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Food Coop 8-30-07

Food Co-op Meeting 8/30/07

Present: Randy, Lara, Ann and Andrea

1. Concerns about farmers:
- Jaime farms: concerns about quality of produce
- Finely farms: reliability?
- need to be clear with our communication with farmers and with each other
- we could order a few items every week or every other week from Finley and pick it up from them at the food co-op
- concern about above: would need to have someone go each week, one more thing to worry about
- Finley farms requires a little more work in that Lara has to figure out what we’re going to order
- we can send in the order on Tuesday or Wednesday to give more time to figure out an order from Finley farms
- ordering this week: $220 from Finley (Jaime as back-up if they can’t do it)

2. Work-shift sign-ups:
- 15 people have signed up for cells
- Andrea will put remaining people in cells
- Dave and Ron: phone calls!

3. Azure Standard: bulk buy
- we’ll wait until October to place another order

Next food co-op meeting will be Wednesday, September 19th at 8pm at the LA Ecovillage.