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Meeting Agenda

Meeting Agenda

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To look at a list of bikeracked items, go to the Bike Rack. If you pull an item from the Bike Rack, please delete it from that page. At the end of the meeting, if you have the energy, please update the Bike Rack with any new items. Thanks!

Community Meeting Agenda for Monday 17 April 2017

Facilitation Team: Josh & Yuki

Community Meeting Agenda for Monday 21. Dec 2015

Irma - facilitation, Carol - notes
• Introductions & Agenda Review - Irma 5 min
• RVNC Board and Neighborhood Council Sustainability Alliance meetings report back OR
Intro discussion: Policy development on private auto ownership (previous com.meeting discussion: http://urbansoil.net/wiki.cgi?2015-09-28_Meeting) Lois 20 min
• Retreat Goal: Leslie 20 min.
Bienvenidos would like to provide a space to address big issues that matter to members and start solution oriented discussion. Please note community questions at end.
1st Day
1. Discussion and activities on:
(a) Core values and what they mean to different people as one group (9:30-11am)
· Vision: why does USTU exist?
· Mission: How does USTU manifest its vision?
· Core values: What does USTU stand for?
(b) Things we would be excited to do and forward looking things (11am-12:30pm)
· Aims: what are concrete and specific ways USTU can provide services and products for its community?
2. Discussion on sub-topics in small groups with report backs for the next day (1:30-3:30pm)
At least 3 people per group: please identify who are the facilitator, notetaker, and presenter
· Strengths & weaknesses of consensus decision making, as well as alternatives
· Low or no participation by members
· Diversity: what does it mean to us?
· Clarity on owner membership
· Relationship between USTU, CRSP, and BVCLT
· Budget regarding members, non-members, and owner-members. Disparity about how much is spent on each apartment.
Each small group addresses the following:
· What is this group’s purpose?
· What are the objectives of the group?
· What proposal(s) has the group generated to achieve these objectives?
· For each proposal, what are the criteria to measure and evaluate it if implemented?
· For each proposal, what is the group’s suggested timeline before evaluation?
3. Work Party (starts at 3:30pm)

2nd day
1. Small group reports and general group feedback (9:30am-12:30pm &1:30-3pm)
(a) Present proposal
(b) Clarifying questions
(c) Quick Reactions
(d) Test for consensus
(e) Resolve concerns
2. Discussion on how to avoid past pitfalls with follow through (3-3:30pm)
3. Work Party (starts at 3:30pm)

 Questions to Community

1. Do we have any specific goals regarding the core values segment of the retreat (ex. revision)?

2. Coordinators for breakfast and lunch potlucks?

3. Any other work party ideas? Coordinators for the work parties?

• Flag request for Yolanda, Julio v2’s mom - 20 min., irma on behalf of julio v2
• Next 4”s

 facilitators:  Garrick & JImmy
 • Closed Session:
Raleigh Provisional Membership 20 min. - irma on behalf of julio v2

US/TU board meeting 9/14/2015

Agenda review and introductions 5 min
Intro to radical engagement - Irma 15 mins
Autumn Announcement of Interest - Daniel & Autumn 5 mins
Yoga space request - Isabel & Ana Paula 5 mins
Monthly Mgmnt Facilities Report - Josh 10 min
Monthly Mgmnt Financials Report - Sandy 10 min
Tegan Film Proposal - Lois 10 mins
Moving guest unit to 119 -includes decision on Jess & Devon requests: 116 & 117 Sandy 15 mins
Anaisabel provisional membership decision 15 mins
schedule raleigh GL - Julio 2.0 - 5 min
next 4s - 5 min
eval - 5 min

