
    • Thus far, the community seems to understand when the need to go-over presents itself, on an ad-hoc basis. Keep informal rather than extend meetings, since that would be a lot.
  • Is it possible to find other ways to consolidate the meetings (e.g. the introductions)?

Consensus to continue to have 3 meetings per month. Will check in with the community at the end of August.

Approve proposed framework for finalizing and implementing the Proprietary Lease (Lara) Board agreement on a proposed work plan

  • Looking to hash out boilerplate items to discuss only the essential points in the Proprietary Lease, doesn’t want to bring every article to the greater community
  • Wanting to approve the framework/process not the actual articles
    • Proposed that Renter and Owner Members come to agreement on the scope and content of the first list of Key Articles in meetings held during 2021 with the goal of adoption and implementation of the completed US/TU Proprietary Lease on January 1st of 2022.
    • Proposed that a Committee of Renter and Owner Members edit the second list of Standard Articles to conform with the US/TU Bylaws and the current Rental Agreement and submit to the US/TU Board for approval by July of 2021.
  • Not clear on assumptions. Doesn’t seem controversial but not sure what we are saying yes to
  • Separate the focus
    • work on the boilerplate part, tweak specific needs and approve.
    • Recognition of what kinds of changes are okay and what can be done on own, what can be done by approval of the manager or board (i.e, more weighty and should have input from the community. How to divide up these decisions and who should decide what.)
  • Distinction of standard articles vs key articles
    • What is the distinction? Lara made the distinction and recommends not focusing on what is particularly in each distinction but to adopt the key framework and if, once work is being done, to move items from key or standard as needed
    • How would we discover that something was contentious? Anyone who would be looking over it and finds that there is a need for further discussion. Not trying to say that this is a definitive division of key v. standard
    • This is a general approach…not sure that it needs a consensus decision but is good to be clear and so everyone understands. Empower a small group to get through the small, easier things first sooner rather than later. Another tract is a deeper conversation
      • Ideally would like to see a faster timeline. Would like to see a dedicated time to get through some of these (e.g., the 4th Monday) and possibly have guests from other places who have done this.
  • Thought that other Co-Ops have this and it seems uncontroversial
  • An encouragement for people to volunteer. Would like to see Renter Member, Owner Member, and Board representation on this (if you have capacity).
  • Did not make it to board approval and question as to whether this needs consensus

Intro to discussion on rental prices (Jess R, Rae)

Slides discussing current rent rates (posted to listserv and in 2021 Rolling Notes Google Doc)

  • Questions about if the analysis took into account the utilities that the Terraces pay
  • Would like to acknowledge that 116/117, 221 and 112 have the 4 most expensive units
  • Discussion about AMI vs income and paying 30% or less income for rent, income based rent

Next 4s & Eval

  • Next 4s
    • Facilitation - 2/15 HOLIDAY! 2/22/21 - Irma, Hartley, Joe
    • Committee meetings -
      • MGMT tomorrow 2/9
      • Retreat committee - 2/9
    • ONLINE Suppah Suppers -
      • Facilitation dinner 18:00 - 19:30
    • DISTANCED Work Parties - N/A
  • Evaluation (5m)
    • Appreciation to a lot of prepared presentation. Thank you for putting the work in. Rental rates analysis was great.
    • Would appreciate knowing what the next steps are for the Proprietary Lease
    • Smooth and one time & item breaks; notes & tech
    • Tunde and Eli’s bday this week
    • To help Language Justice, it would be good to translate slides ahead of the meeting

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2021-02-01 Meeting

USTU Board Meeting 2/1/2020

  • Facilitation Team- Dilean (Facilitator & Agenda), Philip (Language Justice & Stack), Natali (Tech), and Julio & Veronica (Interpreters)
  • Present/Roll Call: Austin, Dilean, Natali, Philip, Yuki, Jess B, Lara, Anaisabel, Josh, Lois, Michelle, Veronica, Aurisha, Autumn, Becca, Alana, Carol, Gautam, Joe, Julio 2, Kasey, Kyla, Nils, Rae, Raquel, William, Jimmy, Joe, Carrie, Maeve, Yolanda
  • Board Members Present: Yuki, Philip, Carol, Lara, Joe, Josh, Aurisha, Jimmy

Summary of Decisions

  • NCLT- Northern California Land Trust Approved as Consultant
  • Management Committee will return Carol’s pay and 131 ½ Windows items for another Board meeting in closed session


  • Music- Bossa Nova
  • Language Justice Announcement & Tech Set Up (7 mins)
  • Tech Set Up (3mins)
    • What is Language Justice? (2 mins)
    • Meeting Agreements (1 min)
    • Speaking Order Reminder (1 min)
  • Agenda Review (1 min)
  • Introductions: Compliments- Break out rooms (3ppl- 5 mins)
  • Manager update – Jess B, 10 min, report
  • Budget & Financials – Josh, 20 min, report
  • Transition Carol’s pay from hourly to salary – Jess B, 10 min, decision
  • S. t. r. e. t. c. h.
  • Carrie’s windows – Josh, 20 min, decision
  • Approve consultant for fourplex consultant work – Joe, 20 min, decision
  • Next 4s - 2 min
  • Eval - 2 min
  • Time Permitting:
    • Change facilitation schedule from 4 meetings per month to 3 meetings per month –William, 10 min, decision
    • Shut down #201 fridge for the duration of COVID restrictions – Carol, 10 min, decision
    • Approve proposed framework for finalizing and implementing the Proprietary Lease –Lara and Carol, 15 min, Board decision on proposed workplan (please see details below) Proposed work plan for Proprietary Lease
      • 1. Proposed that Renter and Owner Members come to agreement on the scope and content of the first list of Key Articles in meetings held during 2021 with the goal of adoption and implementation of the completed US/TU Proprietary Lease on January 1st of 2022.
      • 2. Proposed that a Committee of Renter and Owner Members edit the second list of Standard Articles to conform with the US/TU Bylaws and the current Rental Agreement and submit to the US/TU Board for approval by July of 2021.

