- Smart Location and Linkages Credits
- SLL Credit 3: Preferred Locations 2 to 10 Points
Intent: Encourage development within existing communities and developed places to reduce multiple environmental harms associated with sprawl. Reduce development pressure beyond the limits of existing development. Conserve natural and financial resources required for construction and maintenance of infrastructure.
• An infill site that is also a previously developed site (6 points)
AND Calculate the street grid density (in street centerline miles per square mile) within a 1 mile radius from the perimeter of the site boundary. Points are added to the above points according to the following street grid density:
• 40 centerline miles per square mile or greater (4 points) See Page 78 - SLL Credit 4: Reduced Automobile Dependence 1 to 8 Points
Intent: Encourage development in locations that exhibit superior performance in providing transportation choicesor otherwise reducing motor vehicle use.- OPTION 1 Transit Accessible Locations
Locate project on a site with transit service of 20 or more easily accessible transit rides per week day. The number of points available for increasing transit service is indicated in the table below. The totalnumber of rides available during weekdays is defined as the number of buses or streetcars stopping within a ¼ mile walk distance of at least 50% of the project’s dwellings and business entrances, and the number of bus rapid transit buses, light rail trains, heavy passenger rail, and ferries stopping within a ½ mile walk
distance of at least 50% of the project’s dwellings and business entrances/
Total rides available per weekday = 500 for 7 points. For Option 1, contact the local transit service provider to obtain route information and a timetable of transit frequency for the area surrounding the project.. See Page 83
· A site and/or vicinity map of the vicinity showing all relevant dwelling units and building entrances, transit stops, and walking routes to those stops.
Schedules or a brief narrative indicating the frequency and type of transit available.
· A list of transit stops that lie within the specified walk distance of 50% of the project’s dwelling units and business entrances.
· A calculation showing the total rides available per weekday. - Option 3 – Locations With Vehicle-Sharing
1. Use shortest path analysis to create a table of walk distances from the project’s dwelling units and business entrances to shared-vehicle locations within a ¼-mile radius of street intersections on the project boundary. Using the shortest path results, sum the number of dwelling units and business entrances within a ¼-mile walk of identified shared-vehicle locations, and calculate the percent of total dwelling units and business entrances that are within a ¼-mile walk. Confirm that the result is 50% or greater.
LEED-ND LA Eco-Village Neighborhood