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Vermicomposting refers to using worms for composting. This is usually done in worm bins. There are about 4 worm bins at the Eco-Village that are being looked after by particular Eco-Villagers. Worm bins need certain amount of attention so they are not suitable for larger quantities of mixed food scraps coming from several households, the compost pit technique works better for that (read the entry on Composting).

With worm bins care must be taken not to add acidic waste since worms prefer a close to neutral ph. The “carbon to nitrogen” ratio must also be balanced for worms to be happy. That is a balance between “green matter” such as kitchen scraps and “brown matter” such as shredded newspaper for bedding must be maintained. Temperature is also a factor to keep in mind. Bins must be kept in a cool place. During the summer it might be necessary to cool them down with moist towels or placing them indoors.

Overall it’s not really complicated to keep worm bins and they can reward you with great hummus for the garden. If well kept worms will digest large amounts of waste in relatively short periods of time and they are little amazing ecosystems that can give you a glimpse on the complex processes that take place in the soil.