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Workshift Tracking Page

Who’s worked their shift…and who hasn’t

After each person’s name, put the workshift date and a Yes or No after. For example
. Bob (1/24-Yes,
. Maria (1/24-Yes
. Ricky (1/24-No
If someone not usually scheduled wound up working on your shift, record that too. Create a new category at the bottom
. Other (John-1/24-yes, Sally-1/24-yes)

This is an attempt to keep track of people’s actual work contributions to the coop. If you have suggestions for how we can do this better, please contact Ron. Below is a copy of the Cell shifts…please record who has and who hasn’t worked on your shift each month. Thanks!

Cell A
2008 Shifts: 1/20, 2/24, 3/30, 5/4, 6/8, 7/13, 8/17, 9/21, 10/26, 12/7
Coordinator: Andrea
. Joe (2/24-No)
. Michelle (2/24- Yes)
. Autumn (2/24- No)
. Nikki (2/24- Yes)
. Virginia (2/24- Yes)

Cell B
2008 Shifts: 1/27, 3/2, 4/6, 5/11, 6/15, 7/20, 8/24, 9/28, 11/2, 12/14
Coordinator: Somer (3/2-yes,
. Kathy (3/2-yes
. Jessica (3/2-yes,
. Hilary (3/2-yes,

Cell C
2008 Shifts: 2/3, 3/9, 4/13, 5/18, 6/22, 7/27, 8/31, 10/5, 11/9, 12/21
Coordinator: Jeremy
. Gretchen (3/9-yes, 4/13-yes, 6/22-yes, 7/27-no)
. Julia (7/27-yes, 8/31-yes)
. Michelle S (7/27-no, 8/31-yes)
. Michelle W (8/31-yes)
. Kelsey F (8/31-yes)
. Other - (Jeremy: 3/9-yes, 4/13-yes, 5/18-yes, 6/22-no, 7/27-yes, 8/31-yes)

Cell D
2008 Shifts: 2/10, 3/16, 4/20, 5/25, 6/29, 8/3, 9/7, 10/12, 11/16, 12/28
Coordinator: Raeanna/Alexis
. Lois
. Aurisha
. Amy H
. federico

Cell E
2008 Shifts: 2/17, 3/23, 4/27, 6/1, 7/6, 8/10, 9/14, 10/19, 11/30, 1/4/08
Coordinator: Lindsey (3/23-yes,
. Mirella (3/16-no,
. Kyle (3/23-no,
. Julie (3/23-yes,
. Kristy B. (3/23-no,
. Other - (Amy-3/23-yes, Alexis-3/23-yes,