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2012-11-05 Meeting

November 5, 2012 USTU Board Meeting Agenda

Facilitation: Angel, Notes: Heather
Attendance: Aurisha, Yuki, Ianne, Lara, Lois, Becca, Carol, Somer, Julio Jr., Julio Sr., Guest: Shalia

Agenda Review

Financial Report from Management Committee - Lara
• Review of US/TU profit and loss budget vs. actual amounts for July through October 2012 led by Lara (First quarterly report for US/TU reviewed by Lara)
• US/TU Balance sheet as of September 30, 2012 provided by Lara
• Net income from July to October 2012 is $33,055. For the month of October, the net income was $2,797.

• Quarterly Financial report to be sent out before the start of meetings so that people can review before board meeting (e.x. April, July, October, January)

BVCLT Debt Repayment Recommendation
• Original proposal: Pay back $15,000 through value of services on CRA loan
• Ad hoc committee proposes alternative proposal to the above aforementioned -
• Carol, Yuki and Aurisha met and came up with this proposal with the following justification:
o We don’t need additional services, we have the capacity to provide our own services
o We need money for our own reserves
o Want to build a solid foundation between US/TU and BVCLT and having clear financial relationships builds trust
• Alternate Proposal:
• 3 year repayment
a) $423.12 per month with a proposed 1% interest
b) $416.67 per month with no interest
• Okay to start payment as of January 2013

Consensus reached!!
This will be proposed to the BVCLT and brought back for further discussion.

• Note: US/TU paying ground lease of $1,200 per month and $14,400 per year

• Lois - Mortgage will start being paid next year (2013). Want to ensure that there is a bit of a safety net. This will be a major expense starting next year.
• Important for US/TU to get in order financially and believes that it is important to get repaid in cash, not in service to ensure financial stability.
• Potential conflict of interest among US/TU board members that are also on the BVCLT board. This may need further review.

Education/training budget line item, how to spend
Discussion – Becca/ Yuki
• Want to be more proactive in how to use these funds. Becca and Yuki are on the adhoc committee to discuss how to prioritize education/ training funds.
• Questions to ask: What is it that we want/ need to be trained on? How do we consider our values, mission and responsibilities?
• Some ideas for future training/s: how to understand budgets better; training on AOAGLA (Apartment owners association of greater Los Angeles) for property management
• Potential spending on projector
• Strategic planning retreat
• NVC and NV/ Echo parenting training
• To be determined on a case by case basis
• Keep in mind that some of the trainings could be done in house. This would save money and encourage sharing of local knowledge/ skills.

• Ask: Want feedback on how to spend educational/ training funds. There is $700 remaining for this years budget. Keep in mind that the money can be transferred to next years budget. US/TU board needs to determine how to spend the money.
• Straw poll on how many people are interested in each category of training:
o budget – 6
o Building mgt. – 4
o Projector – 2
o Strategic planning retreat – 0
o NVC/ Echo Parenting - 3

Proposal for short stays and sublet first/last month rent requirement,
Discussion and possible decision – Yuki
• Proposal: Request first and last months rent for extended short stays (more than two months) and sub-letters across the board. This would be the amount for the individual unit.
• Note: there has been a recent history of sub-letters and short stays not being able to pay rent on time.
• If a person is moved to a different unit during the length of their stay, the difference in unit cost would be accounted for.
• Short stays, not sub-letters could be handled on a case by case basis.
• The member could request a waiver for the sub-letter as long as they are willing/ able to pay for the sub-letter should they be unable to pay.
CONSENSUS: Require first and last months’ rent for extended short stays and subletters who will stay more than 2 months, with the option for members to request a waiver if they will ensure rent will be paid for their subletters.

Brief Report on Service Repayment Loan Log – Lois
• Approximate total number of service hours as of 11/4/11 per Lois’s calculation: 56,328 hours.
• There may be some discrepancy in the way the hours were calculated. For example, it may be that the only hours to be counted are those that are spent This is to be further discussed.
• Lois will continue to keep track for now. Please let her know if you’re interested in assisting.
• Lois will send out the draft.

Next Fours
• Facilitation: Thiago and Zoe
• Work Parties: Somer on the hill
• Suppa Suppa: none
• Committee Meetings:
Wednesday at 5:00 pm Short stay adhoc committee
Friday at noon – Adhoc committee meeting on security deposits

• Happy hour to get to know Shalia at Cha Cha Cha on Friday 11/9/12 at 5:30 pm
• Election tomorrow
• Meditation 9:30 am Tues/ Thursday
• Somer laid off… will be taking education courses on-line
• Green Festival coming up… see Lois for more information
• Julio Jr. is part of the sustainability coalition with SMC and will be going on a trip soon. Sustainabilitycoalition.org
• Nikki Henderson’s grandmother passed and will be staying at LAEV for a few days.
• Becca won an award for having the best film per the audience’s vote.

Overall good, nice prep, first item was hard, conflict of interest was difficult… Appreciate Somer’s humor. So laid back as a facilitator.

Bike Rack
• Address potential conflict of interest between US/TU board members and those that are also on the BVCLT board
• Budget process
• Leave of Absence from the Board for other reasons than being out of town – Lara
• Management Committee Report – next Monday night meeting