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More Food Coop Specifics

Some Specifics

Sunday is FoodLobby? day. Both the “veggie boxes” and the Bulk Room bring everyone to 117 Bimini Place in the afternoon.

Most people (individuals and couples) get a “half-box” of veggies which, at $10, is usually enough veggies to last for a week for one or two people. Often organic, these are “seconds” or leftovers from a farmer’s market. There are often many unique items, and sometimes too much of one thing, or another.

The Bulk Room offers grains, seeds, nuts, dried fruits, and other dry items by weight, as well as individual offerings of organic items (peanut butter or tahini), laundry soap/detergent, and a small selection of books and artisanal items.

Workers exchange their labor for a discount on Bulk Room items. The requirement is minimal, and one 2-hour shift very five weeks satisfies your participation. If you are busy, or Sunday is not available, your Bulk Room items will cost more; or you can ask to fill one of the administrative positions when they are vacant.

In order to purchase food, you must pay your box fee for veggies (there are forms and envelopes outside the entrance to the Bulk Room), and you must “invest” (separately) a sum in the bulk room, from which your purchases will be deducted. Investments are usually cash payments (we are not set up to take credit cards), and your purchase in the Bulk Room can’t exceed the balance of your investment.

Veggies are available only on Sunday. You may pick up your veggies later, but we don’t have refrigerated storage. Please collapse your veggie box when you retrieve your veggies. We are the co-op, and only co-op members do co-op work, so if you see a job that needs to be completed, please do it, or ask how you can help.

Many people living at 117 Bimini will open the Bulk Room for your purchases at other times. Please ask for help on the listserv. You can also order larger items from our supplier, and pick them up at any time.

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