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Key Excerpts of Draft Bylaws

Adoption of Bylaws.

Adoption of these bylaws as the bylaws of the corporation shall require:

a. Approval by two-thirds of the Initial Board of Directors prior to the First Annual Meeting of the Membership; and

b. Ratification by two-thirds of the Initial Members present and voting
at the first Annual Meeting of the Membership.

Purpose of Beverly Vermont Community Land Trust
The corporation is organized under the California Nonprofit Public
Benefit Corporation Law for charitable purposes:
1) to provide opportunities for low- and moderate-income residents to secure housing that is decent and affordable and that is controlled by the residents on a long-term basis (as stated in greater detail in Article II of this corporation’s Articles of
Incorporation); and
2) to use land and natural resources so as to promote the long-term health and well-being of the community and of the environment.

The specific purposes of this corporation are:
1. To steward the land so as to create pedestrian-centered
neighborhoods with affordable housing, work and recreational spaces that are economically and socially sustainable, and that integrate urban living with nature;
2. To preserve and promote permanently affordable housing for
low-to-moderate income households and to prevent community deterioration by providing affordable housing to long-term neighborhood residents;
3. To combat community deterioration in economically disadvantaged
neighborhoods of the City of Los Angeles by developing, rehabilitating
and maintaining decent housing and commercial spaces in these neighborhoods; by promoting environmentally sensitive economic opportunities for residents; by making land available for projects and activities that improve the quality of life and by helping residents improve the safety and well being of their community; and
4. To conserve and regenerate the environment by creating
environmentally sustainable residential and commercial structures and by providing education designed to give residents a stake in the community’s cultures,functions and governance.

Board Composition
There shall be three categories of Directors, each comprising one-third
of the total Board. The three categories shall be “Lessee Representatives” representing Lessee Members, “General Representatives” representing General Members, and “Public Representatives” representing the interests of the
general public.

Board Elections
Directors shall be elected by the Regular Members present and voting at
the Annual Meeting of the Membership, a quorum being assembled, in
accordance with the following procedures:

Positions on the Board of Directors shall be filled by those candidates receiving the largest numbers of votes in the category, though such numbers may constitute less than a majority of the total votes cast in the category.

a. Separate Voting by Category. A separate vote shall be taken first for Lessee Representatives, second for General Representatives and third for Public Representatives in that order. If a person has been nominated in more than one category and is then elected in one category, his or her name shall be removed from the list of nominees in the remaining category(s).

b. Election of Lessee Representatives. Only Lessee Members may vote to elect Lessee Representatives unless no Lessee Members are present at the Annual Membership Meeting. If no Lessee Members are present, then General Members may vote to elect Lessee Representatives. Each member qualified to
vote for Lessee Representatives may vote for as many nominees in this
category as there are Lessee Representative seats to be filled.

c. Election of General Representatives. Only General Members may vote to elect General Representatives unless no General Members are present at the Annual Meeting of the Membership. If no General Members are present,then Lessee Members may vote to elect General Representatives. Each member qualified to vote for General Representatives may vote for as many nominees in this category as there are General Representative seats to be filled.

d. Election of Public Representatives. All Regular Members may vote to elect Public Representatives. Each Regular Member may vote for as many Public Representative nominees as there are Public Representative seats to be filled.

Rights of Regular Members

a. Every Regular Member shall have the right to participate in
membership meetings, to cast one vote on all matters properly put before the membership, to nominate and participate in the election of the Board of Directors as provided by these bylaws, to serve on the Board of Directors or on committees if chosen, and to receive notices and minutes of membership meetings and Annual Reports of the corporation.

b. The assent of the Regular Membership, in accordance with these
bylaws, shall be required before action may be taken on the assessment of membership dues, the sale of land, the establishment or alteration of the Resale Formula, the amendment of the Articles of Incorporation or these bylaws,or the dissolution of the corporation.

(Requirements of Lesee to become a BVCLT Lesee Member)
i.Attendance at one of the orientation meetings that shall be scheduled
from time to time by the Board of Directors for the purpose of introducing prospective members to the purposes and methods of the corporation.

ii.Participation in a minimum of 10 hours of service to the corporation
or 10 hours of training as defined by the Board of Directors and these
Board mandated training may include, but is not limited to, consensus
training, mediation and/or nonviolent-communications training, and
reading/understanding financial reports.

iii.Submission of a membership application including a signed statement
of support for the purposes of the corporation in a form to be determined by the Board of Directors.

(Requirements of Neighbors to become BVCLT General Members)
i. Attendance at one of the orientation meetings that shall be scheduled from time to time by the Board of Directors for the purpose of introducing prospective members to the purposes and methods of the corporation.

ii. Submission of a membership application including a signed statement of support for the purposes of the corporation in a form to be determined by the Board of Directors.

iii. Payment of dues as established by the membership for the current
calendar year.

iv. Participation in a minimum of 10 hours of service to the corporation or 10 hours of training as defined by the Board of Directors and these bylaws. Board mandated training may include, but is not limited to, consensus training, mediation and/or nonviolent-communications training, and reading/understanding financial reports