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LAEV Food Coop Recipes

People started sharing recipes that would fit the week’s produce over the Food Coop Mailing list. This page is an attempt to give those recipes a home and to collect suggestions about how to prepare the produce we are getting. Please feel free to add your own recipe or suggestion. Enjoy!

Pistachio Soup
Transcribed from “Silk Road Cooking” by Najmieh Batmanglij

In a frying pan, heat

	•some cooking oiltill it’s relatively hot. Add
•1/2 cup shelled, unsalted pistachios, and •1/2 tbsp sugarand fry for about 20 seconds. Remove from the pan, and mix with
•1/2 cup fresh pomegranate seeds, and (if you have some) •1 tbsp angelica powder.Set aside.

In a food processor, grind

	•1 cup shelled, unsalted pistachios, and
	•2 cups of stock (I recommend Rapunzel brand stock cubes)till pretty ground up and all. Set aside.

Before or after you do that, put

	•some cooking oilin a medium sized soup pot and heat over medium heat. When rather quite hot add
•1 tsp cumin (whole), •1 tsp coriander (whole), and •1 tsp fenugreek (whole),and stir until the seeds start to pop, about a minute. Now add
•3 medium leeks, halved and thinly sliced, •1 medium onion, halved and thinly sliced, •2-4 cloves garlic, mashed, •some fresh chiles as you like (I use 3 habaneros,) and •1" - 2" ginger, grated.Allow that to steam, covered, for about five minutes, till the veg is limp and fragrant. Next add
•1 cup rice flour (as a slurry in water, or it will clump), ^pistachio puree from earlier, •4 further cups of stock, •1 tsp salt, •1/2 tsp turmeric, and •some fresh ground pepper.Bring to a boil, then simmer for 1/2 hour or so. Then, using an emersion blender if you have one, blend the soup till no large bits of onion or anything remain. Finally add
•1 cup orange juice (3-4 oranges) (I use blood oranges), and •2 tbsp pomegranate molasses (optional).

Serve, garnished with, well, the garnish.

Dorothy's Chutney
Developed by Dorothy R Bates (aka Mom)
This recipe works for mangoes, apples,peaches etc., anything with that sort of texture.

Makes 6 cups. Keeps in fridge 2 weeks, or can as you would fruit jam. Makes nice gifts

2 lb fruit that has been peeled, trimmed, and seeded or cored, cut in 1-inch chunks
1 1/2 c sugar or other sweetener
3/4 c cider vinegar
1 whole lemon, scrubbed, sliced thin, seeded
1 inch or more fresh ginger root, peeled and minced fine
1 c onions, minced fine
2 cloves garlic, minced fine
1/2 c raisins or currants
1 t mustard seeds
1 t whole cloves
1 t salt
1/2 t crushed dried red pepper (more to taste)
1/2 c toasted then chopped almonds or walnuts

Prepare jars and lids. Measure and prep all ingredients. Combine everything but the fruit and nuts in a large dutch oven. Bring to a boil. Add fruit. Reduce heat, partly cover, and simmer about 20-30 minutes until fruit is tender but not mushy. Add nuts and remove from heat. Ladle into jars and refrigerate, or use sterile jars and follow canner instructions.

Kofta Curry
Adapted from “Flavors of India” by Shanta Rimbark Sacharoff

Tomato Sauce

5 1/2 c chopped fresh or canned tomatoes (about 2 lb)
2 Tb oil
1/2 c minced onion
1 T minced or grated ginger
1 hot chile, ground fine
2 T whole coriander seeds, ground fine
1 T whole cumin seeds, ground fine
1 t Garam Masala or curry powder, optional
1 t salt

In large pot, saute onion in oil. When soft, add ginger and chile. Stir for one minute then add tomatoes. Stir and simmer for ten minutes, then add remaining seasonings. Cook until thickened, about 15 minutes.


