Instructions for the Weekly Coordinator
- On Sunday, make sure to be at LAEV by 2:15 pm (Edgar Usually Shows up by 2:30 pm) and ready to pay Edgar or his brother when they show up.
- Collect enough empty boxes from the bike-room to sort produce into. Make sure they are clean and empty; dirty boxes=rotting produce. Return any excess boxes to Edgar; they reuse them.
- Welcome workers in your cell when they arrive at 2:30.
-Encourage folks to introduce themselves to each other
-Remind folks to wash their hands before working
-Remind folks that food should never touch the floor
-Note who on your cell showed up to work. Report this at Workshift Tracking Page - Generally, we just deal out the produce box by box; but use your judgment and experience to figure out how to do it most efficiently for you and your group of workers. Please get sorters to check produce to double check for bad produce, put in ‘excess food’ box. If there is significant bad produce, please make a note on the Bad Produce Tracking Page.
- there’s at least two philosophical schools of thought on sorting
1. The $20 Split Method - Look at your order and figure out how much it would be in $20 boxes. Make that number of boxes. Then see how many $10 boxes you have. If, for example you have 6 $10 boxes, then take three $20 boxes and divide them into two. This works best when you actually have two boxes next to the $20 box and divide evenly. If somethings don’t divide well, then use your best judgement. This method is made a little more complicated if you have an odd number amount - in that case, you make all $20 boxes, except for one lone $10 box. Example - $230 order. 7 x $20, 9 x $10. You would make 11 $20 boxes and 1 $10 box. Then divide 4 of the $20 boxes into 8 $10 boxes.
2. The $10 Combine Method- This method is the reverse of the above method. Basically, take your order and divide the total amount by $10. In the above $230 example, you would make 23 $10 boxes, and then take 14 of them and magically transform them into 7 $20 boxes.
- Couple of other tips on sorting
1. Encourage workers to work one item at a time either by themself or in a team with someone else. Their job is to make sure that item is evenly distributed, using whatever method above the cell decides to use.
2. Encourage workers to place heavy items in the boxes first. Food that’s easily bruised, like tomatos and strawberries should go in at the end
3, The table behind the sofa is good for sorting tomatos, brussel sprouts and other items that come in mega-ultra-qualities. The table even has a wood pattern that divides the space into 9 which you can then be creative and use is to make 18, 27, etc… Math in action! - Make paper labels with box owners names and value and tape them to boxes ($10 and $20 boxes). A good size is a 1/4 of a page. Much smaller sometimes make the label hard to find.
- Deliver boxes in front of doors of Eco-Vilagers. Hang out until about 4, then put any unclaimed boxes in the if you run out of room.Put the other boxes into #110 closet. Call any stragglers and remind them their boxes are ready. Put a note on the gate saying folks should call Lara (#100) to open the gate and #110 if they are locked.
- Thank workers in your cell and remind them the date of your next workshift. Socialize. Enjoy!
Instructions for the Work shift coordinator
- Receives new member information from New Member coordinator - currently Brit M.
- Double check to make sure new member is on food lobby list serv.
- Help new member choose, or assign a work shift.
- Organize orientation to the necessary work.
- Encourage new member to communicate with their cell members to co-ordinate work assignment. (for example, will the sunday bulk room cell partners work 2 hours every 10 weeks or 1 hour every five weeks.)
- Send a weekly reminder to list for the sunday produce cell members and to the sunday & monday bulk room workers.
- Make a new calendar in Dec. for the next years produce and bulkroom shifts.
- Ask cell members to let you know when people don’t show up for a shift. Put the no-shows on the on-call list and let them know that you’ve done that.
- Notice if people who do not have work assignments are buying food and remedy that or bring the situation to a meeting.
Contact info for the Farmers:
Jaime Farms:
Edgar Jaime
- (909) 984-0453
(this is the farm we’ve been getting food from on a regular basis)
Finley Farms:
Johanna Brown / Christopher Finley
- (805) 245-9579
- (805) 637-2864
Instructions for the the Money Collector/Orderer
- Collect money over the week. Track it both on the collection envelope, and on a weekly sign-in sheet. Make sure to get Dave the sign-in sheet with info about who worked the shift at the end of sunday. E-mail Dave if you need a tracking sheet for the week.
- On Friday, by mid-afternoon, e-mail Edgar Jaime, the farmer, with the order. Send the e-mail to: (edgar dot jaime at jaimefarms dot com) (note: edited for web-safety) It should say LAEV food coop order in the subject, and simply let him know how much money we’ve got for the week (e.g. We’ve got a $220 order this week). Make sure he has your contact info and name so he can find you on sunday. If there is less than $200, try and make a few calls to make sure everyone who wants to order has ordered.