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Community Candidate Capacity Policy

Community Candidate Capacity Policy
Approved by consensus at Building/Community Meeting 16 July 2007

In order to give Los Angeles Eco-Village membership candidates sufficient attention and to not spend too much of the community’s time and energy, LAEV intentional community chooses to limit the number of candidates for membership we greenlight at a given time.

At any time, the community will have a maximum total of 4 households greenlighted as candidates. Households could include families, couples, roommates, and individuals.

The community can decide (by consensus at a community meeting) to increase this number at any time for reasons such as increasing diversity, or helping meet other community goals.


Approved 3 October 2016:
For full members who have lived at USTU for at least one year, FLAGs (who have lived here for six months) who enter the membership process shall not be included in the four-household cap. Policy sunsets after 6 months.

Approved 7 November 2016:
The cap on greenlighted membership candidates has served the USTU community by allowing the community capacity to be thorough in vetting, orienting and getting to know new candidates. In urgent situations, such as significant vacancies with a high number of ready candidates, the community temporarily expands the number of candidates allowed for greenlighting. The temporary expansion is not intended to be invoked for a single promising candidate, but for multiple factors presenting together. The expansion would be done via a decision of the USTU community, for a 3 month period, with greenlight capacity expanded by 50% (under current limits expanding from 4 to 6.) Cap expansion is limited to once per year, with the community approving a subsequent expansion only at least one year after the previous expansion ends.