Meeting Notes

Manager update – Jess B, 10 min, report

  • We’re only one month behind in rent
  • No current maintenance
  • Work to start in Devon & Jess R’s apartments
  • 201 fridge will be disconnected
  • Movement on open unit to be filled
  • Two parking spots to become available
  • Fabian has been adding cars and will be asked not to

Budget & Financials: Cash Flow, & Balance Sheet – Josh, 20 min, report

  • Internet costs increased
  • Only a little over budget
  • Depreciations will be lowered and updated
  • Questions
    • Lois and Yuki- Clarity on unpaid rent
      • Accounts Payable- shows decrease based on expected rent
      • Rents Receivable/Forgiven debts- shows when paid
    • Jimmy- If included full occupancy in the line item for electricity, would that even out and we would not be over budget? For example, if we increased the electricity item due to full occupancy, would that help?
      • We want to keep expectations where they are to encourage less use
    • Philip- $117,000 breakdown? Does it appear elsewhere in the budget?
      • Yes, in the capitol budget. It clundes sewers, etc…
    • Lois- CRA Loan update?
    • $288 difference, but trust treasurer
      • Waiting for update on CRA loan
    • Yuki- Promising Notes Receivable
      • Not rounded due to owners who haven’t finished paying

Transition Carol’s pay from hourly to salary – Jess B, 10 min, decision

  • Time tracking is required and labor intensive, and requested the move to salary
    • Yuki- There might be legal requirements for the change, will ask work for advice
    • Becca- Tracking changes are being considered, will also look into information
    • Lois- Interested in salary, and trusts Carol for hours to be accurate
      • Becca- Salary is preview to Board only, USTU is an employer
    • Jimmy- Is there a pay bracket you’d need to remain in for taxes?
      • Carol- The ask is lower than current pay
    • What are the next steps for the management committee?
      • Yuki- Closed session would be best
      • Lara- Interest in information for workers that are Board members
  • Next step- Agendize this for closed session at another meeting
  • Stretch

Carrie’s windows – Josh, 20 min, decision

  • 12 years ago, Fed & Jim built three sets of casement windows
  • USTU got grant for lead safe remediation (i.e windows)
    • Lara as manager suggested them to look the same
    • There was a difference between manufactured and hand made by Som & Jim
  • $300 per casement for residents to pay: 2 said No, 5 said Yes
  • They were not great quality
  • Carrie & Joe’s unit potentially had the worst ones
  • Ask to forgive $900 debt and pay portion of new windows for 131 ½
  • Current stance- Agree with $900 forgiveness, but unclear about other piece
  • The management committee doesn’t agree with original ask
  • There is a total of $1500 due for outstanding units
    • Questions/Comments
      • Lara- Point of clarity, role was facilitating between parties
      • Anaisabel- Clarity on the ask, and wants new windows too for street noise
      • Carrie- The windows have been an issue and ask for 7 years
        • Emails go back to Sandy, no response from management committee
        • There are photos of the poor conditions, with a child near the windows
      • Lara- This is an example for the need of the Proprietary Lease
      • Yuki- i support lara’s suggestion so that it feels consistent with everyone, especially since carrie isn’t in a hurry.
      • Jimmy- Support work on making processes easier for residents and workers because as a volunteer group we need to consider our conditions
      • Anaisa- Just to be clear, Carrie, I can hear in your voice how much this has affected you, and I just want to be clear that by me expressing my own concerns, I don’t mean to deny yours. I just thought it was important to express the fact that I have been also expressing my need fir better sound proofing, being on this side of the building, and being woken up at night—not sleeping through the night can take a toll on your health, and I definitely feel that. So, I don’t have children, and of course that is the priority, but a lot of us have issues we are dealing with too, and in an ideal world, this could all be addressed promptly! But we do not live in an ideal world and for a couple of years I have also been sending photos to the management committee about the termite eating up my balcony doors, and I hear NO answer. And of course, as Jimmy said, because it’s a volunteer group, it’s difficult to expect a very responsive action. And thank you for all the time you gone! all the time you GIVE (management committee and all other volunteers here) I guess we are doing the best we can
      • Austin- Let us be kind and compassionate to remove the sadness of the world

Approve consultant for fourplex consultant work – Joe, 20 min, decision

  • Workgroup has made more progress in deciding how to move forward
  • One consultant said no, but two are being considered NCLT- Northern Calif Land Trust
    and CTY Housing
  • Questions
    • Philip- Concerns about 20hrs with no description from one
      • Joe- Scope of work given
      • Lara- NCLT has more experience
      • Yuki- Agree with Lara and support Joe’s recommendation
    • Lois- For NCLT who would we work with?
      • Joe- Ian Winters
  • Decision- Approved NCLT

Next 4s - 2 min

Next facilitators- Josh and Kyla
Announcements- Please fill out income form for USTU tax deduction

Eval - 2 min

  • Josh, thank you for the very clear financial presentation.
  • go to go! Thank you!
  • Thx Dilean for a smooth sail
  • thanks facilitation team!!
  • and to jess and josh and joe for your presentations!

