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Lead Safety

Decisions from community meeting on October 26th, 2015

1. All work done on 117 and Bimini Terraces places follows lead safe work practices. This
is state law.
Exception: If surface is known to be lead free through testing or new components, no
lead-safe practices are needed.
2. Someone from the lead-safe committee checks on construction projects for next 6
months, with a manager, to verify projects follow lead safe practices. Work doesn’t start until
committee approves.
3. For workers:
• Any worker who doesn’t follow lead safe practices will not work on any projects that would
disturb lead paint, until they attends a training and the community agrees, in a meeting, that
they are ready to try again.
• Before major work is done by members or outside workers, consult with managers.
• Written acknowledgement from workers to abide by these rules.