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2007-10-07 Meeting

Membership Committee Meeting, Sunday October 7th/2007

Attending: Lara, Thiago, Yuki, Dave, Federico

Questionnaire Rewording of The 2 remaining questions (income and inner city):
Here is the last wording:
“LAEV seeks to be a mixed income community; among
our goals are providing permanently affordable ecological housing. Describe your source(s) of income. Is your income level above or below the LA County median
income (as of 2007, that was about $48,000 for a single person
household)? Do you anticipate a significant increase or decrease in
income over the next several years? Explain. “

Here are the notes from the meeting where it was discussed:
“New language for income question was read. A question about using the HUD
standard as our standard was raised. Maybe use the income levels for the
area as a standard. Maybe just ask the person’s income level. We want the
general income level to remain constant. Should we ask about people’s debt
level? New language for this question will be addressed by the committee.”


We could ask income directly- that might be uncomfortable. Maybe quote three numbers. If the question about Debt is about lifestyle then we could ask it more directly.
0- 25

“Mixed income” sounds like jargon so it was replaced for “a community with a diversity of income levels”.

New Wording:

 "LAEV seeks to be a community with a diversity of income levels; amongour goals is providing housing that is both permanently affordable and ecologically sustainable. Describe your source(s) of income.
Please indicate the range your annual income falls within
[] Under $25.000
[] Between $25.000-50.000
[] Over $50.000
Do you anticipate a significant increase or decrease in
income over the next several years? Please Explain”

Notes from meeting:
“Question about previous experience living in an inner city location. Crime
statistics are higher here in Rampart. People need to know truth about this
in the questionnaire. Language about “why are you interested in living in
an inner city”. Cover more aspects than just the crime - the good stuff
too. We don’t need to give so much information in the questionnaire, it’s
more about asking about the person. Liaisons should tell people about
crime, etc. Question will be reworked. Most people feel comfortable with
crime not being mentioned in the question.”

“If you are from out of town, why are you interested in living in Los
Angeles? LAEV is located in an “inner city” environment: densely
urban, ethnically diverse, and primarily working class. Crime activity
is generally limited to non violent theft such as the occasional
break-in of a parked car. Describe how your previous experiences
prepare you for living in this setting.”

New Rewording

 LAEV is located in an "inner city" neighborhood: denselyurban, ethnically diverse, and primarily working class.
Describe any experiences you have living in a similar setting.

Next Steps: bring to community meeting. Thiago will present.

Check in about people in process:
Melba: maybe greenlight in next agenda since she’s hoping to move by the beginning of next year.
Hop and Adalila: scheduling NVC parenting training. They want us to understand what that means and respect it - even agree to it.

Liaison Guidelines:
Joe and Ann worked on it. We read it.
There might be the case of someone not prepared to be a liaison.
There might be the case of someone who wouldn’t be appropriate.
Experience, follow through, appropriate demeanor.
Who would make that kind of judgment. The liaison is a growth process for both parties involved. We want more people being liaisons - we want to encourage.
Some wording was added.

Joe volunteers to bug people to give input about the liaison guidelines.
Thiago will convene next meeting.