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2007-05-24 Meeting

Bienvenidos Committee Meeting 2007-05-24
Attendance: aurisha, thiago, ann, yuki, federico(taking notes), lara

1.Update and review of tasks: We Read through the last notes, and went through the tasks (you can find them here 2007-05-09 Meeting)

2. People in process (from this page: InProcessHidden )
Teka and randall, we need contact information and ask them if they are still active.
Andrew, no initiative on his part, hasn’t been active
Hop and Adalila need to finish questionnaire
Ritu will be scheduled to have a dialogue next monday meeting
Anna and Sam, they were invited to meetings and work parties
Carlo moved away. Inactive recently.

Related Tasks:
0 - contact info for teka and pass it to michelle and find how interested they are - lara
0 - Ask andrew if he wants on the friends mailing list and consider him
on the interested list - ann
0 - Carlo, joe should talk to him about his level of interest - federico will ask
0 - add a box if they are on list - federico

3. Discussion about Community Greenlight and how decide on Priority:

Summary of How is it done today:
decisions are:

Concerns about how it is done today

Thoughts on community Greenlight: (a document drafted by Lara)
you can find it here: Thoughts on Community Greenlight

Summary: we want to talk about diversity, we want to be fluid, there are some ideas but we could have the conversation going till we have something
more concrete. The capacity issue a good next step.

4. Point Person for Lois as she requested:
- Ann will do it
- Add lois to the googlegroups

Other Tasks
0 - Lara will draft a revised Liason Guidelines
0 - Ann needs to finish revising questionnaire