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2007-08-27 Meeting

Community Meeting 8/27

facilitator: Angel
Notes: Aurisha
Present: Lois, Thiago, Adalila, Hop, Kathy, Ann, Nikki, Joe,Andrea,
Federico,Yuki, Lara, Lailani, Dale, Somer,Jimmy

1)CM Room Request- Yuki
Thursday 8/30 9am-5pm for CBE meeting@ 5 people – approved
Lois requested to stop in for a couple min with
small tour group
One weeknight : for CES meeting: 7-9:30 — Tuesday in CM or in
Lobby on Wed
Lois concern: No Eco villager present during meeting

2) Short Stay Request- Nikki
For month of Sept 1st-29th
Lara: there are rooms availablility.
Nikki’s friend, Lailanni is moving into her apt Sept 29th and is looking
to stay here before it is available.
Concern: Lois- no permanent residence
Lara suggests that she rent @ reg rate room 205.
Community concenses on her staying.

3) Revised Questionnaire Approval: THiago
Revisions based on CM suggestions and concerns from past discussion
Modifications: Some questions regarding concensus were put back in
Inner City defined , more clear and explicit
Question 3: and/or added so that the question
is not insanely long.
Smoking question stands on its own, instead of
being inserted with #3.

Read through each question to get CM approval per: All approved except …
Question 7: Lois: add word “Ecological” in front of affordable
Somer: concern that not all catergories are
mentioned, include high income.
Flagged for rework
Question 14: *Flagged for rework -Lois’s concerns
Question 18: Lois concern about definition of “inner-city”- need to be
more forethright about the crime
and poverty levels….
Thiago: currant wording serves to inform in an overall manner.

Andrea: Addition of Food an Diet

Will bring back reworked questions in 2 weeks for approval on these
specific questions.

4) Staging area for parking day – decision- Joe ——Community consensed
Team that Joe is leading will going from place to place on bikess with
He needs some space to store supplies from Monday 9/17 through 9/28
In north end of Parking area in back.
Workshop Sept 5th to learn how to get involved. -6:30 in th Lobby

5) Continue Discussion @ Anna and Sam

Community not ready to make decision
Federico talk to tree or Leaf
Proposal: ID issues
Have conversation w/ them w/ group and or liason

Lots of great shows at the McCarther? Park
Nov 3rd and 4th, Dec 1st 2nd Tree’s availability
Joe: Monday will be doing welding on gate. Anyone wanna join. 9-12
Suppah Suppah at Joe’s Tues. 7:30 to celebrate his B-Day.. could use
help at 6
Anti War demonstration Tues.
Aurisha passed CBest
Margaret Cho variety show –Talk to Andrea
Lara and Lois hosting Enterprise people. Keep the place clean!
Sept 13th Tour from Taiwan form Environmental protection Agency-if you
have any ideas of where she should take them let her know.
Lara’s Birthday- next Monday… 3 movie marathon

Rich discussions during offline conversations-
Overall good. Tiny stack. Got a bit bogged down in questionnaire issue
Bad lighting, handles issues well
Something from theses discussions should be documented, an essence but
not specific comments or names
Picking out issues that we need to address in retreat
Frustrated about when some people make comments that are out of left
field, that most people don’t agree with.. how to deal with that
Let converstation go on a bit so we can really figure out how to move