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2021-04-05 Meeting

USTU Board Meeting 2021-04-05

Facilitation Team: Yuki (fac), Jess R (tech), Nils (notes)
Interpretation: Veronica
Present: Austin, Tunde, Yuki, Nils, Natali, Veronica (Interpretation), Jess R, Philip, Jess B, Raquel, Sam, Lara, Carol, Josh, Rae, Becca, Alana, Julio 2.0, Lois, Joe & Maeve, El Jimmy, Questa, Aurisha, Brooke, Beandrea, KYLA

Board Quorum: Aurisha, Carol, Jimmy, Joe, Josh, Lara, Philip, Yuki [All 8 current board present]


0) Opening - (15 min)
0a) Welcome, language justice, meeting agreements
0b) Agenda review
1) Introductions - go around [Breakout Rooms]
2) Affirm decision on Austin’s provisional membership - Lara (5 min)
3) Management report - Jess B (15 min) - to 8:05
4) Overview of owner, board and officer responsibilities - Yuki (5 min) to 8:10
5) Update on fair housing compliance work - Lara (5 min) to 8:15
6) Owner members consideration for Board membership timeline - Natali (15 min) to 8:30
7) New Cat Companion for #114 - Sam (10 min) to 8:40
8) Closing - (10 min)
8a) Next 4s - Community (5 min) to 8:45
Facilitation: Next wk 4/12: Irma, Hartley, Joe
Committee Meetings?
Work Party?
8b) Evaluation - Community (5 min) to 8:50
9) Closed Session - Board-only: Confirm restructuring of employee pay - Jess B (10 min)
10) Time Permitting: Presentation re the LADWP grant to LAEVI/CRSP - Lois/Raquel (10 min)



2.) **Austin’s provisional membership-formal decision** - Lara
Lara saying we have not often had this situation, and never on zoom.
Item was expected to make a decision at the last meeting, but Agenda wasn’t sent out within the proper window (24 hours) so we need to formalize the decision now.
Yuki suggesting breakout room with members, non-members separate room hangout.
we will be right back.
CONSENSUS: Austin’s provisional membership approved
Comment: a lot of love for Austin.

3.) **Management Report** - Jess B
Real chill, brief update.
Garage’s wiring is fixed. Made as it should have been to start.
More motion sensor lights are up--if anyone has an opinion on them, they can be adjusted.
Jess B will start putting shade cloth as screens-for those who emailed previously. Or if you still want one let Jess B know. Should reduce heat in the apartment.
Last vacancy being filled in about a week - Gautam moving into 219
Have time for questions/comments:
Q: not seeing sensor lights going on?
Jess B: on lowest sensitivity, we can turn up
Q: Have we heard from Claire?
A: haven’t heard more, have let them know legally it’s only required 30 days notice but it would be nice to have more heads up
Austin: potential for shipping items if it comes to that? we have talked on zoom but not sure?
Comment: Smells from my sink, every day.
A: Noted.
Q: Can motion lights stay on for longer?
Jess b: almost certain yes, just need to be adjusted. There was concern about initial invasiveness, so have them on lowest sensitivity currently. good feedback, thanks. They can be adjusted.

