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2014 Agendas

Community Meeting Agenda 29 Dec 2014

yuki facilitated, carol - notes in lieu of absent facilitation team.

1) Agenda Review & Introductions - 5 min.

2) Next 4’s (5 min)
Fac. Team joe & becca
work parties : beautification & garden group lobby work party Sat. Jan 10
supah suppah

3) Apartment requests Leslie - 209 and Julio Sr. - 121. (5 min)

4) New visit request from Jesse for end of Dec, 2014 to July 1, 2015.
5) Garage Proposal(( Josh 30 min

 Summary from 12/1/ 14 meeting:1 -all garages belong to USTU, not owned individually
-ability to use granted by USTU community. Consenses
2 -no permanent grants but can approve for extended period based on use and time needed to develop Consenses
3 -decided on case-by-case basis Consenses creates a process of checking in on whether project/garage use is consistent with agreements

To be discussed and decided:
4 -extensions can be requested after approved period, if extension not requested or granted then can continue use if pay rent
5 -users can not block decision for them to leave
6 -space outside garage is not necessarily part of the use approval
7 -considered vacant of no rent received
8 -for granted use and there’s no request/approval for extension then you start paying rent
9 -in 2015 give #1,4 and 7 time to determine grant proposal for community use
10 -management should figure out #5 (urban soil maintenance)
11 -#6 needs more clarity, it’s mixed use

5) report from meeting with county tax assessor sandy 15 mi
6) update from Melba 10 min
Eval. ( 5 min )

Community Meeting Agenda 1 Dec 2014

Facilitation Team: Josh & Yuki

Community meeting Agenda 6. Oct 2014

Agenda review 5 min
introductions and check in 15min

SCHEDULING Jordan’s full membership interview and decision - 5 min.

“Although it is the facilitators’ right and responsibility to put forth an agenda as they see fit, it is the understood expectation that agenda items should be submitted to facilitators by noon on the Friday before the weekly Community Meeting, and facilitators should post agendas by noon on the Saturday before that Meeting.

Furthermore, it is not possible to come to consensus on any item which has not been posted as part of an agenda put forth by the facilitators as of 7:30 pm on the Sunday (24 hours) before the weekly Community Meeting.”

My impression of the concerns raised, and hence my reasoning for this language and this resubmission, is as follows.

The main concern seemed to be that we already have a policy in place which we’re simply not following. At the risk of being confrontational, this doesn’t seem valid to me, as we can always consense over previous decisions, and no one knows where this policy is anyway. If people feel the time frame put forth in that policy (wherever it is) is superior to mine, that’s fine; however not knowing what that is I am resubmitting the time frame as before.

It was requested that I review the bylaws and I have done so. I did not see a requirement for meeting agenda notification, only notification of meeting times and places. Therefore I still believe this policy is necessary.

A concern was raised that sometimes emergencies arise and items may then be submitted over the weekend, and also that in general we need to give facilitators flexibility. Indeed I had intended to allow this flexibility before, and I have reworded the language to emphasis that this time frame is an expectation and not a requirement. However I have retained the 24 hour cutoff for consensus decision, as I still maintain that some reasonable level of notification is required to obtain consensus.

Finally it was brought up that it is variously the responsibility of the facilitators or the item submitters to assess if proper notification was given and if an item can be decided or not - fine and good, but how is that responsibly enforced? By putting forth guidelines, I submit that it will allow individuals to understand what their expected rights and obligations are, and empower people to ‘nudge’ others when obligations aren’t being met.

The USTU managers have not been approved for USTU membership in part to create a healthy check and balance for the community. The USTU managers do however serve a unique and important role in the community and their participation in closed sessions is encouraged subject to some parameters. They are invited to raise observations, input and advise as it pertains to community discussions. The USTU managers are not formal participants in the consensus decision-making process and therefore would not have the ability to block a community decision. In the event that the managers raise a concern about a particular decision moving forward, the community is not required to address the concern through the consensus process before moving forward.

Mayi update (she’ll send relevant info to community prior to meeting) 15 min.

next 4 s 5min

facilitators: jimmy/ adewole
supah suppah
meetings - garden sat 10/11 4 pm
work party - garden 10/11 5 pm

eval 5 min

USTU Meeting Agenda 8/11/14

Facilitation Team: Irma & Carol

1. Agenda Review 5 min.
2. Space requests:
1) for lobby November 8th for Time bank Holiday Crafts Bazaar - Melba 5 min

 2 )for lobby alternate Tuesday night Design Class  when Management committee is using Community room. Open to other space suggestions as well. My alternate Tuesday group is usually 4 to 6 peoplebackground: on 7/21, community consensed on 2 tues / mo for this class. Melba is now requesting use of community space every tue., and is open to / or may prefer use of lobby, especially when management team is scheduled to meet. Melba 5 min.

3. Does the LAEV-IC approve hosting the Nonprofit Allies Green Festival meeting in the lobby Wed. 8/13 from 7 to 10pm?
(there’s nothing else on g. calendar for 8/13) - lois 2 min.

4, Does the LAEV-IC approve accepting a free booth from the Green Festival 9/12-14 at the L.A. Convention Center, to include info on USTU, BVCLT, CRSP and our associated projects? lois 5 min.

note to irma & lois
re: green festival booth -
it might be helpful to know how it is going to be staffed so an informed decision can be made.
what’s the deadline for the booth decision?
it looks like we can trim another agenda item to give 5 min for presentation.
it seems like the community may want some time to consider this before bringing it for decision.

5. Update on withdrawing from participation in Monday community meetings. Leslie - 15 min

6. Biology of Breathing how does breathing influence our capacity to interact with each other? Carol 15

7. Visitor request for Jeavon. Here is a questionnaire for a visit request from Sept - Dec: http://urbansoil.net/wiki.cgi/Jeevan_Questionnaire_Hidden

Jeavon will be in L.A. Sept. 1; may be able to skype him in. he is still 17, so father agreed to co-sign rental agreement.
Visitor committee wants to get info on what reassurances people might want so we can figure out best way to proceed. Zoe 20 min

8. next 4’s - 5 min.

9. eval. 5 min

USTU Meeting Agenda 3/3/14

Facilitation Team: Yuki & Josh

Time Permitting/Next Agenda Items:

Background Info on 3 March Agenda Items

Request for space use for Becca and Jordan wedding in July: