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2010 Agendas

Agenda for 12/13/10
Facil - Dave / Notes - Yuki

Rachel Gold one month short stay extension through march (5)
Bike Kitchen Board Meeting Space Req - Friday Jan 14, 7-10 pm (5) - Jonny
RAC Party Reschedule for 12/22 in courtyard and/or Lobby (5) - Bex
Review questions about non-board meetings and what we do and who has buy in (45)
Celebrate Bylaws!!! (20)
Lasts (10)

Final Agenda for 10/11/10

Facil - Dave / Notes - Ann

Lailye Short Stay

Dear Eco-villagers,

I am interested in applying for a short-stay at the eco-village for 3.5 months, from Oct 20, 2010 to Feb 1, 2011. I am looking for housing while I work on a dance project with L.A.-based choreographer, Victoria Marks. I am a dance artist, arts-educator, and I make a living doing this, as well as admin work for arts non-profits. I have lived in LA for the past 3 years, while finishing my degree at UCLA in the Dept of World Arts and Cultures. I love this city, and may choose to settle here eventually. However, I have plans to travel and explore other locales after this current project concludes in January.  A short-term stay in a supportive community environment such as the eco-village would be awesome! I have a lot of experience living in communities. I was born and raised til I was 5 on the Farm in Tennessee (and also a Farm off-shoot in Upstate New York). As an adult, I have lived in cooperatives and collective houses in Western MA and the Bay Area. I lived and worked at an intentional community/ retreat center in MA, and I have spent a lot of time at my sister's collective farm in the Hudson Valley.  I enjoyed visiting the eco-village when the Beehive collective gave a talk there two years ago. I have two friends, Maeve Johnson and Hunter Jackson, who had a positive experience living at the Eco-village in 2008-09. They encouraged me to look into the option of staying there this fall. I am also an experienced gardener and composter, a bike-commuter, and a good pot-luck cook. Feel free to contact me with any questions at lailye@ucla.edu or 774-994-0253. Thanks!--Lailye

Final Agenda for 8/16/10

Facil - Dave and Yuki

Leslie’s Checkin Proposal

I'd like to add a proposal to use the time allocated for announcements to instead do check-ins at the beginning of meetings (see the description I stole from a website below). The proposal includes adding a mini white board to the community room for announcements only: people can add/ update information there to be read by anyone at anytime. 

The "Check-In" has long been used to begin meetings. It is an effective and reliable way to help participants to become fully present, to get everyone's voice into the room, and to hear what's on people's minds.By practicing how to listen empathetically, to suspend judgment, and to create a safe space where each member can share their authentic feelings and thoughts, we are able to learn a lot about who we are and where we are in our individual and collective journeys. We can identify trends, explain differences, and be able to make any necessary mid-course corrections with greater confidence. And by practicing our capacity to see ourselves more clearly, we can better work together.

Short Stay Proposal

Proposed Changes to Short Stay Policy:
In the interests of fairness, short stays may not enter the membership process while in residence. The community will make this clear to parties interested in short stays.

Recognizing that families are underrepresented in our community, we will consider a combined candidacy and provisional membership process for families that are planning to move to Los Angeles and have experience and a commitment to raising children under 18 in intentional communities. This would minimize the challenge that our membership process presents to a family that is already moving. These cases will not take precedence over existing candidates, but this flexibility helps us reach our goal of supporting a diverse community that includes families. We will take existing member families and interested families in the area into consideration before inviting an interested family from out of town to enter the membership process,

Final Agenda for 8/2/10

Marina’s Greenlight decision (20)

Motorcycle parking redux (anyone want to make a proposal?, 20)

the next Bylaws Section - on Governance by (Jonny and Kristin 20)

Electric heater installation (Somer and Aurisha, 5)

Space use request: LACBC for meeting August 13th 10 am -4 pm (Aurisha, 3)

Use of community room space for Saturday October 2nd 10:30 and 1:pm. for a SoCAL? ATA meeting. (Southern California Art Therapist Association) (Melba, 3)

space request by BRU in October (Lara, 3)

LAEV booking calendar intro discussion (anyone want to do this? 5)

Final Agenda for 2/14/10 Facilitation team: Bobby & Adonia

Total time: 1:31

Draft Agenda for 6/7/10 facilitation team: yuki & dave

Draft Agenda for 5/3/10 facilitation team: yuki & dave

suggested, but need to confirm:

Draft Agenda for 2/15/10 Facilitation team: Adonia & Yuki

time permitting: