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Mailing Lists

There are several electronic mailing lists related to LA Eco-Village. From very specific topics to general announcements. Not all Eco-Villagers are subscribed to all lists and a few lists are open to the general public. Every list has a different administrator and some are open only to members.

CRSP Institute for Urban Ecovillages

CRSP has a list for announcing events, talks and classes that take place at L.A. Eco-Village, related events, local intentional community networking, resources, green job opportunities, and other LAEV info. This list is open to anyone interested.

LA Eco-Village Friends

This is an announce only mailing list open currently to people who are in the process of becoming LA Eco-Village Members or to friends of LA Eco-Villagers. It’s not a discussion list and is meant to keep people informed of smaller events and gatherings, such as Dinners, potlucks, work parties, open mics and celebrations, that take place at the LA Eco-Village.

LA Eco-Village Food Coop

The LAEV Food Coop has a mailing list for food coop related discussion and announcements. The list is open to anyone interested.

The Beverly Vermont Community Land Trust

The Beverly Vermont Community Land Trust work group keeps a mailing list for members only.

The Echo Park Time Bank

The Echo Park Time Bank is a local currency in the Echo Park, Silverlake, North Wilshire Center/Koreatown areas.
CRSP provides the Echo Park Time Bank with a nonprofit fiscal umbrella. Many Eco-Villagers are members of the EPTB.

Internal Lists:

Quick links for contacting committees -read on for detailed information:

Urban Soil Intentional Community

The Urban Soil internal list: This list is open to members of the LA Eco-Village Intentional Community only. It’s used mainly for internal discussion and announcements.

LA Eco-Village Membership Committee Internal List

The Membership Committee maintains this list to discuss membership related issues. The list is open to any LA Eco-Village Member who wants to stay on the loop or wants to participate. This list is used to answer emails sent to the membership information account (membership@urbansoil.net) and also to discuss the committee’s work.

LA Eco-Village Conflict Resolution Team Internal List

The Conflict Resolution Team maintains this list to answer requests for support in conflict resolution. The list is open to conflict resolution team Members but anyone can send messages.

LA Eco-Village Finance Committee Internal List

This is an inactive list. The Finance Committee merged with the Management Committee.

LA Eco-Village Governance Committee Internal List

This is an inactive list. It was used to develop USTU’s bylaws

LA Eco-Village Management Committee Internal List

This list provides a single email address to easily contact all members of the committee. The list is open to any LA Eco-Village Member who wants to stay on the loop or wants to participate and it’s intended to facilitate communication among committees.

LA Eco-Village Water Committee Internal List

This list provides a single email address to easily contact all members of the committee. The list is open to any LA Eco-Village Member who wants to stay on the loop or wants to participate and it’s intended to facilitate communication among committees.

LA Eco-Village Visitor Committee List

This list provides a single email address to easily contact all members of the committee. The list is open to any members of the Visitor Committee.

Urban Soil Garden Group

This list provides a single email address to easily contact all members of the garden group. This list is open to all members of the garden group. Visit the website for more information.