US/TU Board Meeting Agenda 8/10/15

1.Agenda review, intros 10 min
2. Options for property tax exemptions per Public Counsel assistance - Zoe« - 20 min
4.Monthly Mgmnt Facilities Josh 10 min
5. Monthly Mgmnt Financials Sandy 10 min
6. Move Board meeting last Monday each month to facilitate financial report of rents, begin Sep. 2015 - josh - 5 min
7. Board response to fixed income residents includes setting fixed income limit for household for current & future households, to be revised as needed in response to co-op needs.(previously discussed 6/30/14) - sandy 15 min.
8. Does the board consent to granting free use of 201 to Gail M,, NVC facilitator, for monthly NVC practice sessions through Dec, 2014. Suggested donation $10-$20/ session. Room payment would be assigned after attendance and income reviewed at that time, if Gail wants to continue facilitating group in 201. (previously discussed 6/26/15) leslie 10 min
9. Next 4s: fac. team Adewole & Jimmy
10. Eval.

11. time permitting: Does the board consent to allocate $500 from education fund + free room & board for Sociocracy Training facilitated by D..L.Christian, Oct 2 -4. (see attached doc) lois

Community Meeting Agenda, July 6, 2015

1) Space request for NVC monthly practice leslie
2) guest stay reciprocity with other participating ecovillages/intentional communities lois, michelle, melba
3. Change in membership questionnaire lara
4. Visitor request for Spring visitor com.
5.Space request Los Angeles Neighborhood Land Trust lois
6.space request: street blog fundraiser joe
7.space request - ana paula interpreter group
8. movie space request claire
9. Garrick’s provisional membership decision
4 nexts:
member’s meeting

Board Meeting Agenda, June 8, 2015

1) Agenda review
2) Introductions
3) Update on reporting on covenanted units
4) Begin collection of rent on apartment 117
5) Finalize Leslie’s membership on Mgmt. Cmmt
6) Standing items - Repairs, vacancies, finances. -
7) Caleb & Daniel room requests. (approved for 3 months) want 1 unit each. They propose taking #111 and #10 2;start their 3-month visit , June 18.
8) Next 4’s
9) Eval

Board Meeting Agenda

April 13, 2015

Agenda review 5 min
introductions 5 min
Becca & Jordan request 127 1/2 1 min
Space request: 201, April 18, 8 pm for movie: The spook who sat by the door - eric 2 min.
Garrick - Greenlight interview - Lara 20 min
CRA - update 20 min zoë / sandy
CRA: Board identifies reasons to support & concerns for evaluating whether to expand the # of covenanted units. 30 min ? lara
Four nexts: 5 min.

	facilitators: becca / joe
	meetings: garden group sat. 10/18
	supah suppah	
	work parties: garden groupEval - 5 min.

Community Meeting 23 March 2015

Community meeting 16.March 2015

Agenda Review 5 min
Introductions 5 min
CRT Appreciation Moment Claire/ Shaila 20 min
FLAG-not-in-unit proposal Joe 20 min
Bruce provisional membership decision Eric 20 min
Change the Artsy Committee to Arts & Culture Committee - update Leslie 5 min
Next 4s (include space request by Melba for 201 on 3/17 supper)
Eval - 10 min

Community meeting 2.Feb 2015

Agenda review / intros - 5 min

Space request: #201 and courtyard space for public workshop with Diana Leafe Christian 5 minutes presenter Lara - 5 min

	for Fri 7 - 10 pm  2/26 
	Sat & Sun, 2/27- 28  10 am - 4 pm
	Courtyard for lunch, weather permitting.

space request for 201 on 3 /19 massage class /barter- fundraiser for emergency prep supplies, max. 18 people carol - 5 min.

membership interview Bruce (Eric) 20 min.

Visitor request Ian’s visit- questionnaire; http://urbansoil.net/wiki.cgi?Ian_Questionnaire_Hidden 15 min zoe

bienvenidos: exit survey https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/38M2Q3Y claire 15 min

next steps for melba / lindsay 25 min. peter will facilitate

provisional membership vote daniel - 20 min.

Next 4’s - 5 min
fac. team: adewole/ jimmy
work parties:
supah suppah

Eval - 5 min.

Archived Agendas
2014 Agendas

2013 Agendas

2012 Agendas

2011 Agendas

2010 Agendas

2009 Agendas

2008 Agendas

2007 Agendas