4 small zucchini, grated (about 1 lb)
1 c chickpea flour (besan)
1/2 t cumin seeds
1 hot chile, ground fine
2 T lemon juice
1 pinch salt

1 c vegetable oil for frying

cilantro sprigs for garnish

Heat oil in wok or large saute pan. Mix remaining ingredients to form a thick dough. Add more chickpea flour if it does not stick together. Form small balls by pressing and rolling between the palms of your wet hands. Place each on a platter until all are ready.

Fry each kofta until well-browned and remove with slotted spoon to a rack.

To serve, heat the tomato sauce until bubbly, and gently stir in the kofta. They will swell and soften. When heated through garnish with cilantro.

Variations instead of zucchini:
Equal amount of carrots, grated
1/4 c shredded coconut with 1/2 c chopped watercress and 1 T tamarind paste
1/2 c mashed firm tofu (use half besan flour and half cornmeal)

adapted from The TVP Cookbook by Dorothy Bates
If unfamiliar with TVP, look for “soy granules” at bulk bins and oriental markets.

Drain and press, reserving liquid:
1 can (about 10 oz) diced or stewed tomatoes

Put in a large bowl: (quantities are approximate)
2 T tamari
2 T ketchup
2 T mustard
1 T dried basil, thyme, etc.

Mix in:
Reserved tomato liquid plus boiling water to make 2 1/2 c total

Mix in:
3 c TVP granules
Let stand 10 minutes. Fluff.

Meanwhile, saute until soft in very large pan:
1 T oil
1 medium onion, chopped fine
3 garlic cloves, minced (optional)

Add onion to TVP with:
1 t sea salt
To taste: black, white and red pepper, granulated garlic, dried oregano, dried marjoram, dehydrated onion
1 c finely minced fresh parsley, cilantro, other fresh herbs (reserve some sprigs for garnish)
the drained tomatoes

Remove from heat. Mix in thoroughly:
2 T psyllium
3/4 c whole wheat flour

Pack tightly into very well-greased loaf pan. Sprinkle with:
1/2 t sugar (optional)

Bake at 350 about 40-45 minutes.

Meanwhile prepare garnish:
1 scallion
Slice all but bottom two inches crosswise; reserve. Trim roots off bottom. Slice thinly lengthwise to 1/4 inch from root. Drop in ice water to curl.

To serve, heat:
1 can enchilada sauce

Pour into shallow serving dish. Loosen loaf by running knife around edge of pan. Invert a plate on top of loaf pan and flip upside down. If any sticks to the pan, scrape it out and replace neatly. Slide loaf onto sauce. Spoon a little sauce on top. Garnish by poking scallion curl into the top and strewing scallion slices and sprigs of cilantro and parsley about.

Slices better after standing for a few minutes.

Pink Pasta

A hit at the potluck last night. You could use fresh tomatoes. I know I will be making it again as I normally have all the ingredients on hand.

Adapted from Quick Vegetarian Pleasures by Jeanne Lemlin
Serves 4

1 lb whole grain fettucine
1 c dried shiitake slices
1/4 dry white wine
10 oz tofu
2 Tb olive oil
2 Tb margarine (can substitute oil)
1/2 tsp garlic granules or 4 minced cloves
1/2 tsp red pepper flakes or 3 dried red peppers, minced
28 - 32 oz canned diced or stewed tomatoes (reserve a little for garnish)
salt, dried thyme (optional)

   1. Put big pot of salted water on to boil.
   2. Soak dried shiitakes in enough warm water to cover until tender. Drain and press, reserving liquid. Remove stems.
   3. Meanwhile whiz tofu and wine in blender til very smooth, adding shiitake stock if needed.
   4. Melt oil and margarine in deep skillet on medium-high.
   5. Saute shiitakes, garlic, red pepper until pan starts to dry.
   6. Stir in tomatoes, then tofu. Add shiitake stock if too thick.
   7. Meanwhile cook fettucine al dente and drain well.
   8. Stir sauce and noodles together. Taste seasoning. Sprinkle with thyme. Garnish with reserved tomato.