4.) **April Meeting on Board is overview of Roles & Responsibilities**:
Yuki (as secretary) presenting:
Taking us a while to make the full transition to owner-membership. Might be a lifelong transition.
Co-op owns the building, we own shares. more info on limited equity housing co-ops, if you have questions can answer.
The owner member roles and responsibilities are for the legal and financial well-being of co-op. Long term welfare of co-op. May serve on board. Responsibilities for making decisions on behalf of co-op. Also have ownership and financial rights & responsibilities.
have to live here for 12 months, but actually means 18 mos altogether because
have to be accepted by board
have to be willing to sign proprietary lease
current resident
extra criteria: https://urbansoil.net/wiki.cgi?Process_to_Become_an_Owner_Member_of_USTU
Approval Process:
Acceptance as an Owner Member will be made by Consensus of the Board in accordance with the requirements for Major Decisions. A person must be a Renter Member for at least 12 months prior to becoming an Owner Member. (USTU bylaws section 4.2) I think the 12 months as a “Renter Member” refers to being a full renter member (not provisional), so that would mean having lived here for at least 18 months per our process.
Board Election Process:
Was decided per CA Civil Code Section 1363.03, secret ballot. This will come up again in a later item tonight.
Becca: We have paid in full, of the first installment. And can we update Alana’s name.
Rae: idk how to pay?
A: write a check to USTU, give to Jess B, and then let Yuki know and she will update
Lois: Have heard in the past that we want maximum owner members as possible, but there are some good reasons from other cooperatives examples to not have 100% owner-members, will bring back at another meeting the reasons for why this is.
Jess R: Question about promissory notes, can it be clarified? is now a good time? or can speak later.
A: instead of paying in full, you can sign a promissory note that is you will pay in installments. Once you pay $500 for the first portion of promissory note, you become a full owner-member, as long as you continue paying.
Tunde: wants to know how far I am in process? as returning member, does it continue? or does the counter reset?
A: my read is that it is 12 mos of being a full member, nothing specific but you are probably there.
Carol: is there a historical reason why all owner members are not automatically board members unless they decline?
A: We made process according to CA law, though law changed year after we made bylaws– it might be if someone has the capacity to revisit.
Yuki: we are at time, but if any questions feel free to email me or any board members

5.) **Fair housing compliance** - Lara report from Ad-hoc group:
We do see ways how it would be good to improve our membership process, to be more in line with fair housing law. Ad-hoc committee believes it is in our best interest to gather information we have so far, and seek legal counsel.
To that end, Leslie has sought estimates for legal services and contacted Tyler M., Christina O., and Jesse P.; the first two responded with estimates. To get consultation on options and pros/cons of changing our process.
Lois: thanks for work, suspect import that if too many members too high an income, way remedied when there are vacancies only accept an income-qualifying resident. Think it’s easy enough to research on our own, but won’t fight on spending money.
Lara, reply: you are referring to our compliance as an affordable housing provider, this is a whole different compliance with fair-housing law. I think it’s important to review BOTH of them.
Want to make sure fair access to people with disabilities, and that we are doing the best that we can.

6.) **Owner members consideration for Board membership timeline** - Natali
Natali: My initial question, some history. I became approved as owner member as Dec 11. Met with Yuki, going over spreadsheet. Looking at bylaws, interested in timeline. The only language it talks about it is annual elections, and 50 possibilities. Wondering what process is to become a Board Member, that is not the annual election. Posing a question of next steps?
Q: Appreciate interest in responsibility. Do you have a specific request?
Natali: can I ask for an election or do I have to wait until next election? which was delayed last year, so might be delayed again.
Yuki, facilitating: Hearing that maybe Option A is an election we can set up before July or Sept. or Option B wait till Annual Elections. Option C other???
Lara: we had changed our Bylaws to be in line with Davis-Sterling law, but don’t see any reason why we can’t add a board member before the annual election, either through an election process or an appointment. Also don’t think we need to wait a year. That’s all.
Philip: Saw in Natali’s background that Bylaws state we can have up to 50 board members. But also saw that the board could make a decision on the number of how many would be on board [ie, it sounds like the board could decide to limit it to less than 50]. My question is, did the board make such a decision?
Yuki: No, we can have a range of 3-50.
Joe: Fine with whatever, appointing or getting Natali on board. Question: is there something that you want to do? being on the board is extra work without benefits? why would people want to be on board earlier than they have to be? I’m fine with it, but historic procedure is wait to an election.
Curious is there something you want to do that you cannot?
Natali: yes, would have a vote in board meetings. now, vs waiting 6 months. Wanting to update other sections of Bylaws.
Comment: you’re welcome to work on bylaws now. sorry not trying to be too light, understand if you were to spend time would want to be able to vote on them. makes sense. Not trying to be flippant just trying to understand.
Carol: since they are scheduled for july would that be soon enough?
Natali: But does July mean Sept or July? [delay from last year]
Becca: When we were first forming the bylaws, I was a provisional member. So doesn’t mean you can’t work on bylaws now.
Yuki, A to previous Q: my desire is to bring elections back to July. Doesn’t say anywhere we can’t do another thing, more a capacity thing. If there’s support, maybe we can just appoint before the next election? my concern is we spend time figuring it out and then july comes anyway. if there is a way we can just make a check and then make that decision then we could do, just need a (legal) greenlight?
Josh: Doesn’t feel right that the board can appoint, seems like owner-members should appoint. I think we should follow the same procedure as any board election, whatever time it happens.
Comment, natali: prefer earlier than July, would like to vote before July. Think there should be good practice going forward, for others interested too.
Q, Philip: Not everyone who wanted to be on the board was elected. If those other people want to be considered, would we also consider them prior to the regular election?
Questa: why can’t we hold a special election for the person who’s entering?
Yuki: noting it does take time and capacity of Yuki, though doesn’t mean we shouldn’t do it.
Lois: My understanding is that anyone can input into board decisions, but the board makes the final decision.
Yuki: we have 2 mins, it would be good to get guidance on next steps? Is there some research that someone could do that it is legal? Maybe we just do a secret ballot? Just be consistent.
Joe: would like to have orderly, but worried about having every month having to vote on someone potentially. drag on process. maybe quarterly or 3 times per year?
Carol: We accept new owner members twice a year?
A: yes on calendar, but percentage is so small we have been doing as people are interested
Carol: what about simultaneously with owner-members?
Becca: I am on another board, not US/TU, right now I am on the rest of someone’s session. Then we have another election in Sept. Curious what our terms are? Are they the same for everyone? Are they rolling? Idea needs more fleshing out. just observation.
Yuki: heard that questions around is it regular thing, question about terms, might be need for separate space to get into this? Will someone lead a conversation around this? I can be on call but cannot convene
Joe: I will convene it.
Expressing interest in meeting to explore Next Steps: Lara, Yuki, Natali, Becca

