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Comments on Questionnaire

Suggested rewording:
LAEV seeks to be a mixed income community; among our goals is providing permanently affordable ecological housing. Describe your source(s) of income. Is your income level above or below the LA County median income (as of 2007, that was about $48,000 for a single person household)? Do you anticipate a significant increase or decrease in income over the next several years? Explain.

– Anonymous 2007-09-08 02:00 UTC

Question 14 (suggested rewording)
Describe any history of smoking. We do not allow smoking on ecovillage property and do not accept people who are smokers.

– Lara 2007-09-08 02:10 UTC

Question 18. (suggested rewording)
If you are from out of town, why are you interested in living in Los Angeles? LAEV is located in an “inner city” environment: densely urban, ethnically diverse, and primarily working class. Gang activity is generally limited to grafetti and the occasional break-in of a parked car. Describe how your previous experiences prepare you for living in this setting.

– Lara 2007-09-08 02:42 UTC