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Bike Rack

Bike Rack

The bike rack (also known as the “Bin” or “Issues” or “The Parking lot” among other facilitators) is a place to record ideas, questions, or future agenda items. During a meeting it is especially useful in deferring a conversation to another time, without losing track of the current agenda. At the same time,it ensures that the item will be addressed in the future.

At the LA Eco-Village people started calling it the “Bike Rack” because they were not comfortable with the car centric metaphor of “Parking Lot.”

Please put agenda items for future discussion here; facilitators will pull them off to current agendas as time permits.

Do not remove bike rack items until they have been discussed at a meeting.

Back to the Meeting Agenda page or MeetingPages (to see or post notes)

from 8/1015

manager requests empowerment to make adjustments to rents when the square footage of unit does not coincide with corresponding rate of rent


Flag-not-in-unit - joe
Rental addendum for fines bike owner: irma
update on this item from irma on 4/10/15:
The managers would like to be able to fine residents who are repeatedly not abiding policy. Currently, the only consequence is eviction so it would be nice to have another option to persuade residents to adhere to policy. Members have requested a proposal that outlines the process managers will follow to impose fines to residents. Sounds reasonable to me but from 3/9 community meeting notes it seemed like folks wanted to research the Davis-Sterling Act and asked that CRT somehow be included in the addendum.
Space request on-line procedure leslie

from 3/16

Rental addendum for fines: meeting notes on 3/9bike owner: irma
how to change culture: more members, fewer visitors - increase membership for real - bike owner:jimmy
define legal distinction between co-op and co-op board- bike owner: john

from 3/ 10/15

continue discussion Rental addendum for fines

from 12/29/14

garage proposal items 5 -11

from 10/6/2014
zoê and josh - also from 5/19 - how take notes closed session. whatever is in notes is available to managers

(from 5/19)
Josh: Notes and note-taking in closed sessions (25 min)
Report the results of our (Sandy, Josh, Lois ) meeting about air conditioning. (Sandy, 5-10min)

from 6/30/14:

4. how we communicate with neighbors who aren’t on our list serv
5. how does temp. guest factor into low income housing requirement.