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Still reflecting…

This is my blog/journal space

The amazing calm from the LA world at 5 in the morning. The birds are still asleep, the ghetto birds included. there is a slow murmer growing, it’s very awake, shifting…accelerating as people flow themselves up Vermont getting to a destination for the current day that I’m not feeling yet.

Speaking about self run sm.business’ Lili Lakich once quoted someone,“work is more fun than fun.”

I’m looking at a gallery flyer at a cafe that says “New energy encounter group”
I don ‘t know anything about the gallery, anything about the group’s show, I’m only commenting on the name of the group.
It’s inspiring that people are finding ownership in their personal and shared energy.
Kitchen Crew enjoyed such kind of energy and It was appropriately named Neo-Enthusiast Energy By JP or possibly Jen Hoffer.
If there is anything that I want our group and these current years 2-3 before and after this present day to be remembered by it would be by this conviction that our positive energy like our swords that Federico so manifested apon, are what make our lives and energy valid, rememberable and timeless.

I went to an opening at a friends gallery. It was funny sayings on shirts and blouses done by a group of friends, their tongue in cheek mantra was “I don’t give a fuck about fuck.”
It’s bizarre isn’t it, how nearby groups of people can have totally different outlooks on what it means to enjoy their lives
a playful"I don’t give a fuck about fuck” vs. the intense “Neo-Enthusiast collective energy”
do you get happily lost in denial,
or do you get enthused by shifting your derailer

(entry under construction, don’t linger on this…)
“There are times to stand on our ancestors shoulders and then there are also times to stand on their necks.” (somebody)

It is true. There are times for both, but there is a shortage of sane people actively savoring/pondering & channeling the thoughts, decisions and lessons of our ancestors today.
There are few people in this developed nation that “find the time” to delve into the thoughtful voices of our ancestors unless it’s for right wing religious & cultural direction.
I find this pathetically and politically shortsighted for the left. and our world is suffering from poor decisions and poor strategies because of it.
How is it that we find ourselves in our hopefully more humanly developed years, more concerned with getting the format and the rules right, and losing sight of the content or the energy that our ancestors presented.
so much to embody so little time. lets live foreva, and be undamageable by silly cars racing like blind lemers.