If concerned about all the hot peppers, use 3 whole dried red peppers, slit each one lengthwise, taste sauce often and remove the peppers when desired heat is achieved.
What the Greeks do with fresh dandelion greens.

servings: 2
prep time: 5 min

1 lb dandelion greens, smaller leaf is better
fruity olive oil
lemon juice
salt, pepper, crushed garlic, fresh oregano

Wash greens thoroughly (trim off tough stems) and steam in the water that clings to them.
Season liberally & serve warm or at room temp as salad or side.

Kohlrabi & Carrots
(Jeremy and Jessica)

servings: 4
prep time: 25 min

1 medium kohlrabi, chopped into 3/4” cubes (about 2 cups)
4 large carrots, cut into chunks to match the size of the kohlrabi
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
1 tablespoon butter (optional)
salt and pepper

Cover the kohlrabi and carrots with lightly salted water and boil until quite tender (about 15-20 minutes). Drain. Lightly mash, leaving a lot of texture-don’t try to make them smooth like mashed potatoes. Add nutmeg and butter, salt and pepper. Serve.

Celery Soup

2 onions chopped
2 carrots chopped
3 T oil
1 lg head celery, coarsely chopped
2 potatoes scrubbed and diced
2 1/2 pints stock or water
1 t sea salt
(other herbs to taste)
1 t black peppercorns crushed or ground
1 T parsley fresh, chopped

Soften the onions and carrots in oil in heavy, covered pan. Stir in celery and steam-cook for 20-30 minutes over low heat. Add potatoes, cover with water, bring to boil and simmer 20 minutes. Season, and garnish with chopped parsley after pureeing in blender.

Really Tasty Cauliflower
Allow one small head per person.
Oil, margarine, salt, garlic, nutmeg
Cut cauliflower into bite-size florets and steam until tender (microwave?); drain.
Place in oiled shallow dish, sprinkle with chopped garlic, and bake at 350 - 400 until browned, about 25 minutes.
Puree in blender or processor with a little oil and margarine and season to taste.
You may wish you cooked twice as much.

Pumpkin Seeds
When preparing hard winter squashes, drop seeds and pulp into a bowl of water so they do not dry out.
You might as well put them in the fridge until there are enough to justify all this work. Later, swish them around and rub them between your palms to separate the seeds from the strings, gradually moving the cleaned seeds onto a towel. Spread them out and let them dry, rubbing with another towel to remove any remaining shreds of pulp.

The next day, when they are dry, spread them one deep in an oiled shallow pan, shaking them to coat with oil. Sprinkle with a pinch of cayenne. Bake in a preheated 400° oven on center rack until golden, turning every 5 minutes, about 15 minutes. Sprinkle with salt, and serve warm with wedges of lime.
Whipped Topping (Vegan)
In blender jar, put:
1 1/3 c. tofu (about half a brick - preferably soft, but NOT silken)
1/4 c raw cashews or walnuts
3 T oil
3 T sugar
2 t vanilla
1 t lemon juice
pinch salt
Blend until very smooth, scraping sides. If it will not become smooth, add a few drops oil. If it seems too wet, add a pinch of arrowroot. Refrigerate for at least four hours before serving. Will keep several days in fridge.


Mom’s Favorite No-Knead Bread
Pour 2 c boiling water over 1 c oats. Set aside to cool.
Measure 1/3 c warm water.
Sprinkle with 1 T yeast and a few drops of molasses or other sweetener. Set aside.
Stir into the oats:
5 c whole wheat flour
1 t salt
2 T oil
1/3 c molasses (or…)
When this mixture is cool enough (tepid) stir in the yeast mix.
Add another cup of flour or so until stirring is very difficult.
Cover and let rise until double.
Punch down and shape into loaves. Place in greased pans.
Let rise until almost double. Preheat oven to 325. Bake about 55 minutes.
Let pans cool about 10 minutes before removing bread.

