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This is an experiment in Using day-pages for documenting plants around the eco-village.
The page you see now is the mother page for a day page set that includes all the pages with a date and the id “Plant” added to them. For example “2007-03-15 Plant”


You can edit a Plant Page in this wiki using the following link or by clicking in any of the dates of the calendar:

Edit Today's Plant Page

      April 2021
 Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
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 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
 25 26 27 28 29 30   

You can copy and paste the following to use the same format as the other pages. Replace the name plantimage for the name of the image you want to upload. Then save the plant page and click on the image name to upload the image from your computer.

[[image: plantimage.jpg]]
* **Common Name:** 
* **More Information:**
* **Location:** 
* **Uses:** 
* **Comments:** 

Picture sizes? For most browsers it is better to keep the pictures around 580 pixels wide. If you don’t know how to resize pictures on your computer there are many online tools for easily resizing pictures. This is a simple one, http://resizr.lord-lance.com/


This format seems useful to document the seasonal changes of plants. And to build a historical archive with precise dates. The pictures posted should have been taken around the same time that the post specifies. Please feel free to add comments, pages, pictures, and to correct inaccurate information.


Thanks to Lara Morrison, Brad Mowers, George Patton, Scott Horton, Joe Linton and everyone who shares their knowledge about plants for making this possible.
Also thanks to gardeners and Garden Committees of past present and future for planting and caring for our green friends.

Plants of the L.A Eco-Village:

2007-08-02 Plant


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2007-04-02 Plant


  • Common Name: Deadly Nightshade
  • More Information: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deadly_nightshade
  • Location: Planted in a pot at the end of the compost pits
  • Uses: Medicinal
  • Comments: The plant volunteered in Yuki’s pot. It overgrew the onions living there so Yuki transplanted it. After asking around for the species Lara suggested that it might be a Deadly Nightshade. We let it grow to confirm that. And yes, the berries look very much like deadly nightshade berries. Apparently this is one of the most toxic plants in the western hemisphere. We’ll keep it around for educational purposes. Found this on the wikipedia article linked above: “Stories claim that the devil has the exclusive rights to plant and harvest this plant. Hence, anyone eating it is visited and killed by the devil”.

We found a mushroom growing under the plant (another reason to keep it), it’s tiny, very cute:

Comments on this page

2007-03-21 Plant

More mushrooms!

A little disclaimer again: mushrooms are not plants, but since they live with plants, and even help them by decomposing organic matter and making it available to them they made it to the PlantPages. Remember: do not eat the mushrooms if you don’t know what you are doing.

I found these at the base of the fig tree in front of 127 Bimini Pl. I think Maria waters the place a lot and that helps it. The tree is probably decomposing too. I found some mushrooms there a few days ago (see previous plant page) so these must be coming from the same mycelium. They last for a day and turn totally black at the end. They might be some sort of Inky Cap.


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2007-03-17 Plant

Mushrooms yay!

These where under the fig tree in the courtyard. Species unknown. And, well, mushrooms are not plants. But since they live with plants, and even help them by decomposing organic matter and making it available to them they made it to the PlantPages. Remember: do not eat the mushrooms if you don’t know what you are doing.

These where found by the fig tree in front of 127 Bimini (That is Jimmy and Emily’s apartment. Species unknown.



  • Common Name: Arugula
  • More Information:
  • Location: Beds in front of 127 Bimini Pl.
  • Uses: Edible
  • Comments: These have been self seeding for a while



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2007-03-15 Plant


  • Common Name: apple tree
  • More Information:
  • Location: west side of bimini place, in front of 127 bimini, by the cob bench
  • Uses: Edible
  • Comments: This picture was taken because this is one of the trees we want to keep when the shared streets project is implemented


  • Common Name: Peach Tree
  • More Information:
  • Location: west side of bimini place, in front of the Seafood City rear entrance
  • Uses: Edible
  • Comments: This picture was taken because this is one of the trees we want to keep when the shared streets project is implemented


  • Common Name: Apricot Tree
  • More Information:
  • Location: Eastern side of bimini pl, in across the street from 117 bimini pl
  • Uses:
  • Comments: This picture was taken because this is one of the trees we want to keep when the shared streets project is implemented

Comments on this page

2007-03-14 Plant



  • Common Name: Spearmint
  • More Information: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spearmint
  • Location: This one is located by the avocado alley
  • Uses: Edible
  • Comments: It was planted originally by Maria on the south garden. i (federico) propagated it on the pots by taking cuttings off the plant. Since mint grows extending its rhizomes underground it’s easy to propagate.


  • Common Name: Peppermint, Menta Piperita (spanish)
  • More Information: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peppermint
  • Location: This one is growing in federico’s window box
  • Uses: Edible
  • Comments: Dave Kahn gave me this one when i visited his permaculture site in silverlake.


  • Common Name: Lemon Balm
  • More Information: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lemon_balm
  • Location: The pictures show one growing in my window box, one under the window box, and the the bigger one in Camile’s garden on the western side of the courtyard.
  • Uses: edible
  • Comments: propagated from Camile’s garden to the window box. It grows well in shady areas, you can see it growing under other plants.


  • Common Name: Rue, Ruda (in spanish)
  • More Information: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rue
  • Location: Maria’s garden by the avocado alley
  • Uses: edible
  • Comments: considered to bring good luck (in colombia)

 Bougainvillea .jpg

  • Common Name: Bougainvillea
  • More Information: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bougainvillea
  • Location: The one pictured above is located in the south garden, there are others around the eco-village including one on the front gate of building 117
  • Uses:
  • Comments: very thorny



  • Common Name: fig, common fig
  • More Information: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_Fig
  • Location: south garden
  • Uses: edible, porous wood makes good fire for pizza ovens
  • Comments: the image above shows the recently pruned tree. It was pruned to allow more light to enter the south garden.




  • Common Name: Nasturtium
  • More Information: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nasturtium
  • Location: The plants pictured above are in front of lara’s apartment in the courtyard
  • Uses: Edible
  • Comments: You can eat the flowers and the leafs. Lara recommends putting the flowers on your salad.





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