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A gallery with Los Angeles Eco-Village Related Artwork. Give credit when possible. If not, all content here will be published under a Creative Commons license.

The Los Angeles Eco-Village Wiki Logo is based on a hand-lettered design by Joe Linton. It has an image of a Yarrow plant which he holds in high esteem. A few years back, at a silkscreen workshop, we screen-printed this design on t-shirts and other articles… today those shirts are collector’s items. Below are a few variations, created by Federico for use on this Wiki:
transparentLogo.gif This one is a transparent gif.

Here’s gate we’ve been welding out back:
(more gate images available on this Facebook photo album http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=52847&l=2b341&id=591313105)

Here are a few sketches for other La Eco-Village Logos. Feel free to grab them and make them into stencils, stickers, posters or t-shirts. Some of them are black metal inspired, others are just exploring simple root-plant motifs. If you need larger versions email ffederico@gmail.com

logosketch 1.jpg
logosketch 2.jpg
logosketch 3.jpg
logosketch 4.jpg
logosketch 5.jpg
logosketch 6.jpg
logosketch 7.jpg
logosketch 8.jpg
logosketch 9.jpg
logosketch 10.jpg
logosketch 11.jpg