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USTU Space Requests

Instructions to Request Use of Common Spaces

This online process is intended to allow for non-controversial space requests to be expedited and not take up valuable time at community meetings. The following was approved at a community meeting on 10/19 /15.

1. Check the LAEV calendar of Events at http://urbansoil.net/wiki.cgi?calendar to make sure there are no conflicts.

2. Send a request to urban-soil@googlegroups.com with the following information:

(a) Name of the event
(b) Description of the event
(c) Date(s) and time frame(s) – an event of longer than 10 hours or an ongoing recurring request needs consensus at a community meeting
(d) Location(s) of the event
(e) Name(s) of USTU member(s) hosting and responsible for clean up after the event
(f) Number of attendees – an event of more than 25 attendees needs consensus at a community meeting
(g) Is it a closed event or open to USTU members and/or the public?
(h) Will there be a fee? --an event with fees needs consensus at a community meeting
(i) Will there be suggested donations? – donations must be on a sliding scale
(j) Please disclose your relationship, if any, with the event sponsor (for example, on the Board of Directors, an employee, funding source for my employer or if you receive any direct compensation from event sponsor). If none of this is applicable, put N/A.

3.Once your request goes out onto the listserv, USTU members will have 48 hours to raise any concerns they might have, if any, to the listserv. If there are no unresolved concerns within 48 hours, you are free to place your event and the details above on the LAEV calendar.

4.If an USTU member raises a concern within the 48 hour period, the space request will need to go to a community meeting for discussion. Because of this, we recommend that you submit requests at least 2 weeks in advance, if possible.

Reminder: attendees need to adhere to all community rules (no smoking, noise time restrictions, cleanliness, etc). (http://urbansoil.net/wiki.cgi?Coop_Rules)

If you need assistance adding events to the LAEV calendar, please email Claire