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Food Coop 9-13-09

Food Lobby Meeting September 13, 2009

Present: Jonny, Lindsey, Jocelyn, Cat, Lara, Ann, Michelle, Michael K.


Need a workshift coordinator – will keep track of who is showing up or not showing up for their workshifts. Lindsey will take this on.

We will now have 3 people for each bulk room shift. They can decide amongst themselves how to organize the time.

Sarah, Jonny and Jocelyn met to talk about how to divide up the work that is being done informally by folks who put a lot of time into the coop.

Big categories:
1) Communication (forms, newsletters, gmail notices).
2) Ordering/inventory (money database entry, farm order, money envelope to Jaime, order follow-up).
3) Membership
- accountability – Lindsey
- orientation – Leslie
- outreach coordinator (someone Spanish/English bilingual)
- intake, new member coordinator - Ann
4) Bulk
- monthly bulk room inventory and order – Nichole?
- weekly non-Azure inventory and order
- Azure delivery coordinator – Jonny
- orienting new bulk room workers – Jocelyn
5) Book-keeping
- general book-keeping – Kathy
- inventory book-keeping
- double checking sales
- double checking cash from investments
6) Meeting coordinator

Lara will be doing the veggie ordering, she does not want a free veggie box. She requests carrot tops, lettuce, cucumbers, beets tops be contributed for the chickens

Currently, produce sorters are finished quickly. Can we have them do other tasks? They could help clean up the produce area and bulk room. Re-do the price list in the bulk room.

Bulk room workers should take inventory at the beginning and end of the bulk room shift.

Zev (Rebecca T.’s 10-year-old son) wants to work with someone in the bulkroom. We will send out an email to see if someone is down to work with him.

Money Collection
If LAEV community is okay, we will switch the money drop-off spot to the hallway near Lara’s office. More convenient and visible! Lara will put that on the Eco-village agenda for this Monday’s meeting.

Request for Sponsorship
Group that gives out food in MacArther? Park looking for a sponsor. Probably we can’t help out them out because we are not an official organization either. We will work on finding them a more appropriate sponsor.

Mission Statement Creation
Lindsey will invite people to contribute to the blog with suggestions for phraseology for our mission statement.

Lara volunteers to go to the Hollywood Farmers market to buy a case of apples from Haas. We can sell them as bulk items.

Michelle wants to do presentations to parents at Bresee on the food co-op.
Could have a liaison person (part of the responsibilities of the outreach coordinator?) to help out with integrating non-English speakers into the co-op.
Would be cool to have someone hanging out at the booth as a workshift to talk to people walking by and give out flyers.

Next Meeting

Sunday October 11th at 4pm
New Member Orientation at 3pm before the meeting