Sopa de Frijole Negro
Quantities are just suggestions. A Cuban classic.
Pick over, rinse, soak:
Black beans (2 1/2 c)
Mince fine and saute in a little oil in soup pot::
onions (2 med)
celery (3 stalks)
carrots (optional)
garlic (4 cloves)
seeded hot peppers
Add drained beans with about 3 qt new water.
Simmer until beans tender. Mash about half the beans to thicken.
Before serving, add 1/2 c rum, salt to taste, a little lemon juice.
Serve on hot rice with lemon wedges plus chopped onion or scallion on top.

Mollie Katzen’s Ruby Chard
Rinse well, trim and dry on towels one or two bunches of chard.
With sharp knife, cut stems out of chard. Slice stems small.; set aside.
Chop leaves separately.
Chop a red onion.
Heat big pan very hot. Add a touch of oil.
Immediately add stems and onion. Toss and stir for one minute., until wilted.
Remove to a bowl. Reheat pan without washing..
Deglaze pan with balsamic vinegar until volume is halved. Add to stems.
Reheat pan without washing. Add chopped leaves. Toss less than a minute, until colors brighten.
Put on serving platter. Top with stems and onions.


Squash Pasta
2 large or 4 small winter squash
2 large cloves garlic
2 cups chopped onion
1 cup broth, milk or soy milk
green herbs (sage, thyme, oregano)
salt and pepper
olive oil
1 lb. pasta of your choice
parmesan cheese if desired

1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Cut the squash in half and scoop out the seeds. Place the squash face down on a baking sheet coated in olive oil. Bake until the flesh is very soft (30 minutes
to 1 hour).
2. Start a pot of water boiling to cook the pasta. Scoop out the squash flesh from the skins.
3. Saute the onions and garlic in olive oil until soft. Add the squash flesh and green herbs. Add liquid until the sauce is the desired consistency. If you want, you can put the sauce through a food processor or blender. Cook the pasta.
4. Drain the pasta. Add salt and pepper to taste to the sauce and mix it in with the pasta. Sprinkle parmesan on top if you’d like.

Added by Ann, based on Kevin’s recipe

Soy Sausage
Based on recipe by Dorothy Bates (aka “Mom”) in “The Farm Vegetarian Cookbook,” only she starts with soy pulp left over from making soy milk.

2 c TVP (granules)
2 c boiling water
2 c whole wheat flour (can use partly psyllium)
1 c wheat germ, optional
3/4 c oil, or a little less
1 1/4 c soy milk or veg stock
1 c nutritional yeast
1 1/2 t fennel seed (essential)
1 t freshly ground black pepper
1/4 c soy sauce or mild miso , or more
3 t dried oregano or 1/4 c chopped fresh
1/2 t cayenne or hot sauce or more
2 T sweet (brown sugar best)
2 T garlic powder or granules
2 T wet mustard
2 t allspice

Reconstitute TVP in boiling water and let stand while mixing other ingredients. It helps to grind the seeds in a mortar - can crush other spices too (sage and cumin were in my mix, for the smokiness, and rosemary). Should be salty and peppery. Mix all together with your hands until uniform. Shape into 2 long cylinders and wrap in foil. Steam on rack in wok for 1 1/2 hours or in pressure cooker for 30 minutes (use 5 cups water). Cool before you slice and fry. Can be frozen (slice first).
Zucchini Ripiene
From the Romagnolis Cookbook, with adjustments. Improves by being made the day before and reheated.
1/2 recipe Soy Sausage
1 large onion
olive oil
2-3 c chopped tomatoes (fresh and/or canned)
red wine (optional)
1 giant zucchini and one average to large zucchini
Salt, pepper, garlic, oregano, sweet herbs to taste
Make Tomato Onion Sauce in a very large deep skillet by slivering a large onion, sauteing in olive oil until tender, then adding tomatoes. Rinse the tomato can with about 4 ounces red wine. Simmer until reduced by about 1/4 or thickened a little. Meanwhile cut zucchini into uniform crosswise slices one to two inches thick, based on how big your baking dish is, so they will all fit with room for the sauce. Use a potato peeler to core them, removing seeds, making tubes. Pack cavity with soy sausage gently - it will swell. Add to simmering sauce and cook until tender, turning half way through. Add oregano and other seasonings a few minutes before it comes off the heat. Transfer the zucchini drums to a shallow baking dish and pour the sauce around them. Refrigerate overnight or longer, or freeze. Reheat 40 minutes at 325 or until sauce is concentrated. Sprinkle with a little more oregano when it comes out of the oven.
1 c sugar
1 c brown sugar, packed
2 c whole wheat flour, sifted
1 t salt
3 t baking powder
1 t baking soda
cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, allspice
1 1/2 to 2 c oil
1 t vanilla or 1/2 t orange extract
4 large carrots, trimmed, scrubbed and chunked (grate if no blender)
1 c crumbled tofu
1/2 c chopped nuts (optional)

