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2021-03-01 Meeting

USTU Board Meeting 2021-03-01

Facilitation team: Alana (fac), William (notes), Ellary (tech)
Interpretation: Veronica, Julio 3.1.2

Present: Lois, Yuki, Carol, Lara, Joe, Philip, Nils, Jimmy, Jess B, Raquel (guest), Aurisha, Natali, Rae, Josh, Gautam,

Intros 5 min/Introducciones 5 min
Language Justice -5 min/anuncio de justicia idiomatica-5 min
Meeting requirement to maintain 501c3 status for US/TU and BVCLT -Lara 10 minutes/Requisitos para mantener situación actual de 501c3 y BVCLT – Lara 10 min
Requesting money from the USTU board to upgrade the garage electric system. Jess B /Management 15 minutes/Solicitando dinero de USTU board para mejorar el sistema eléctrico del garaje -Jess B/15 min
Manager update 15 mins Jess B/La puesta al dia de administración Jess B 15 min
Move in Request for Unit 219 Gautam 5 mins/Solicitud de moverse al dept. 219. Guatam 5 min
Rae Owner Member interview 15 mins/Entrevista con Rae para ser miembro propietaria 15 min
Time permitting - Proposed to allow security deposits that have been paid to be converted to an owner share payment. Lara 10 minutes/ Propuesta para permitir deposito de garantia ya pagado convertirse al pago de participación del propietario Lara 10 min

Ground lease discussion

7. Rae Owner Member decision 10 mins/Decisión sobre rae y membresía de propietario 10 min
8. Eval/Next 4s- 5 minEval/anuncios- 5 min

Meeting notes:

4. Lara: Meeting requirement to maintain 501c3 status for US/TU and BVCLT -Lara 10 minutes/Requisitos para mantener situación actual de 501c3 y BVCLT

This year when collecting our annual income reporting, Lara was shocked by the shift to a large number of members who are earning at the higher end of AMI. Our ground lease with BVCLT requires us to give an annual report on how we’re complying with fair housing policy. As a community we originally only had 5% of units over 80% AMI; now we’re at 29% of households that no longer qualify. The maximum we’re supposed to have by law is 25%. This means that we need to start only forwarding membership applications that are from people whose income is low enough to qualify. The majority of these changes have come as a result of there being an increase in the number of people within the household as well as an increase in income within the household.

Q: did you say the data was less than perfect?
A: it’s to do with the brackets of the income categories which makes it hard to read exactly where they are on the spectrum. We got at least verbal clarification from everybody with regards to their income.

Q: What are the consequences of this for USTU?
A: the land trust is facing more consequences for this than USTU. This affects their seeking an audit for affordable housing loans and developments. We have an opportunity to alter what we’re doing so we don’t fall further out of compliance.

Comment: amazing that our residents are thriving during this time. Makes me think we should move more to rental equity through a sliding rental scale.

5. Jess: Requesting money from the USTU board to upgrade the garage electric system/Management 15 minutes/Solicitando dinero de USTU board para mejorar el sistema eléctrico del garaje -Jess B/15 min

Current garage electricity wiring is currently not up to code - it’s hooked up to a breaker in Jimmy’s kitchen. Electricians think best way would be to route it through the terraces. The cheapest estimate was a little under 7K from a credible company. They will cut connection to 117 and re-route it to terraces meter in Avocado Alley. There will be a breaker box in Garage 1. Estimate also includes for some more outdoor lighting by the terraces. Both electricians pointed out that we have high liability in our area.

Q: can we do it so as to anticipate adding more solar panels in the future, or even add more solar panels now?
A: don’t think this will affect our ability to add solar panels. This certainly won’t impede it.

Q: where in the budget is it coming from?
A: capital expenses if approved.


6. Jess B: Manager update 15 mins Jess B/La puesta al dia de administración Jess B 15 min

Vacancies and rent are the same as the last update. 116/117 combination is done and went well. We found some bad plumbing in the walls as usual.
Parking: there are currently 1 or sometimes 2 available communal spots. Mgmt doesn’t intend to make a plan on how to allocate it; we’d like car owners to come together and come up with a plan for it. These spots are in the Seafood City alley. Aurisha and Fabian are currently using them but we have no plan to stop them from doing so until we have a plan for how to allocate them. Aurisha is giving her spot up to the community; Fabian has over time put more and more cars in his spot, and we’re wanting to rectify that.

Comment: what about allocating car sharing services for one of those spots? Multiple members expressed support for this idea.

Background: we once had conversations to come up with a rate for charging. We can revisit that if needed.
Q: have we thought about non-vehicle use for that space? i.e. commercial enterprises like a food truck
A: understanding is that it’s an easement so it can only be treated as alley space. It therefore might not qualify for a Zipcar spot.

Comment: not a fan of any car placement in those spots if they’re becoming available (Lois). We should consider closing down the alley to cars totally.

Outcome: members will discuss offline.

Mgmt update cont:

Windows replacement discussion: we spent a lot of money when fixing the roof. Consequently, we’re at a point where big new expenses require difficult decisions about which come first. We think this is up to the community: it could be windows, it could be piping, it could be painting. The most urgent windows are the community room and the lobby, since they tested positive for lead.

Comment: I think some apartment complexes have schedules on when things in their inventory are likely to fail. If some of these are built around the same time as 117 it could be a guide for when things here may also fail.

Comment: would be good to get bids on painting and see how much money we have available for that, and then to assess other items.

7. Move in Request for Unit 219 Gautam 5 mins/Solicitud de moverse al dept. 219. Guatam 5 min

Gautam was able to look at unit 219, liked it. He thinks he fits within the income limits based on a conversation with Lara. This is his announcement. Next week we will see if there are any competing requests.

8. Rae Owner Member interview 15 mins/Entrevista con Rae para ser miembro propietaria 15 min

Rae: owner membership is exciting to me; I enjoy planning and think I will like the decisions that the board have to take on. I’m also interested in the longevity of this organization.

Q: where do you stand on the issue of purchasing the fourplex?
A: Very much in support of more property within this neighborhood.

Clarification: Rae is a single person household. Treffyn has been living there for a while due to COVID restrictions.

Q: are you interested in being a board member? Being an owner member is not automatically the same as being a board member.
A: Yes, interested. I would have to look over the requirements for how board members are elected for knowing how I’d go about this.

Q: how do you feel about our bylaws and vision/mission elements? Is there anything you’re excited about?
A: Leslie and I had a really good conversation about social capitalism at the retreat, and smart investing. I come from this mindset and am excited about that sort of thing.

Q: are you interested in working on a proprietary lease?
A: yes, I have a list of eco village projects that I want to work on, and this is included.

Q: have you ever served on a non-profit board?
A: no. I’d like lots more training before taking on anything like that responsibility.

9. Announcements/Next 4s:

Proprietary leases Friday at 4pm.
Facilitators: Yuki/Nils, looking for one more
Eval: good timekeeping, chill