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2009-10-19 Meeting

10/18 Community Meeting Notes
Facilitation and Notes - Yuki and Dave
1) Response to Lindsey/Dale/Foodcoop conflict and safety issue
a) Report back from food coop meeting: safe space brainstorm and specific requests - Ann (15)
b) LAEV safe space: Intro by Adonia, brainstorm by community about safe space at LAEV (25)
c) Next steps: Respond to food coop specific requests? E-mail to coop mailing list? Further meetings/mediation/education? Dave (10)
2) Josh May membership - Intro (5)
3)Jimmy/Josie/JM residence/membership: continued discusion Jimmy (15)
4) Proposal - Notes go out within one week of meeting - Kathy (5)
5) Time Permitting - Review Bike Rack for expired/unneeded issues
6) End Material: Announce/Eval/Nexts

Attending: Lois, Lara, Ron, Andrea, Heather, Angel, Yuki, Julio Jr., Ann, Dave, Aurisha, Randy, Bobby, Adonia, Melba, Kathy, Federico, Irma, Jimmy, Josie, Somer, Joe, Josh, Zoe, Brad, Doran

Josh May Intro
Submitted Questionnaire
Answered some questions
Will be assigned liaison.

Jimmy/Josie/JeanMichelle/Pather Residency and Membership questions

Jimmy would like to have some time extension to not worry about space/children/all that.
Josie interested in membership, with JM and Panther

Proposal: Extend Josie and JM short stay through Jan 1, 2011. Josie enters process

Comment: Children Not members, not required to be members
Bike Rack - Discussion about decision making for youth residents, and their ability to have input.

Camino Nuevo Proposal
Lois reads letter she is requesting LAEV to sign on to. Community OK: CONSENSUS

Meeting Notes Go Out W/In one week
Hand-Written notes seem to take longer. Can facilitator help make it happen?
No concerns or objections.

Response to Dale/Lindsey/Food-Coop conflict

Specific Requests

Comments -
Need to be flexible on sundays,
Would like to engage this fear of Dale by doing things that do no propagate the fear

Discussion of how to proceed…
Presentation From Adonia
Essentially, a question of what is Bullying, is it allowed, how is it defined.
Andrea defined Stalking, also rings true.

We have a go around; no notes about specific comments.

Randy plays at the Echo on weds
Go to a city bike plan meeting. It sucks, they need feedback. First one thursday, closest is saturday morning.
Alex Sanchez denied bail
Sign a camino nuevo pledge, please
Kathy served harmony bread
Ron leads fundraising talk
Dec 5th choir concert of Julio
Dec 19th opera concert of Julio

Popcorn, not taking notes
Meeting lasted an extra hour