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Tool Shop


The Tool Shop is currently housed in garage number one located behind the Bimini Terrace building. It has a large table, counter space and a collection of community and individually owned tools. The tool shop intends to be open to all community members that abide by the guidelines and can safely use the tools. It is also used sometimes by management and folks working on building maintenance.

Goals of the space

The One Rule

The tool shop is a common space in the community so the Use of Common Spaces Agreement also applies there, it simply states:
Follow the policy to the letter and leave our spaces as you found them or better. Do all within your powers to make this happen in 24 hours.

Stewardship and access

Josh and Federico are the current stewards of the space (that means they organize and clean the space and keep the tools running). Any community member can have access to the space, simply request a copy of the key from one of them.

Guidelines and expectations:

These are not hard rules because there is some room for negotiation and for using your own judgement, but they can be helpful for new users. Give them a good read if you are planning on becoming a frequent user of the shop.



The current space occupied by the Tool Shop (garage number one) was previously occupied by the Bicycle Kitchen and used to be named “the pantry”. When the Bicycle Kitchen moved to it’s current location -around the winter of 2004- the space was used for storing leftover bicycles and other tools and as a casual somewhat disorganized workspace. In the spring of 2010 it underwent a major reorganization to make it more usable and since then it has gained adepts and collected an array of tools.