Grease and flour a 13” x 9” pan or a bundt pan. Preheat oven to 325.
In blender or processor chop carrots in oil; add extract and tofu, and pulse until uniform.
Whisk dry ingredients in a large bowl; scrape in blender contents.
Mix well, then fold in nuts.
Bake at 325 degrees for about 50 to 60 minutes; cool before cutting. Cake is done when toothpick comes out clean.


Peel any loose skin from heads of fresh garlic. Crowd in small baking dish; top with a little margarine or oil and a sprig of fresh rosemary or oregano or 1/4 teaspoon dried. Seal tightly with lid or foil. Bake at 375 degrees 55-60 minutes; cool, slice off top, squeeze out cloves.
MICROWAVE METHOD: Put 4 heads garlic in glass dish with 3 T oil and 1/3 c veg broth, white wine or water. Cover very tightly and cook 6-8 minutes; cool, slice off top, squeeze out cloves.

About 1 pint

Add to blender container:
1 10.5 oz pkg tofu, drained, pressed, crumbled
juice of one-half lemon
1 T white wine vinegar or rice vinegar (cider in a pinch)
1 - 2 t sweetener (brown rice syrup, sugar, honey)
1 t salt
1 t wet mustard
3 - 4 T oil, optional if counting caloriess but makes it creamy

Blend until very smooth scraping sides as needed. Should not look grainy at all.
Keep in a screwtop jar - refrigerate - starts to separate after a few days, but just pour offf the liquid. If you like Miracle Whip add more sweet, for Hellmans use less.

Kathy Hill

Danny’s Mock Crab Cakes

If you don’t like them greasy, bake at 400 on greased cookie sheet, turning to brown both sides. On the Chesapeake, crab cakes are judged on how much filler there is compared to crabmeat - ratio should be no more than 1 to 4 if you can get them to hold together.
(Grated zucchini works in almost any crab recipe).

2 - 5 c grated zucchini (if time, salt lightly and weight in colander, then press out liquid)
1 1 - 2 c breadcrumbs
1 small onion, minced fine
salt, pepper, sage, garlic to taste, or use seasoned breadcrumbs
1 - 2 T vegan mayo
3 - 4 T psyllium or vegan egg substitute
2 - 3 T Old Bay Seasoning (no substitutions))
flour (rice or potato are best) mixed with more Old Bay for breading
oil and vegan margarine for frying

Grate zucchini, toss with other ingredients (mixing with hands works best). Pack each into a 1/3 c measure, squeeze out water, then shape firmly into flat patty. DDredge in flour with Old Bay. Fry in mixed fat until brown on both sides. Do in small batches. Keep warm in oven. Serve with more Old Bay for sprinkling.

Kathy Hill
4 servings

A great Mediterranean summer dish. Best the next day. Can be served hot, warm, room temp or cold. Nutritious and colorful. May be frozen. Goes great on polenta or any grain, or pasta, or with crusty bread. All quantities are suggestions - use what you have - and ingredients lend themselves to substitutions, so be creative. When done it should look like a Braque still life.

Heat deep skillet, wok or dutch oven.




Garnish with fresh herbs
Can add a squeeze of lemon or lime when serving.

Posted by Kathy Hill

*Great Gumbo recipe for using carrot/beet/turnip tops (Vegan)*


-Shannon Walter