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2010-01-25 Meeting


Community/Pog Meeting 2010-01-25

Dave, Federico (facilitating team), Aurisha, Joe L., Bobby, Angel, Heather, Lois, Adonia, Josh, Lara, George Patton, Becca, Somer, Leslie, Ron, Julio Jr.

• George Patton Announces intention to move in. (original decision on 2008-12-29 Meeting to Joe’s place) - 10min
His mother’s condition stabilized and his sister is taking care of her. George would like
to use the short stay in april-may.
Questions and Answers:
Possible space: 109 (Edward’s old apt)
Would you want membership after that? Undecided.
How would redoing 109 affect finances? Not too much, it might be a source of revenue. Mostly the bathroom needs to be renovated.

Comment: This is an update. As the date comes closer George should come to this meeting and put an official request.
If there are no competing requests the community would approve. This is not necessarily something we do for short stays,
but it sounds like a good idea. No one is interested in 109 for now.

POG Related:
• Update on Bylaws (new version posted, read here USTU Revised Draft Bylaws, Lara presenting) - 10min
Check out the wiki page, it’s neatly divided by sections. It would be too much to go line by line in the meeting but
it would be good to set a meeting aside for doing it. Still talking about issues with the lawyer, everyone invited.
Zoe and Somer and Lara talked to the lawyer and got through a few pages. There will be other specific issues that will
be brought to the community meeting

Questions and Answers and Comments:
-Lois will attend the separate meeting.
-Status with subdivision map act: lawyer is investigating.

• Bailout Fund - 10min
Federico gives background: Goal is to separate landlord rent collection from ‘compassion’, as the two roles are not super compatible.
Update: Dissent at last finance meeting. Where is finding coming from? Who will administer? Decision standards? Several proposals on table.
Lara clarifies that funds are from reserve fund, not general fund.
Lois talks about underwriting criteria.
Lois mentions $5 to $10 a month assessment for funding this loan fund.
Question: is this a loan fund? Dave answers yes, but he assumes losses. Lara says this is a mechanism for people to pay rent temporarily.
Next steps: Finance committee will meet.
Last questions: is this just rent? Maybe we need something simpler? Clarify goals soon.

• Decide on request by BVCLT to reschedule Annual Membership Meeting to Monday 2/22 - 5min
Tried and failed to hold annual meeting last saturday, trying to reschedule for a time when folks can be there.
Question: need to hold meeting to communicate with membership, need members, required by law to hold this meeting, need volunteers for community garden.
Consensus to hold this meeting 2/22/2010

• Approve extended Agenda Planning Schedule - 5min
Announcement, passing around, will welcome feedback.changes

• Adonia requesting to move into Apt 115 on March 1/2010 (no she’s not breaking up with Bobby) - 15min
Gone next monday, but the monday after, decide?
Bobby open to changing units for families.
Trading not really an option, we require decisions about units to come as requests through meeting
Dave proposes to bring a proposal about priorities

• Angel Req: Full Member Dialog/Questions review. Like a version of this Community Greenlight for the membership decision. - (possibly brainstorm/prep board) 15 min
Reminder: full membership implies blocking power.
Question: have we decided about owner membership? No, and this is different.
Lara reminds that we might chose to extend/ask to leave during this discussion
Dave reminds that on the table currently is 1 to 2 years of full membership before eligibility for share ownership.


1) Questions to Member
-What is your relationship with money?
-Over 6 months, have you felt conflict with other members? How did it feel?
-are you still excited to be here?
-Have you felt welcomed? Have you incorporated into other groups/committees? (reword suggestion: what has your experience been with groups/committes?)

2) Questions for us”
-rephrase green-light questions in past tense
-Does anyone have concerns about them being in this community for foreseeable future?
-What has there participation been like?
-Has the person followed through with what they said in questionaire
-Has their participation been sufficient?
-Standard of care for space: have they trashed it?

Note: Some of these should be repeated before membership and after provisional
Question: Does this really need to be a three step process?

Next steps: who picks this up? Do we have a membership committee? No, governance/membership has merged, goal with this is to put governing documents together. Angel thinks governance will pick this up.

Next steps: Fede will summarize on wiki

• Question: Is Leslie welcome to at governance/membership policy committee?
Answer: official policy: meetings are open, non-members don’t decided. Needs clarification.

•Ann Requesting: Alex Sanchez fundraiser Details Below:
Request for use of the lobby and courtyard (weather permitting) on:
Saturday, February 27 from 6-midnight for a fundraiser for Alex Sanchez’s legal defense.
$10 suggested donation (any amount okay)
7 - Screening of Fruits of War (documentary about gangs in El Salvador) + potluck
9ish - Speakers on Alex’s case
9:30ish - midnight Band or DJs (Oscar is working on getting a band - otherwise your standard party music and dancing)
Oscar is working on getting donated beer.
Request for ecovillage volunteers for:
1) Set up
2) Collecting $ during the event
3) Clean up

Lois suggests sliding scale $5-$25
Lara will help clean
Angel wants fridge thermostat reset
Reminder: put up no smoking sign

Adonia in Portland Thurs-Tues
Somer and Aurisha playing Barnsdal park opening. This sunday, 3-5. Free
Friday 7:30 Video: Visions of Utopia. 2 hours.
LA street summit at LATTC - March 18th - 20st. Talk thursday the 18th, day long summit on the 20th.
Persian Voice of America wants to interview folks.
Tuesday governance/membership meeting.
Ron leads workshop…
Next tuesday Ron Happy Hour
Ron may be in Mexico City in April.
CAC meeting, 6 pm, middle school on 6th and vermont.
Julio got accepted into Opera chorus.

Nice facil
Beautiful Handwriting
Good to have you back, Fede!
Good prep.
Good to lay down stopping points
POG frustrating. Why does this get in the way of things.
Liked giving Angel change to intro.
Happy clouds make Josh Happy!!
Good timing.

Bike Rack: Clarify open/closed status of committees, and are non-members welcome?

Draft Agenda For Community/POG Meeting:
Facilitation Team: Dave and Federico (subbing for Yuki who is away - and who is grateful :) thx!)

POG Related

other Related

 Request for use of the lobby and courtyard (weather permitting) onSaturday, February 27 from 7-midnight for a fundraiser for Alex Sanchez’s legal defense.
$10 suggested donation (any amount okay)
7 - Screening of Fruits of War (documentary about gangs in El Salvador) + potluck
9ish - Speakers on Alex’s case
9:30ish - midnight Band or DJs (Oscar is working on getting a band - otherwise your standard party music and dancing)
Oscar is working on getting donated beer.
Request for ecovillage volunteers for:
1) Set up
2) Collecting $ during the event
3) Clean up