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LA Eco-Village Mission

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La Eco-Village Mission

The Los Angeles Eco-Village is a diverse community in an urban neighborhood that joins together to create a higher quality of life and chooses a lower impact lifestyle for the good of all.

WHO: Diverse Community. Our neighborhood is home to Asian, African, European and Central/South American residents. Our membership reflects this diversity. We bring together people who have lived in the neighborhood for decades with those who have recently moved here intentionally.

WHERE: Urban Neighborhood. Each of us has chosen to live in Los Angeles, recognizing its assets, its dysfunctional challenges and its importance to the aspirations of the rest of the world. Our two-block neighborhood was built around the Bimini Baths and designed for travel by foot, bicycle and trolley car.

WHAT: Create a Higher Quality Life. We believe that relationships with each other and nature enrich our lives more than over consumption and car dependence. We participate in potlucks to share food and cultivate our relationships. We meet to learn about what is important to each other and to make decisions affecting our neighborhood. We support each other in transforming our lives.

WHAT: Choose a Lower Impact Lifestyle. We want to initiate and establish new patterns of living that use fewer resources and produce less waste. We are committed to leading the way by sharing our experiences with others and hosting teachers from out-of-town.

WHY: For the Good of All. We know that the dominant culture is harming us, people around the world and other forms of life. We support re-localization as a way of undercutting U.S. consumption, militarism, and imperialism. We stand in solidarity with all beings for a just, peaceful and healthy future.

Definition of an Eco village

From Robert Gilman of the Context Institute

An Ecovillage is human scale, full featured settlement, with multiple centers of initiative, that harmlessly integrates human activity into the natural world
and supports healthy human development which can be successfully continued
into the indefinite future.