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2021-03-22 Meeting

USTU Community Meeting 2021-03-22

Facilitation Team: Sam & Josh (fac), KYLA (notes)
Interpretation: Veronica, Julio 3.0
Present: Yuki, Tunde, Austin, Natali, Philip, Josh, Sam, KYLA, Nils, Brooke, Enrique, Jess R, Eli, Beandrea, Veronica, Julio 3.0, Lara, Rae, Lois, Raquel, Adriana, Alana, Carol, Maeve, Carrie, Joe, Gautam, Becca, Devon, Aurisha, Ellary, Michelle

Austin’s Provisional Membership Decision - Lara, Liaison (15 minutes)
Make a decision

TIME PERMITTING (time did NOT permit) ————--
Update on two parking spots - Gautam (10 minutes)
Share Information
Jess B told us we have two spots left unused. I asked for feedback over email and then sent out a survey. Will show results and discuss options.
Update on speaking order - Carrie & Alana (10 minutes)
Make a decision

 adopt the self imposed speaking order on an ongoing/permanent basis

Summary of Decisions:

Consensus to pay UP TO $400 + fees for Zoom translation services/webinar upgrade
The community came to consensus in favor of Austin’s provisional membership tonight. However, our current policy states that we make a decision only if the agenda is sent out 24 hours in advance. Because the agenda was sent out late, it did not meet that criteria and we will be ratifying the decision at the next meeting.

Proposal for racial justice dialogue series - Alana, on behalf of the racial justice committee

Introduce proposal for feedback. We will return for a decision later.

Request for $400 to purchase Zoom Webinar Add-on for US/TU Meetings Zoom account / Solicitud de $400 para comprar el Webinar Add-on de Zoom para la cuenta de Zoom de reuniones de US/TU

Consensus to pay UP TO $400 + fees for translation services/webinar upgrade

We all have been borrowing Yuki’s Zoom account for USTU Meetings since we switched over to online meetings in order to pass the 40min basic account meeting time limit and use of the advanced meeting features (higher participant count/advanced sharing/drawboard/polls/breakout rooms/language interpretation/etc.) Some committees also use Yuki’s account to meet outside of standard work hours, per a sign-up calendar schedule. It’s not a long term solution or really a solution at all, more a stop-gap which we let slide. So facilitators requested and USTU purchased a Zoom PRO account to replace relying on Yuki’s. Unfortunately the PRO Zoom account does not allow for language interpretation. As we now have simultaneous language interpretation on Mondays, we need that function on the new account to continue with Monday Meetings as they are now. The easiest and quickest way to get this enabled is to purchase the Webinar Add-on from Zoom. This unfortunately costs $400 +fees per year, so asking for that to be approved by the community, either from community directed funds or to split the cost between community funds and monies we have already set aside for language justice as that is the primary reason for purchase

Todos hemos estado tomando prestada la cuenta Zoom de Yuki para las reuniones de la USTU desde que cambiamos a las reuniones en línea para superar el límite de tiempo de la reunión de 40 minutos y usar todas las funciones avanzadas de la reunión (mayor número de participantes / uso compartido avanzado / tablero / encuestas / salas de reuniones / interpretación de idiomas / etc.) Algunos comités también usan la cuenta de Yuki para reunirse fuera del horario laboral estándar, según un calendario de inscripción. No es una solución a largo plazo o realmente una solución en absoluto, más bien una solución provisional que dejamos pasar. Entonces, los facilitadores solicitaron y USTU compró una cuenta Zoom PRO para reemplazar la dependencia de Yuki. Desafortunadamente, la cuenta PRO Zoom no permite la interpretación de idiomas. Como ahora tenemos interpretación simultánea en idiomas los lunes, necesitamos esa función en la nueva cuenta para continuar con las reuniones de los lunes como están ahora. La forma más fácil y rápida, y la forma en que el comité de facilitación lo recomienda, para habilitarlo es comprar el complemento de seminario web de Zoom. Desafortunadamente, esto cuesta $400 + tarifas por año, por lo que solicitar que la comunidad lo apruebe, ya sea de fondos dirigidos por la comunidad o para dividir el costo entre los fondos comunitarios y el dinero que ya hemos reservado para la justicia del idioma, ya que esa es la razón principal para compra.


Report back on Retreat survey results and start the process of following up on main takeaways - Beandrea

Survey results:

Top Priorities Highlights (Cedar and Lucien’s Notes):

Capacity Highlights:

Please think about which items you may like to work on and help to create a proposal or action around!

Instructions on "How to Vote in Upcoming RVNC Election”

SLIDE PRESENTATION - RVNC VOTE!! on the 2021 Rolling Notes Doc

Schedule Greenlight for Raquel Valencia


Next Fours


Closed Session Hidden Notes

2021-03-22 Meeting Hidden