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2021-01-25 Meeting Hidden

Schedule Gautam’s & Austin’s Provisional Memberships Interview, decision

  • Discussion:
    • Gautam has done many activities including Halloween Party, compost, watch party, regular meetings, workshops, hosted a cultural show&tell, as well as meeting with many members of the community safely and with distance.
    • Austin has been here for a long time. First as a FLAG and now as a sublet. Very confident that this is where he wants to be living for a long while. Engaged socially with the community.
    • Want to be sure we are clear about the assumptions that the order membership is decided separately from the order of housing requests
    • Reminder that Yolanda is also looking for a first floor apartment.
    • Reminder that most recently when there were a few people looking for housing, it went back to the date that the questionnaire was submitted.
    • Making it clear that tonight we are not deliberating on who will receive housing (we will need to do this later) but we are deciding on if we are ready to schedule the interviews for Gautum and Austin at this time

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2021-01-25 Meeting


  • Opening (10m)
    • Language Justice & Meeting Agreements (Nils)
    • Agenda Overview
  • Introductions - hi/lo in Breakout rooms (10m)
  • Proposal to combine 116/117, board decision - Jess/Mgmt (15m)
  • Retreat committee update & budget request, decision - Irma (20m)
  • Linen Closet Rental request for Questa, decision - Lara presenting (10m)
  • COVID-Fans/HEPA Filters proposal, discussion & possible decision - Rae (10m)
  • Next 4s (5m) – Facilitation (Dilean Natali Philip Feb 1), Cmte, Suppers, Work
  • Evaluation (5m)
  • Closed Session Time Permitting:
    • Schedule Gautam’s Provisional Membership Interview, decision - Philip (10m)
    • Schedule Austin’s Provisional Membership Interview, decision - Lara (10m)

Community Meeting Notes

  • Present: Austin, Nils, KYLA, Yuki, Anaisabel, Philip, Julio 2.0>3.0, Veronica, Lara, Carol, Joe, Lois, Jess B, Raquel, Rae, Gautam, Josh, Irma, Natali, Aurisha, Devon, Tunde, Jimmy, Ellary, Michelle, Yolanda, HaS?, Jess R
  • Board Members Present (for quorum on 116/117 item:) Yuki, Philip, Carol, Lara, Joe, Josh, Aurisha, Jimmy
  • Facilitation team: Yuki (fac), KYLA (tech), Nils (notes)
  • Interpretation: Julio 3.0, Veronica

Summary of Meeting Decisions

  • consensus on board for $6000 on 116/117 combo project, per updated plan of action
  • consensus to approve “up to $5285” for retreat budget, with trust expressed in the retreat committee and encouragement to listen to the feedback from community and attempting to trim budget as they can
  • consensus: Questa can move linens in coordination with management and proceed to rent closet
  • people expressed interest in more research/more specific proposals around air quality. send helpful ideas or information to Rae, coordinate with them if you would like to be involved in research. Sounds like a more specific proposal will come back at some point in future.

Proposal to combine 116/117, BOARD decision

Presentation: Jess B & Management Committee

Background: Last board meeting this item was introduced to the community and the board. There was general support for the idea with some questions from board members. Time ran out before questions were addressed and the funds were approved. The board, management committee and Jess and Devon have since been discussing the details of the project. The questions and concerns have been sorted out and the item is ready to come back to a community meeting. Since it is time sensitive, (a baby is coming soon!) I will be asking for time at a non-board meeting so the project can be completed on time. Make a decision (BOARD) Consensus of Management Cmte

Jess B:I am Bringing this back from 3 weeks ago, on behalf of mgmt, first time there were some lingering Qs want to review how addressed and then hopefully move forward. A lot of listserv & offline conversation has happened, so acknowledging that. 1st concern re: policy how we decide what a fam friendly unit is, how we can make sure if we bring money and effort into expanding, make sure co-op can protect for fam use? Don’t quite have capacity to answer this ask before project should be started--can we be happy it is an open ended Q and issue, but that it is in the minds of community and “on stack” to address? 2nd concern about modifications triggering a permit. Not adding a room, should be okay per Lara’s suggestions. Instead of opening the doorway, open a hallway. Also requires a reinforced kitchen wall but that was in original scope as well so not new $. Postpone other big projects in unit until later, but get this portion done and hopefully approved tonight. Would like to still ask for full $6000, though try to come in under that. There might be mould in wood, other unknowns, etc. Jess B/managment not comfortable asking for less but will try to come in under.
Clarifying Qs:
Question: why is a family of soon to be five not living in a 2 bed apt? then a single person can live in each of these two single unit allowing for an extra unit to be open?
Question: Did we get one bid? multiple bids?
Question: is lead remediation needed? need further than has already been done in these units?
Jess B reply: 1 bid only so far, can get a second bid. The scope of work is small, so in proportion to a roof or plumbing job. We already spent a lot of money doing a lead inspection, and even more money removing trim/doorways/remediating. Per report, any lead of a toxic level has been removed already from these 2 units.
Devon response: We’ve had a lot done. Had windows removed/replaced, lead remediation, kids comfortable in the hallway where we are. For us, don’t know what it’s like to live in that apartment [he seems to be referring to the 2-bedroom unit that Anaisa mentioned.] We have heard noise is an issue. Idling trucks. there’s a number of factors that make it less desirable for us. also the work of actually moving is an ordeal, for various reasons it makes sense to modify where we are rather than the uncertainty of moving.
Yuki testing for consensus, final questions

