Here’s a list of local neighborhood resources by category
- LAEV Food Coop - source for all things related to the LAEV food coop
- Good Eats - Local Restaurants - listing of local restaurants
- Certified Farmer's Markets in Southern California - sorted by day of the week
- Veggie Restaurant Map - veggie/vegan restaurants in LA compiled and mapped by dore
- Bicycle Kitchen - a group of volunteers who run a space in Los Angeles filled with tools and stands for working on bicycles. On Fountain, between Virgil and Sunset.
- Orange20 Bikes - local bike shop @ Melrose & Heliotrope.
- Metro - the Metro site helps you find a route to your destination by bus & rail.
- A community dialogue on mobility began in October 2015. You can learn more on the Mobility Talk page.
- Legal Clinic, Notary Public: Liberty Legal, in shopping center near First on E side of Vermont, upstairs. Self-help with their assist.
- Searchable list of services (health care, legal, etc) in the area
- Homeless Services near L.A. Eco-Village
Building Materials
- The ReUse People of America on San Fernando Blvd. a short bike ride ~ 4 miles.
They have used materials donated from wealthy clientelle and responsibly torn-down houses