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Revised Questionnaire (11/20/08)

Applicant Questionnaire
Revised 7/7/07 by Ann and Joe, further revisions by Membership Committee 8/26/07, most questions approved by the community on the 2007-08-27 Meeting except for questions number 7 and 18. Question 14 approved by the community. Questions 7 and 18 reworded on the membership 2007-10-07 Meeting. Question 21 added from 2007-09-16 Meeting.

To see older questionnaire versions visit Old Questionnaire

Approved Prospective Member Questionnaire

1. What is your full name, email address, cell number, and current home address?

2. What is your preferred pronoun (ex. she, he, they, ze, etc)?

3. Describe any experiences you have living in an intentional community or other shared living experience. Where? Describe what worked or didn’t work for you.

4. Describe what you consider to be your most significant skills, hobbies, aspirations, leisure activities, creative pursuits, work experiences, and/or life experiences.

5. Why are you interested in living at LAEV?

6. Here is a list of USTU Committees and Initiatives

(a) Out of these committees and initiatives, which are you interested in?

(b) What are some other project or activity ideas that are of particular interest to you?

(c) Approximately how much time do you see yourself putting into the community on a monthly basis?

7. Tell us about any experiences studying or working on environmental, ecological, or social justice issues.

8. Describe what you have studied, either formally or informally.

9. The LAEV community values diversity in our membership. How do you anticipate that you might contribute to our diversity as a community member?

10. LAEV seeks to be a community with a diversity of income levels. Among our goals is providing housing that is both permanently affordable and ecologically sustainable for low to moderate income households. Because we are a tax exempt public benefit 501c3 Corporation, we are under public mandate to have a set percentage of our members be at certain income levels. Please note that if your household income is over 80% AMI, we can not guarantee residency at the time of membership approval.

(a) Please indicate your personal or household income as of the most recent 12 months:

[ ] Under 30% AMI*
[ ] Between 30% AMI and 50% AMI*
[ ] Between 50% AMI and 80% AMI*
[ ] Over 80% AMI*

To figure out your AMI percentage, go to the LA County section on this website https://sites.google.com/site/camortgagelimits/hud-median-income-limits.

*Area median income

(b) Describe your source(s) of income. Please note that applicants will be provided an income verification form to complete and submit along with its required supporting documents.

(c) Do you anticipate a significant increase or decrease in income over the next several years? Please explain.

11. Describe how you get around. What modes of transportation do you typically use? Do you have a car? Describe how you expect to commute while living at LAEV.

12. How do you deal with conflict? Do you have any training or experience in mediation, conflict resolution, non-violent communication or other communication techniques? Please describe.

13. Do you have any training or experience with using consensus as a decision-making process? Please describe.

14. Describe how you relate to children.

15. What personal growth issues do you feel you need or want to work on, if any?

16. How long term do you intend to reside at LAEV? From what you know so far, do you think you would be interested in purchasing a share in a limited equity housing co-op that owned the buildings?

17. Describe your relationship to smoking. We do not allow smoking on ecovillage property.

18. Tell us about any pets you have. Animals have been a contentious issue here at LAEV. We currently don’t allow dogs and outdoor cats, although indoor cats and other small indoor animals will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

19. How did you hear about us?

21. What languages do you speak?

21. LAEV is located in an “inner city” neighborhood: densely urban, ethnically diverse, and primarily working class. Describe any experiences you have living in a similar setting. If none, why are you interested in living in this setting?

22. Where are you from? Describe briefly.

23. Because Eco-Village is a demonstration project, how do you feel about being accessible to the public, for example: public tours, media interviews, academic studies, etc., on a fairly regular basis?

24. Tell us about your food consumption habits and how they relate to your ecological and community values?