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Previous Liaison Guidelines

Previous Liaison Guidelines by Bienvenidos

Why liaisons at LAEV?
1.Inspire compassionate, nurturing, & respectful relationships between applicants and community members.
2.Improve communication between applicants and community members.

What liaisons do:
The liaison is a primary point of contact between an applicant and the community. The liaison answers the applicant’s questions. On behalf of the community, the liaison keeps informed about the interest and intention of the applicant. The liaison is expected to help arrange for and accompany the applicant to meetings concerning the applicant’s membership. The liaison is responsible for scheduling the applicant’s membership step on the community meeting agenda. The liaison introduces the applicant to other residents & encourages him/her to attend meals, meetings, work parties etc.

Assigning liaisons:

In the interested phase, the liaison:

In the candidate phase, the liaison:


The following document was drafted by Lois Arkin, it was not aproved by the community, it is here for historical reference.

A FEW GUIDELINES FOR LIAISONS. You may have other guidelines to add to this list. Please do. Or there may be some items on this list you�re not comfortable with. Please let Lois know what they are, and I will try to revise these draft working guidelines. Although this guideline list has not been processed by the community, it�s all we have right now, so just use it as a working document in terms of what fits for you.

Generally, the liaison effort has been starting after someone has done
three things:
1. Come on a tour
2. Submitted their questionnaire
3. Come to a BC or community meeting and announced that they want to be
in our process.