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2008-12-29 Meeting

Meeting Notes for 12/29/2008

Facilitator: Lara Notes: Aurisha, Scribe: Yuki
Present: Somer, Julia, Lois, Kathy, Randy, Federico, Irma, Joe, Julio Jr., Dan, Melba, Dale

BVCLT- upcoming events
POG UPDATES- updating timeline; Membership,Governators,Finance
Short Stay Requests: Dorran- 2 weeks; George P
Unit availability
LAUSD update

1.BVCLT- upcoming events
BVCLT workshop event on Jan 9th to expand members and create stakeholders
Screening movie- Homes and Hands- CLT in Action @ Community Land trust experience.
Need to circulate flyer and e-flyer. Will make sure to get it to people who can get it to different listservs, community orgs etc: SAGE, Bike Kitchen, friends listserv.
Annual BVCLT Meeting will be Jan 19th.
Annual dues - $35 for members due between Jan 1 and Jan 19th

2. POG UPDATES- updating timeline
[[Membership?]]: Met w/ Heather, Joe, Lara and Randy: went over Kathy’s draft of participation matrix and categorized which ones were volunteer opportunities, other areas, and grey areas, such as food co-op. (Is this stand alone or part of eco-village.) Bike Rack: Community to consense on what category each of the items on the list falls into.
[[Governance?]]: Lawyer update: Aurisha sent email inquiring @ timeline of incorporation and updates on Bylaws.
[[Finance?]]: No report.

Updated Timeline:
By Jan 12th POG mtg: Get feedback re. Bylaws and timeline for incorporation from lawyer; publish Transition Times. Revise participation matrix;Input on long term budget; Revise timeline.
For Jan 26 POG mtg: finalize long term budget
For Feb 9: work on BVCLT – USTU “eco memo”

Convening before Jan 12th: Yuki- Finance; Somer- Governance; Heather- Membership.

3. LAUSD update
Monica Garcia invited us to work things out with her re parking lot, to save sycamore tree and
save space for horticultural park, Keep First Street a slow street, All entrances and exits on 1st street, No widening or exits on White House or Bimini. Lois, Michelle and Lara will attend meeting.

4. Short Stay Requests
Doran- request for 2 more weeks before moving into Michelle’s as housemate. Kathy and Melba’s unit 115 - theirs no longer as of Jan. 1. Kathy removing stuff. Having Doran there 2 more weeks will give them more time. Melba has most of her stuff out already. APPROVED! Consensus.

George P requests up to 1 year in Joe’s apt. Joe fine with this. He has a lot of stuff and Lois asked him to make a list to help him get rid of it. We will be notified as his situation changes. APPROVED! Consensus.

5. Unit availability
205 has some work and will be finished this week.
111 ready end of Jan.
115 ready in 2 weeks
214 needs some work on water damage in ceiling.- ready by next week
108 needs a lot of work- march target (George F)
109 needs a lot of work- march target (Edward)
107 Goal: March (Jimmy)
116: Victor leaves by March

Julia- looking to buy bicycle, Needs to borrow bike: Lara
Joe - Kwanwu and joe going on a hike on New Years’ Eve Day to waterfall – Let them know if you want to go
- Chris Carlesson coming on Feb 6th- Author of Nowtopia

     	- Bike Summit- March 9 at LA trade tech. looking for workshops- Joe would like someone to teach workshop on consensus – talk to him 2nd day maybe at Eco village
	-Fed, Yuki and Joe created a sitting area. Please hang out!  
 	-Read Eco-Village garden blog:  http://laevgarden.wordpress.com/Kathy back from Mexico and leaving for India in 3 weeks. Very busy.
Yuki- New Years Eve potluck – trad Japenese food 6:30 pm.
-Congressional Activist Training -Move On –learn how to participate on group action, open to public, Jan 11th at 11:00 amLois-look at latest Communities magazine –great article, pics of our own LAEvers
-Peter N and Timothy B talk in City Hall sponsored by LAEV – on new urbanism of resilient cities. JAN 15th 3-5 pm in Room # 350 - Laura C major activist in Mexico coming here last 4 days in Jan. - Laura's brother having show at RedCat theatre Thurs 29th and Fri Jan 30thLara-BVCLT mtg jan6
Check out Ali’s blog about LETS

Hard to get energy off after holiday
Like t-shirt
POG timeline confusing
Presenting or facilitating?
Julio rested
Too many announcements
Sludgy energy
Felt left out b/c missed cmte mtg
We had quorum
POG stuff felt like going through the motions
Interesting insight
Low energy, but not bad- vacationy, loungy
Joe and Lara laughing- good
Timeline felt non-interactive- maybe have it posted before hand

Bike Rack: Community to consense on what category each of the items on the Participation Matrix falls into.
Someone will post a link to Ali’s LETS blog?