7.) **New Cat Companion for 114** - Sam:
Sam: I met a new cat. We zoomed. It was fabulous. She’s currently with a nice foster family, so it’s not an emergency. But ASPCA would like to get her adopted. Her name is Cackle, 7 years old. Bringing Cackle forth per our pet policy, she will be indoor but I am trying to rig a mechanism for her to ride my bicycle with me.
Yuki, facilitating: reminder that our pet policy is we accept indoor-only cats on a case-by-case basis.
Sam: Also, important to note I will be trying to compost her poop. intensive process, but I think it can be done. but would only put on ornamental trees, not on food.
Lois: I am excited about you having a new housemate. Do I understand, have you actually not met this cat face-to-face?
Sam: on camera
Lois: not what i meant by face to face. apprehensive.
Question: composted cat poop, if you put on non-edible plants. What about rain or surface water? something you have taken into consideration?
Yuki: can we come back to composting poop? feel that is a separate agenda item to approve, and we are at time on this item.
CONSENSUS: Sam to adopt Cackle Approved

10.) **Time-Permitting: Presentation re the LADWP grant to LAEVI/CRSP** - Lois/Raquel
[ Time did not permit. ]

8a.) **Next 4s**:
Next week meeting: Irma, Hartley, Joe
mgmt tomorrow, 7pm
annual BVCLT member meeting coming up on April 17 at 5pm
Jess R: still have time to submit quilt squares, next week will do a work party outside/zoom. have only had 1 submission from male gendered EVers, come on guys!
Global EV summit Friday, it’s free. Check in or out anytime you want! Link is on LAEVI website
Raquel & Lois: would like to invite interested EVers to inquire about paid/unpaid opportunities with LADWP grant. it has OTHER IMPLICATIONS [note-taker’s note: the previous was distinctly spoken in ALL CAPS] for our neighborhood.
Suppers: No
Work Parties: Crickets

8b.) **Eval**:
We got a lot done
Thanks for stepping in to switch
Smog makes for low energy meetings
Great job facilitators
Appreciation for trading cards
people want to know who wins the cards [note-taker’s answer: Lara & Beandrea see here]
sorry no time for the time-permitting item, appreciations to Lois for flagging it as such and flexibility


9.) Confirm restructuring of employee pay - Jess B (10 min)
The board received a report on restructuring employee pay, acknowledging that this is in the jurisdiction of the management committee to provide oversight for staffing issues.