Proposal/Decision/Next Steps (if applicable): consensus on board, $6000 approved for 116/117 combo project

Retreat committee update & budget request, decision

Presentation: Irma

Background: Retreat Committee update and budget requests / Actualización del Comité de Retiro y solicitudes de presupuesto. Update on retreat / Actualización sobre retiro. Decision on budget items (see below) / Decisión sobre partidas presupuestarias. Consensus from the Retreat committee / Consenso del Comité de Retiro

Discussion: Irma: Next LAEV retreat coming up, Feb 26-28 at end of next month. Introduce team, working hard to get it together. Going to give update, run through some stuff, then Yuki will have a slide of the budget that the committee is proposing. Nice survey, good response, 25 people respond. 46% favor of topic, and committee ultimately decided on: Shared Purpose of LAEV. That being said, breakdown of things for budget Lucian and Cedar [Spelling?], same team as last time, will be there on Saturday & Sun. Each day consists of 3x 90 minute sessions. Lunch provided Sat & Sun. This is ZOOM meeting, so no in person gathering. Hartley & Tunde are leading food, Anaisa & Bruce will support on the food. Jess R & team will organize some different form of child care. Interpretation will be provided. Veronica will try to be present both days, and also support in finding an additional translator. Yuki showing slide of budget. Retreat committee asking for $5285 [see agenda doc for breakdown].
Q What is the Idea of lunch? Brown Bag delivery? What form will it take?
Response: considering still, hoping that it is simple and similar to brown bag with delivery and low chance of contamination.
Q Childcare--where is the money going? is it going to other parents?
Q Did we consider getting bids from any other facilitators?
Response: We did not consider other facilitators, we reached out to them because they were good last year.
Childcare money doesn’t go to parents, idea is to create some kind of project for the kids, the money is for supplies for kids to do during the retreat.
Jess reply: $400 for childcare is maximum, not an itemized budget yet haven’t had time. but since we are not having people come to care for children, she and others are creating activities for children so they can be engaged in activities of their own but related to retreat, and also children can be engaged in something that is for a retreat-related topic. Will most likely be less than $400, expecting more like $200.
Comment: this all feels high for a virtual event. childcare seems high because it will be domain of parents and nobody is coming in? what is that paying for? food feels high, and also general concern about how it can be done without covid risk. Happy to hear from Jess that it could come in cheaper. Okay with budget, not going to block just feels expensive overall.
Comment/question: facilitation team on time management--last year we went over, and felt it ended awkwardly. have the proposed facilitation team expressed experience with this? that is, experience in managing virtual events? Want committee to be mindful of this. Also why are we giving more $ when there is no travel cost and time is less/similar?
Comment: in past we have many different facilitators--think we should look at a variety of facilitators/options. Regarding kids supplies– please let Lois know what is needed as she has lots to give away. Regarding lunch, why not give everyone $10 bucks for their own lunch if we are to budget it at all?
Yuki: expressing trying to be neutral and keep facilitator hat, reflects hearing a lot of people wondering about food and child care, idea: what if we can split off facilitation and interpretation? as these are more time sensitive. and come back with a separate and clearer food/child care budget? What about $3900 for fac/interpretation, and come back for the rest later?
Agreement with yuki, and comment on facilitation: support retreat committee staying with team they have already talked with, as we are all stretched thin in this time and do not want to make more work for them.
Comment: What about we approve the budget in interest of both our time and retreat committee’s time, but approve the budget with the encouragement to try to come in lower as they can and to keep our feedback in mind. trust committee and don’t want them to have to come back, so proposal is to approve “up to $5285” with the idea of taking on feedback as committee is in continued planning for retreat.
Clarification from chat: “I was not suggesting that we switch facilitators since we have already committed, but for future reference I hope we will look at more than one team of facilitators.”

Proposal/Decision/Next Steps (if applicable): consensus to approve “up to $5285” for retreat budget, with trust expressed in the retreat committee and encouragement to listen to the feedback from community and attempting to trim budget as they can

Linen Closet Rental request for Questa, decision

Presentation: Lara on behalf of Questa who has class

Background: Decision on Questa’s request to rent the closet next door to myself (possible share with the Ruvalcaba-Fitzgerald family but asking for myself right now) and request to clean out the back of the community room closet to be replaced with guest room linen.I moved from a bigger apartment and have found many solutions for storage inside my apartment but just need a little more space for a few remaining items. Decision please I’ve spoken with Jess and there’s no managerial issues with moving the guest room linen to the community room.

Lara: As discussed before. Move linens to closet that is in 201, and if approved Questa would pay monthly rental rate on closet. Lara summarizing.
Yuki asking for clarifications/questions, and there being none testing for consensus

Proposal/Decision/Next Steps (if applicable): consensus, Questa can move linens in coordination with management and proceed to rent closet

COVID-Fans/HEPA Filters proposal, discussion & possible decision

Presentation: Rae

Background: At the covid discussion on Thursday the biggest concern brought up was having stronger protocols and risk mitigation factors for our hallways. Research has shown some of the higher risk places for covid are in smaller enclosed spaces with little ventilation. There is also currently a high saturation of covid in LA (about 1 in 17 people is currently contagious) as well as a new more contagious strain (potentially 70% more contagious than the already contagious “original flavor” covid). Suggesting we use part of emergency or community funds to purchase fans for the hallway windows, as well as HEPA air filters for areas that might get more traffic or for when it gets too cold for open windows (bike room area/where kids play/etc). In doing some quick internet research, the window fans cost about $40/each, and the HEPA air filters are about $150-500 depending on the square footage of the space you’re looking to clean at the same time. The air filtration systems also might be useful to have in case of a future fire/smoke scenario. Ideally we can make a decision to commit a certain amount of emergency or community funds

