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USTU Revised Draft Bylaws

Here is a link to the bylaws adopted in 2011. https://urbansoil.net/wiki.cgi?action=download;id=USTU_Final_Bylaws_2011 They have since been revised.

Below is an outline of the revised Draft Bylaws for US/TU. These Bylaws have been reviewed by the lawyer, Al Valencia. Somer, Zoe and I discussed his feedback with him on Friday, 1/15 at 11 am. This Outline indicates where additions were made to the original draft bylaws to address the issues brought to our attention by the lawyer, earlier. Al Valencia had suggested that we modify the bylaws from the Northern California Land Trust LEHC. Governance chose not to abandon our original draft bylaws. Instead we incorporated material from the NCLT LEHC Bylaws.

The only major category that was added in its entirely from the NCLT related LEHC is the section on INSURANCE.

The other additions are the sub headings added to a given section. For example a sub heading entitled Standard of Care was added to an existing section called Governance.
Governance - section 3
Standard of Care - sub heading 3.23
Hope that is clear.

Outline of Revised Draft US/TU Bylaws with links to the different sections.

USTU Draft Bylaws Sections 1 to 2 rewritten by retreat
1.Name and Purpose

USTU Rewritten Draft Bylaws Section 3
3. Governance
3.10 Principle.
3.20 Governing Bodies.
3.30 Board of Directors.
3.40 Members.
3.50 Indemnification.
3.60 Resolution of Conflicts Between Documents.

USTU Draft Bylaws Sections 4
4. Membership & Residency
4.40 Notification Regarding Governing Documents.
4.50 Membership Certificate
4.51 Lost Certificates
4.52 Transfer of Membership
4.53 Transfer Value
4.54 Approval Required

USTU Draft Bylaws Sections 5
5. Rights, Responsibilities & Assessments
5.41 Maintenance of Utility Systems.
5.42 Maintenance Funds of the Cooperative
5.43 Purpose of Assessments
5.44 Reserve Funds
5.45 Commencement of Annual Assessment
5.46 Collection of Annual Assessments
5.47 Special Assessments
5.48 Revised Assessment
5.49 Restrictions on Regular or Special Assessments
5.50 Reimbursement Assessments
5.51 Delinquency
5.52 Creation and Release of Lien
5.53 Foreclosure Under Assessment Lien
5.54 Priority of Assessment Lien
5.55 Waiver of Homestead Protections

USTU Draft Bylaws Section 6
6. Conflict Resolution, Notice & Hearing Procedure
6.20 Suspension of Privileges
6.30 Written Complaint
6.40 Notice of Hearing
6.50 Hearing
6.60 Legal Proceedings

USTU Draft Bylaws Section 7
7. Insurance (New Section)

USTU Draft Bylaws Section 8
8. Fiscal Management & Finances
8.10 Fiscal Year.
8.20 Preparation and Distribution of Financial Statements, Reports, and Copies of Governing Instruments.
8.30 Inspection of Cooperative Books and Records
8.40 Records Kept at the Cooperative
8.50 Execution of Cooperative Documents
8.60 Cooperative Equity

USTU Draft Bylaws Sections 9 to 11
9. Dissolution
10. Amendments
11. Approval

old depricated sections

USTU Draft Bylaws Section 3
USTU Draft Bylaws Sections 1 to 2