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Food Coop 7-13-08

Food Coop Meeting Minutes, July 13, 2008

The items on the agenda were as follows:

1. Creating a General Coordinator position
2. Report on Space
3. Membership Party
4. Report on New Farms
5. South Central Farm Visit / Work Swap

Intermittently present at the meeting were Ron, Randy, Patrick, Lara, Louis, Jonny and Lindsey.

1. The first order of business was a discussion of the creation of a General Coordinator position. It was generally agreed that it would be a good idea to create this position and to have Ron be our General Coordinator. It was understood that Ben Guzman would serve as our Workshift Coordinator. This was formally adopted by those present.

2. Jonny reported on his discussions with the Thai Community Development Council on potential space. This lead to a more general discussion on the growth of the co-op. We thought that our goal for growth should be to reach a $500/week order level, before we started to seriously consider finding space. Generally, the consensus was that we should continue to grow the co-op by reaching out to the immediate community (LAEV and neighbors) and our current members. Louis said that she would be happy to co-ordinate with someone from the co-op for outreach to LAEV. So, we need someone from the co-op to volunteer for that. We also discussed growing the bulk order. It was suggested that a flyer be created to go in to the boxes which would describe bulk order items to facilitate the bulk order purchase. Randy and Lara said that they would explore how to incorporate the bulk order with the veggie purchase with Tiago and Kathy.

3. It was noted that Anne Finklestein had expressed an interest in organizing a membership party.

4. There was no report on new farms, per se. A general discussion followed on Hymay and the ordering process.

5. It was noted that if we were interested, someone would need to contact South Central Farm to co-ordinate a visit / work swap. The contact there is Tezo.