Discussion: Proposal from Rae, on behalf of covid discussion.
Concern came up about some spaces like the bike room, and also hallways which have less airflow.
Idea of fans & HEPA filters.
Yuki clarifying– do you have a dollar amount?
Rae not yet, getting an idea. But 2 fans + 2 air filters are already in the ballpoark of $500-600
Input of where people are at? Bringing up, starting discussion. not everyone was at COVID discussion, didn’t want to move too fast
Question if we get fans, don’t need HEPA filters? Response fans might be sufficient, but HEPA filters were brought up as idea because windows often get closed
Comment, as person who takes care of stuff we have, it’s more stuff to care for, more to look out for (dangers of fans in windows, etc.), more to repair when it breaks. Don’t feel we have given a proper try to keeping windows open, and labeling as such. Not totally feel this proposal is going to make it safer, would appreciate people keeping windows open. Not sure about this idea but not against it either.
Comment: Opening windows will make it less secure, at some point in the bike room people got in through the window and stole bikes. Also ventilation devices might not cover the whole building.
Concern: fans blow things in but also out.
Question, can we try on a smaller scale? Experiment to see if people like and if makes colder, something we want to sustain. Fans could also be useful after COVID use in summer to keep cooler, as people complain then how hot it is.
Comment: with window open and cold weather, it is really cold in my apartment. Also rain/windows/fan interaction seems hazardous.
Comment: as someone who lives next to windows, and have to go in hallway regularly, it is often very cold so I often close windows. Also, we don’t have best air quality in LA anyway, so having HEPA filters in our spaces anyway seems like a good investment in our health long term not just COVID, considering the air we have at the best of times seems suspect, consider it a good investment.
Rae: helpful to have an idea if people want actual prices, research about square footage, what models etc.? or do people not want more research? I can do either, but testing room before putting in more work.
Yuki: is there consensus if we want to explore this general option, or opposition? more in depth exploration of better ventilation possibilities?

Proposal/Decision/Next Steps (if applicable): people expressed interest in more research/more specific proposals around air quality. send helpful ideas or information to Rae, coordinate with them if you would like to be involved in research. Sounds like a more specific proposal will come back at some point in future


  • Facilitation: Dilean, Natali, Philip (2021-02-01 BOARD Mtg)
  • Committee Meetings:
    • management, tues 7pm. main station
    • retreat committee, tues 7:30, different station
  • Work Parties: none
  • Suppa Suppahs (?): Jess R’s Bday on Friday! stay tune for a COVID safe hang of some type
  • Other Announcements: Thursday, lois will be on an international podcast, and Dilean might be on a radio program, Lois will try to send out information


  • shout it out/put it in the chat/send out the vibes via satellite
  • liked “re-questa”
  • excited to see multiple decisions made, and feedback expressed with trust expressed in the community
  • the way the issues were summarized and we went on to consensus.


  • Apertura (10 m)
    • Acuerdos de cumplimiento y justicia lingüística (Nils)
    • Resumen de la agenda
  • Presentaciones - hi / lo en salas para grupos pequeños (10 m)
  • Propuesta para combinar 116/117, decisión de la junta - Jess / Mgmt (15m)
  • Actualización del comité de retiro y solicitud de presupuesto, decisión - Irma (20m)
  • Solicitud de Alquiler de Closet de Ropa Blanca para Questa, decisión - Presentación de Lara (10m)
  • Propuesta de COVID-Fans / Filtros HEPA, discusión y posible decisión - Rae (10m)
  • Next 4s (5m) - Facilitación (Dilean Natali Philip 1 de febrero), Cmte, Cenas, Trabajo
  • Evaluación (5m)
  • Permiso de tiempo de sesión cerrada:
    • Programar la entrevista provisional de membresía de Gautam, decisión - Philip (10m)
    • Programar la entrevista provisional de membresía de Austin, decisión - Lara (10 min)

Notas de la reunión comunitaria

  • Presente: Austin, Nils, KYLA, Yuki, Anaisabel, Philip, Julio 2.0> 3.0, Veronica, Lara, Carol, Joe, Lois, Jess B, Raquel, Rae, Gautam, Josh, Irma, Natali, Aurisha, Devon, Tunde , Jimmy, Ellary, Michelle, Yolanda, HaS?, Jess R
  • Miembros de la Junta presentes (para quórum en el ítem 116/117 :) Yuki, Philip, Carol, Lara, Joe, Josh, Aurisha, Jimmy
  • Equipo facilitador: Yuki (fac), KYLA (técnico), Nils (notas)
  • Interpretación: Julio 3.0, Veronica

Resumen de las decisiones de la reunión

  • consenso a bordo por $ 6000 en el proyecto combinado 116/117, según el plan de acción actualizado
  • consenso para aprobar “hasta $ 5285” para el presupuesto del retiro, con confianza expresada en el comité del retiro y estímulo para escuchar los comentarios de la comunidad e intentar recortar el presupuesto lo más posible
  • consenso: Questa puede mover la ropa blanca en coordinación con la gerencia y proceder al alquiler del armario.
  • las personas expresaron interés en más investigaciones / propuestas más específicas sobre la calidad del aire. Envíe ideas o información útiles a Rae, coordine con ellos si desea participar en la investigación. Parece que una propuesta más específica volverá en algún momento en el futuro.

