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Proposed Management Scheme

Management Planning Meeting 7/10/09
ann, lara, somer, yuki

Proposed structure:
1 paid manager = M
Volunteer management committee = MC
(rotating, comprised of 4 owners, staggered rotation, simple rotation system)
Community (all members, consistent with by-laws)

Manager Responsibilities:
rent collection and deposit
reporting on work & finances
paying taxes and utilities M
tax forms go to acct
ground lease M
materials & laborM
maintenance & rehab M
identifying day-to-day tasks projects M
implement/distribute work to employees/contractors, cleaning people, volunteers
space allocation (short term M)
short staysM
new renter process work
- credit checks (do check & report to community) M
- rental agreementM
Capital Improvements
- research and regular eval M & MC
- project management M
- follow through M
- reportsM
Interface with “da man”(inspectors, reg. agencies)M
- compliance issues MC & M
- report M
public face M
Accounting & Legal Management M
deal with accountant M
deal with lawyer M

Management Committee Responsibilities:
collection and follow ups with late rentMC
reviewing utility usageMC
report on financial statement MC?
identifying monthly tasks projects MC
oversight over work being performed M & (monthly review)MC
space allocation misc. (community use,bike parking)MC*
new owner tasks:
- share payment arrangementMC
- owner agreementMC
Capital Improvements
- research and regular eval M & MC
Compliance issues – MC & M
interface with the Board of Urban Soil MC

Community Responsibilities:
identifying broad tasks/projects priorities Com
space allocation (long term) community (short term M)
rm requests comm.
Capital Improvements
- identifying needs COMM

Bienvenidos Committee:
new renter process work
- orientation and liaisons

Revolving Loan Fund Committee:
- Revolving Loan fund assistance/administration SEPARATE ENTITY