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Weekly Community Meeting

Weekly Community Meeting

We meet as a community once a week to discuss issues, make decisions, and generally remind ourselves that we are more than just a place to live and hear cool talks about the environment. We’ll try posting and updating the Meeting Agenda for meetings here on the Wiki. Feel free to make additions.

To access the form for requesting agenda items please:

1) Please email urban-soil@googlegroups.com and copy the facilitators of the next meeting if possible. Some facilitators have their group email set to digest mode. Facilitators are announced in each meeting and the schedule is also here

2) Please put [Agenda Request] in the subject line so we can find it easily.

3) Like the space request form, we suggest filling out the following template in the email, which is the same as the google doc.

What agenda item would you like to request? *

Who will present the item? *

How much time do you think this agenda item will take? *

What is the background or details of the request?

What kind of agenda item would you like it to be? (Share information with the community, Get input or feedback, Continue a discussion, Make a decision):

What committee, team or work group is this coming from, if any?

If coming from a committee, was this item consensed upon in committee?

old google form This form was created in June 2015. old google sheet

If you want to post or see Meeting notes go to MeetingPages.
Click here for the template for notes
If you want to see our usual ground rules go to Meeting Ground Rules

Useful Reminders for Note Takers:

The community has consensed:

1) Initial agenda items for the upcoming meeting will be identified at the end of each community meeting, and will be noted in the minutes.

2) Last names will not be recorded in the meeting notes. First name and last initial will suffice for all guests, interested parties, and residents of the community. (Consensed at 2008-09-30 Meeting)

3) Within 48 hours the notes will posted on the Urban Soil wiki page at MeetingPages, then the link to its wiki page will be emailed to the USTU Google listserv at urban-soil@googlegroups.com
(Consensed at 2011-07-18 Meeting)
Click on the date on the calendar for which you are posting notes, then copy-paste the notes into the box and click “Save” at the bottom of the page.
The facilitator is expected to help the note-taker post the notes in a timely manner. (Consensed at 2009-10-19 Meeting
If you paste your notes into the textbox here:
And then scroll down to the “cleansed” plain text version and copy and paste that into the wiki, you won’t get any weird artifacts.

Remember, useful notes contain:

Agenda Planning and facilitation schedule

Here is the latest schedule for the Agenda Planning, facilitation and note taking teams. The working schedule is on a shared document accessible to current facilitators. Please click here to access it.

For board meetings, facilitation teams should refer to the board calendar linked here

Date - Facilitators - Meeting Type

2/15/2021 No Meeting
2/22/2021 Irma, Hartley, Joe
3/1/2021 William, Ellary, Alana - BOARD
3/8/2021 Yuki, Nils, Jess R
3/15/2021 No Meeting
3/22/2021 Josh, KYLA, Sam
3/29/2021 No Meeting
4/5/2021 Yuki, Nils, Jess R (subbed for Dilean, Natali (notetaker/tech), Philip) - BOARD
4/12/2021 Irma, Hartley, Joe
4/19/2021 No Meeting
4/26/2021 Josh, KYLA, Sam
5/3/2021 William, Ellary, Alana - BOARD
5/10/2021 Yuki, Nils, ?
5/17/2021 No Meeting
5/24/2021 Dilean, Natali (notetaker/tech), Philip
5/31/2021 Memorial Day
6/7/2021 Irma, Hartley, Joe - BOARD
6/14/2021 William, Ellary, Alana
6/21/2021 No Meeting
6/28/2021 Josh, KYLA, Sam
7/5/2021 July 4th
7/12/2021 Yuki, Nils, ? - BOARD
7/19/2021 Dilean, Natali (notetaker/tech), Philip
7/26/2021 Irma, Hartley, Joe
8/2/2021 William, Ellary, Alana - BOARD
8/9/2021 Josh, KYLA, Sam
8/16/2021 No Meeting
8/23/2021 Yuki, Nils, ?
8/30/2021 No Meeting
9/6/2021 Labor Day

Currently serving as Facilitators (You can sign up here)

Yuki, ?, Nils (notetaker, when possible)
Josh, KYLA, Sam
Dilean, Philip, Natali (notetaker/tech)
Irma, Hartley, Joe
William, Ellary, Alana