Propuesta para combinar 116/117, decisión de la JUNTA

Presentación: Jess B & Comité de Gestión

Antecedentes: en la última reunión de la junta, este tema se presentó a la comunidad y a la junta. Hubo un apoyo generalizado a la idea con algunas preguntas de los miembros de la junta. Se acabó el tiempo antes de que se abordaran las preguntas y se aprobaran los fondos. Desde entonces, la junta, el comité de gestión y Jess y Devon han estado discutiendo los detalles del proyecto. Las preguntas e inquietudes se han resuelto y el tema está listo para volver a una reunión comunitaria. Dado que es urgente, (¡un bebé llegará pronto!) Pediré tiempo en una reunión que no sea de la junta para que el proyecto se pueda completar a tiempo. Tomar una decisión (JUNTA) Consenso del Comité de Gestión

Jess B: Traigo esto de hace 3 semanas, en nombre de mgmt, la primera vez que hubo algunas preguntas persistentes que querían revisar cómo se abordó y luego, con suerte, seguir adelante. Se han producido muchas conversaciones en el servidor de listas y fuera de línea, así que lo reconozco. Primera preocupación: política: ¿cómo decidimos qué es una unidad amigable con las familias, cómo podemos asegurarnos de que si aportamos dinero y esfuerzo a la expansión, asegurarnos de que la cooperativa pueda proteger para el uso de las familias? No tengo la capacidad para responder a esta pregunta antes de que se inicie el proyecto. ¿Podemos estar contentos de que se trate de una pregunta y un problema abiertos, pero que está en la mente de la comunidad y “en la pila” para abordar? Segunda preocupación por las modificaciones que provocan un permiso. No agregar una habitación, debería estar bien según las sugerencias de Lara. En lugar de abrir la puerta, abra un pasillo. También requiere una pared de cocina reforzada, pero eso también estaba en el alcance original, por lo que no es nuevo. Posponga otros grandes proyectos en la unidad hasta más tarde, pero haga esta parte y, con suerte, apruebe esta noche. Todavía me gustaría pedir $ 6000 completos, aunque trate de entrar por debajo de eso. Puede haber moho en la madera, otras incógnitas, etc. Jess B / la gerencia no se siente cómodo pidiendo menos, pero intentará hundirse.
Preguntas aclaratorias:
Pregunta: ¿por qué una familia de pronto cinco no vive en un apartamento de 2 dormitorios? ¿Entonces una sola persona puede vivir en cada una de estas dos unidades individuales, lo que permite que se abra una unidad adicional?
Pregunta: ¿Recibimos una oferta? múltiples ofertas?
Pregunta: ¿es necesaria la remediación del plomo? ¿Necesita más de lo que ya se ha hecho en estas unidades?
Respuesta de Jess B: 1 oferta solo hasta ahora, puede obtener una segunda oferta. El alcance del trabajo es pequeño, por lo tanto, en proporción a un trabajo de techo o plomería. Ya gastamos mucho dinero en una inspección de plomo, e incluso más dinero en la eliminación de molduras / puertas / reparación. Según el informe, cualquier plomo de un nivel tóxico ya se ha eliminado de estas 2 unidades.
Respuesta de Devon: Hemos hecho mucho. Quitaron / reemplazaron ventanas, corrección de plomo, niños cómodos en el pasillo donde estamos. Para nosotros, no sé cómo es vivir en ese apartamento [parece estar refiriéndose a la unidad de 2 dormitorios que mencionó Anaisa]. Hemos escuchado que el ruido es un problema. Camiones inactivos. hay una serie de factores que lo hacen menos deseable para nosotros. También el trabajo de movernos realmente es una prueba, por varias razones tiene sentido modificar dónde estamos en lugar de la incertidumbre de movernos.

Prueba de Yuki para consenso, preguntas finales

Propuesta / Decisión / Próximos pasos (si corresponde): consenso a bordo, $ 6000 aprobados para el proyecto combinado 116/117

Actualización del comité de retiro y solicitud de presupuesto, decisión

Presentación: Irma

Antecedentes: Actualización del Comité de Retiro y solicitudes de presupuesto / Actualización del Comité de Retiro y solicitudes de presupuesto. Actualización sobre retiro / Actualización sobre retiro. Decisión sobre partidas presupuestarias (ver más abajo) / Decisión sobre partidas presupuestarias. Consenso del Comité de Retiro / Consenso del Comité de Retiro

Discusión: Irma: Próximo retiro de LAEV, del 26 al 28 de febrero a fines del próximo mes. Presente al equipo, trabajando duro para lograrlo. Al ir a actualizar, revisar algunas cosas, luego Yuki tendrá una diapositiva del presupuesto que el comité está proponiendo. Buena encuesta, buena respuesta, 25 personas responden. 46% a favor del tema, y ​​el comité finalmente decidió: Propósito compartido de LAEV. Dicho esto, el desglose de las cosas para el presupuesto Lucian y Cedar [Spelling?], El mismo equipo que la última vez, estarán allí el sábado y el domingo. Cada día consta de 3 sesiones de 90 minutos. Almuerzo proporcionado los sábados y domingos. Esta es una reunión de ZOOM, por lo que no hay reuniones en persona. Hartley & Tunde lideran la comida, Anaisa y Bruce apoyarán en la comida. El equipo de Jess R & organizará alguna forma diferente de cuidado infantil. Se proporcionará interpretación. Veronica intentará estar presente los dos días y también apoyará para encontrar un traductor adicional. Yuki mostrando la diapositiva del presupuesto. El comité de retiro solicita $ 5285 [ver el desglose del documento de la agenda].
P ¿Cuál es la idea del almuerzo? Entrega de bolsa marrón? ¿Qué forma tomará?
Respuesta: considerando aún, esperando que sea simple y similar a la bolsa marrón con entrega y baja probabilidad de contaminación.
Q Cuidado de niños: ¿a dónde va el dinero? va a otros padres?
P ¿Consideramos recibir ofertas de otros facilitadores?
Respuesta: No consideramos a otros facilitadores, nos acercamos a ellos porque fueron buenos el año pasado.
El dinero para el cuidado de los niños no va a los padres, la idea es crear algún tipo de proyecto para los niños, el dinero es para suministros para que los niños hagan durante el retiro.
Respuesta de Jess: $ 400 para el cuidado de los niños es el máximo, no es un presupuesto detallado y aún no he tenido tiempo. pero como no vamos a tener personas que vengan a cuidar a los niños, ella y otros están creando actividades para los niños para que puedan participar en actividades propias pero relacionadas con el retiro, y también los niños pueden participar en algo que sea para un retiro. tema relacionado. Lo más probable es que sea menos de $ 400, esperando más como $ 200.
Comentario: todo esto se siente bien para un evento virtual. el cuidado de niños parece alto porque será dominio de los padres y nadie va a entrar? ¿Por qué está pagando eso? la comida se siente alta y también la preocupación general sobre cómo se puede hacer sin riesgo de covid. Feliz de saber de Jess que podría salir más barato. De acuerdo con el presupuesto, no bloquear simplemente se siente caro en general.
Comentario / pregunta: el equipo de facilitación sobre la gestión del tiempo: el año pasado fuimos y sentimos que terminó mal. ¿El equipo de facilitación propuesto ha expresado experiencia con esto? es decir, experiencia en la gestión de eventos virtuales? Quiero que el comité tenga esto en cuenta. Además, ¿por qué estamos dando más $ cuando no hay costo de viaje y el tiempo es menor / similar?
Comentario: en el pasado teníamos muchos facilitadores diferentes; creo que deberíamos considerar una variedad de facilitadores / opciones. Con respecto a los suministros para niños, hágale saber a Lois qué se necesita, ya que tiene mucho para regalar. Con respecto al almuerzo, ¿por qué no dar a todos $ 10 dólares para su propio almuerzo si queremos presupuestarlo?
Yuki: expresar tratar de ser neutral y mantener el sombrero de facilitador, refleja escuchar a muchas personas preguntándose sobre la comida y el cuidado infantil, idea: ¿y si podemos separar la facilitación y la interpretación? ya que son más sensibles al tiempo. y regresa con un presupuesto separado y más claro para alimentos / cuidado infantil? ¿Qué tal $ 3900 por fac / interpretación y volver por el resto más tarde?
Acuerdo con Yuki y comentario sobre la facilitación: apoye al comité de retiro que se quede con el equipo con el que ya ha hablado, ya que todos estamos agotados en este momento y no queremos hacer más trabajo para ellos.
Comentario: ¿Qué tal si aprobamos el presupuesto en interés de nuestro tiempo y del tiempo del comité de retiro, pero aprobamos el presupuesto con el estímulo para tratar de llegar lo más bajo posible y tener en cuenta nuestros comentarios? comité de confianza y no quiero que tengan que volver, por lo que la propuesta es aprobar “hasta $ 5285” con la idea de recibir comentarios, ya que el comité está planificando continuamente el retiro.
Aclaración del chat: “No estaba sugiriendo que cambiemos de facilitadores porque ya nos hemos comprometido, pero para referencia futura espero que veamos más de un equipo de facilitadores”.

Propuesta / Decisión / Próximos pasos (si corresponde): consenso para aprobar “hasta $ 5285” para el presupuesto del retiro, con confianza expresada en el comité del retiro y estímulo para escuchar los comentarios de la comunidad e intentar recortar el presupuesto como sea posible

Solicitud de alquiler de armario para ropa blanca para Questa, decisión

Presentación: Lara en representación de Questa que tiene clase

Antecedentes: Decisión sobre la solicitud de Questa de alquilar el armario de al lado para mí (posible compartirlo con la familia Ruvalcaba-Fitzgerald, pero preguntando por mí mismo en este momento) y solicitud de limpiar la parte trasera del armario de la sala comunitaria para reemplazarlo con ropa de habitación. Me mudé de un apartamento más grande y encontré muchas soluciones para el almacenamiento dentro de mi apartamento, pero solo necesito un poco más de espacio para algunos artículos restantes. Decisión, por favor, he hablado con Jess y no hay problemas de gestión al trasladar la ropa de cama de la habitación de huéspedes al salón comunitario.

