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Timeframe for Membership Interviews

Consensed 2014.11.24

Green Light Interview&Decision:

 - Can happen after all the items on the checklist are completed (including attending an orientation)
 - The intent to have a green light interview is announced at a weekly community meeting prior to being put on the agenda.
 - Is put on the agenda by the liaison without prior consensus
 - The decision can be the same night, and is made in closed session

Provisional Membership Interview&Decision:

 - Can happen any time after 2 months (8 weeks) after a green light, but before 6 months (26 weeks).
 - Consensus is reached to schedule the interview and decision, in closed session, before the interview.
 - Interview and decision do not happen at the same community meeting; they may happen at two sequential meetings. In total this makes the process no less than three agenda items.
 - The decision is in closed session.
 - When calculating time periods, it is the number of weeks between the meeting at which green lighting was approved and the meeting in which the initial request to schedule is brought.
 - If a decision is made to not move forward, the community decides on next steps on a case-by-case basis.

Full Membership Interview&Decision:

 - Can happen anytime after 6 months of residency as a provisional member.
 - Is put on the agenda either by the liaison or the member themselves, without prior consensus or announcement, i.e. it istreated as a regular agenda item.
- The decision is the same night, in closed session. - When calculating time periods, timing begins at move-in.

Timeframe at a Glance:

Membership Decision Timeframe.png