Lara: Como se discutió antes. Mueva la ropa de cama al armario que está en 201 y, si se aprueba, Questa pagaría la tarifa de alquiler mensual del armario. Lara resumiendo.
Yuki pide aclaraciones / preguntas, y no hay ninguna prueba de consenso

Propuesta / Decisión / Próximos pasos (si aplica): consenso, Questa puede mover la ropa de cama en coordinación con la gerencia y proceder al alquiler del armario

Propuesta de COVID-Fans / Filtros HEPA, discusión y posible decisión

Presentación: Rae

Antecedentes: en la discusión de Covid el jueves, la mayor preocupación que surgió fue tener protocolos más fuertes y factores de mitigación de riesgos para nuestros pasillos. La investigación ha demostrado que algunos de los lugares de mayor riesgo para el covid se encuentran en espacios cerrados más pequeños con poca ventilación. Actualmente también hay una alta saturación de covid en Los Ángeles (aproximadamente 1 de cada 17 personas es * actualmente * contagiosa) así como una nueva cepa más contagiosa (potencialmente un 70% más contagiosa que la ya contagiosa covid de “sabor original”). Sugerir que usemos parte de los fondos comunitarios o de emergencia para comprar ventiladores para las ventanas de los pasillos, así como filtros de aire HEPA para áreas que puedan tener más tráfico o para cuando hace demasiado frío para las ventanas abiertas (área de la sala de bicicletas / donde los niños juegan / etc. ). Al hacer una búsqueda rápida en Internet, los ventiladores de ventana cuestan alrededor de $ 40 / cada uno, y los filtros de aire HEPA cuestan alrededor de $ 150-500 dependiendo de los pies cuadrados del espacio que está buscando limpiar al mismo tiempo. Los sistemas de filtración de aire también pueden ser útiles en caso de un futuro escenario de incendio / humo. Idealmente, podemos tomar la decisión de comprometer una cierta cantidad de fondos comunitarios o de emergencia.

Discusión: Propuesta de Rae, en nombre de la discusión de Covid.
Surgió preocupación sobre algunos espacios como la sala de bicicletas, y también los pasillos que tienen menos flujo de aire.
Idea de ventiladores y filtros HEPA.
Yuki aclarando: ¿tienes una cantidad en dólares?
Rae todavía no, se está haciendo una idea. Pero 2 ventiladores + 2 filtros de aire ya están en el rango de $ 500-600
¿Entrada de dónde están las personas? Trayendo a colación, iniciando la discusión. no todo el mundo estaba en la discusión de COVID, no quería moverse demasiado rápido
Pregunta si tenemos ventiladores, ¿no necesitamos filtros HEPA? Los ventiladores de respuesta pueden ser suficientes, pero los filtros HEPA se plantearon como una idea porque las ventanas a menudo se cierran
Comenta, como persona que se ocupa de las cosas que tenemos, hay más cosas que cuidar, más cosas que tener en cuenta (peligros de los ventiladores en las ventanas, etc.), más cosas que reparar cuando se rompe. No crea que hemos intentado mantener las ventanas abiertas y etiquetarlas como tal. No creo que esta propuesta lo haga más seguro, agradecería que la gente mantenga las ventanas abiertas. No estoy seguro de esta idea, pero tampoco en contra.
Comentario: Abrir las ventanas lo hará menos seguro, en algún momento de la sala de bicicletas la gente entró por la ventana y robó bicicletas. Además, los dispositivos de ventilación pueden no cubrir todo el edificio.
Preocupación: los fanáticos soplan cosas hacia adentro pero también hacia afuera.
Pregunta, ¿podemos intentarlo en una escala más pequeña? Experimente para ver si a la gente le gusta y si hace más frío, algo que queremos sostener. Los ventiladores también podrían ser útiles después del uso de COVID en verano para mantenerse más frescos, ya que la gente se queja del calor que hace.
Comentario: con ventana abierta y clima frío, hace mucho frío en mi departamento. También la interacción lluvia / ventanas / ventilador parece peligrosa.
Comentario: como alguien que vive al lado de ventanas y tiene que ir al pasillo con regularidad, a menudo hace mucho frío, así que a menudo cierro las ventanas. Además, no tenemos la mejor calidad de aire en Los Ángeles de todos modos, por lo que tener filtros HEPA en nuestros espacios de todos modos parece una buena inversión en nuestra salud a largo plazo, no solo COVID, considerando que el aire que tenemos en el mejor de los casos parece sospechoso, considere es una buena inversión.
Rae: ¿Es útil tener una idea si la gente quiere precios reales, investigar sobre pies cuadrados, qué modelos, etc.? ¿O la gente no quiere más investigación? Puedo hacer cualquiera, pero sala de pruebas antes de poner más trabajo.
Yuki: ¿hay consenso si queremos explorar esta opción general u oposición? ¿Exploración más profunda de mejores posibilidades de ventilación?

Propuesta / Decisión / Próximos pasos (si corresponde): las personas expresaron interés en más investigación / más especificaciones


  • Facilitación: Dilean, Natali, Philip (2021-02-01 BOARD Mtg)
  • Reuniones del Comité:
    • gestión, martes 19 h. estación principal
    • comité de retiro, martes 7:30, estación diferente
  • Grupos de trabajo: ninguno
  • Suppa Suppahs (?): ¡El cumpleaños de Jess R el viernes! Manténgase atento a una caída segura de COVID de algún tipo
  • Otros anuncios: el jueves, Lois estará en un podcast internacional y Dilean podría estar en un programa de radio, Lois intentará enviar información


  • grítalo / ponlo en el chat / envía las vibraciones por satélite
  • le gustó “re-questa”
  • emocionado de ver múltiples decisiones tomadas y comentarios expresados con confianza expresada en la comunidad
  • la forma en que se resumieron los temas y pasamos al consenso.

Closed Session Hidden Notes

2021-01-25 Meeting Hidden

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